Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 164


[Gluttonous Fang: Lv1]: As a Vampire, your fangs are powerful assets to your fighting methods, and they’re capable of piercing through the flesh of your enemies with great strength. You can naturally drain blood with these fangs.

[Blood Curse Infection: Lv1]: As a Vampire, you can create new minions by infecting them with your Blood Curse through bite or ingestion of your own blood. The level of the Skill enhances the strength of your minions when they’re first converted.

[Vampire Authority: Lv1]: You have a natural authority over lesser Vampiric beings and even Undead.

[Spear Master: Lv1]: Your ability and technique while using the Spear is masterful, enhancing Speed and Damage dealt while using a Spear Weapon by +10% with each level.

[Blood Empress: Lv1]: Your ability to control blood is superb. It enhances your technique with the blood you can manipulate, alongside their damage dealt through special offensive techniques by +10% with each level.

I see now, after inspecting all her new Skills, I’ve discovered that most of them are new from her Evolution. After all, becoming a Vampire is something pretty amazing.

She gained deadly fangs that could pierce through any sort of defense and bite her enemy’s neck. She gained the ability to infect others with the blood curse and turn them into vampires, and she gained the power to have authority over these and other lesser vampiric beings and even undead…

Lastly, there is an enhancement to damage and mastery over using the spear and also blood, which is pretty amazing if I say so myself. Partner has really grown into a strong girl herself. I am so proud of her.

She sat down at my side while smiling radiantly, and then I decided to make the carriages stop so we could take the morning to make breakfast. It was around 7 AM, and the sun was slowly rising from the horizon.


However, when we walked outside the carriage, the sunlight hit Partner directly, and she began to cry in pain.

I noticed that her skin began to burn… it was burning! And it looked painful!

I quickly covered her with my shadows and realized what had just happened…

“Partner, you shouldn’t have evolved into a Vampire! *Sigh*… Now you got their weakness to sunlight, and probably to holy light, fire, and… what else? Silver and garlic!” I said, protecting her from the light.

“Eeeh?! I didn’t know there were such weaknesses… I was the same before evolving….” She sighed while her skin quickly recovered back.

Her self-regeneration was amazing now.

“Y-Yeah, I also didn’t expect it. It seems that Dhampirs are immune to these weaknesses, but Lesser Vampires are no exception,” I sighed.

“W-What do I do now?” She asked.

“Well, you can still come out at night, right? Although unlike those other Vampire guys with fire and sunlight resistance, you cannot freely walk at day,” I said.

“Ugh, what a pain… I want to have breakfast with friends….” She sighed.

“Hmm, maybe if I cover you with my phantom… Let’s see….” I said.

I spread my phantom out of my body and covered her with it. Also, it was transparent, so it was barely visible, maybe like a tiny mist.

I exposed her to the sunlight once more.

“I-It still burns… But it is fine,” She said.

The sunlight was still burning her, and her stats weakened, but the pain was less severe, and my phantom had a cold effect to it that cooled down the sunlight’s fiery embrace.

In the end, it felt like it was itching all over her exposed skin, but it wasn’t so bad now.

“I want to be like Silvio and Francesco. They had sunlight resistance! If I can bear with the pain, I am sure I’ll be able to get it eventually,” Said Partner.

“Partner, you’re so brave… Alright then,” I said while nodding.

“Ugh… Though I feel weakened, as if I was sick or something.” sighed Partner.

The cause of all of this was the vampire skill…

[Vampire: Lv–]

A Skill that signifies you as a Vampire. You possess all the great qualities of a Vampire, like incredible self-regeneration, the power to control blood and darkness, the ability to spread your blood curse, and great supernatural strength, amongst other powers that can be developed as the user grow stronger.

However, these powers come not without a price, as you suffer the weaknesses that torment all Vampires. You’re incredibly weak to Fire, Holy Light, and Life Elements. Sunlight burns your skin and can even turn you into ashes if you’re not strong enough. Silver-based weapons can damage you severely and ignore your physical defense. While bathing in sunlight or touching silver, your stats are halved… amongst other weaknesses that might vary from vampire to vampire.

Weaknesses can be overcome, but the amount of pain and agony you must go through discourages even the most ancient and strongest of Vampires…

I see it is a long description, but I kind of get it now. This single Skill… it’s what makes her so strong, yet it gives her this weakness. The Dhampir Skill evolved into this when she evolved, after all.

I suppose we cannot do much other than this. Perhaps I could create some sort of skincare cream that could inhibit the power of sunlight on her skin, maybe if I use some materials from creatures that are very resistant to the element.

But for now, this phantom coat was enough. I decided to leave a small snake clone with her that would keep this up for now. Although the pain and skin burn won’t be there anymore, she’s still slowly grilling herself alive and regenerating back up, so her HP is going down and up constantly… but she’s stable and said she would bear it because she wants to gain resistances that way.

Silvio, Francesco, and Catarina all had Sunlight Resistance as a Skill, so it exists, and Vampires can learn it… although the way they acquired it was by carbonizing themselves in a fire that almost killed them and then getting recovered after being converted into Vampires… so I don’t know if we can replicate that… haha…


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