Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 273: The locals

Chapter 273: The locals

Breta's voice carried a sense of urgency, "I sense the aura of mortals up ahead."

"Indeed," I replied, "let's proceed with caution and see what we can find."

With a determined nod from Sidus and Breta, we soared over the remnants of the large battlefield, the once-lush lands now barren and lifeless. The twisted, gnarled trees, remnants of the past battles, loomed over us, casting ominous shadows that glinted in black and red hues.

As we approached the ragtag army of humans and beasts, their downcast faces and drooping shoulders betrayed their spirits. The battlefield had taken a toll on them.

However, before we could make our presence known, a large grey bird, one of the beasts, noticed us and let out a piercing cry, signaling the army. They instinctively assumed battle positions, swords drawn, and spells at the ready.

"How do you want us to approach, brother?" asked Sidus.

"Let us land first. The mortals are not our enemies here; it is the Shades we must be wary of," I replied, to which Breta silently nodded by my side.

We gently descended onto the ground, our wings folding behind us. As we approached the group of humans and beasts, they tightened their grip on their weapons and shields, wary of our presence.

"We come in peace," I announced, raising my hands in a gesture of goodwill. "We are here to help you in your battle against the Shades."

A stir passed through the army as the humans began to converse in hushed tones. I could sense their shock as soon as they heard me speak. It seems like they have not expected me to be able to do so. Not to mention, how frightening our massive sizes must look like to them.

The humans and beasts continued to exchange worried glances and refused to lower their weapons. One of them, a tall human with piercing blue eyes, who looked like he might have been their leader, stepped forward and spoke, "Forgive our wariness, but we have encountered many enemies in these lands. Who are you- no, what are you?"

The army fell silent as the man's question hung in the air. I landed on the ground, my massive wings creating a gust of wind that stirred up the dust and sand beneath us. Breta and Sidus followed suit, and we approached the humans and beasts slowly.

"We are dragons," I said, my voice deep and resonant. "And she is a goddess. We have come to aid you in your battle against the Shades."

As my voice boomed through the air, the small army nervously clenched their weapons tighter, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The blue-eyed man stepped forward again, his voice cracking as he spoke hesitantly, "We appreciate your offer of help, but forgive us for being skeptical. The Dragons we know of are wingless, and extinct, and the gods have long since fallen."

A deep scowl etched its way onto my face, and the army instinctively took a few steps back, the beasts whimpering and the humans struggling to maintain their balance. It was evident that the previous battle had taken a significant toll on them, and they were on the brink of breaking.

Not to mention, the mortals here appeared to be unfamiliar with dragons. Perhaps they had encountered a different type of dragon - the wingless variety was not uncommon. However, it was clear that they had never encountered a dragon of my kind before.

Before I could say anything, Breta stepped forward. Her feet hovered above the ground, and her body began to shine with a gentle golden light as a soothing aura seeped from her. She grew larger in size, albeit not by much, a few heads taller than the average human before she spoke. Her voice carried a calming effect, "Brave warriors. We come to you with words of hope and comfort."

"You, valiant warriors, who have just returned from the battlefield. Your hearts are heavy, your souls are weary, and your spirits are broken. I can feel your pain and sorrow, and I understand your fears and doubts. But I am here to tell you that you are not alone in this fight."

"The heavens have heard your prayers, and reinforcements have arrived. We have not forsaken you. You have shed blood for your lands, and you have sacrificed much for your people. But now, It's different. The time has come for you to rise again. The time has come for you to reclaim what was taken from you, to push back the invaders that threaten your homes and families, and your world!"

"You are the living embodiment of the spirit of resistance, and the defiance of oppression. So stand tall, my warriors, and let our light guide you. Let the winds of change carry you to victory, and let the flames of justice burn bright in your hearts!"

As Breta spoke, the air around us seemed to shimmer, and a gentle breeze picked up, carrying her words to the ears of every human and beast present. The blue-eyed man's eyes widened, and the tension in the air dissipated. The weapons that were held at the ready rose to the sky, and the soldiers released loud battle cries. Some had tears streaming down their faces as they cried out in relief and gratitude. Others had newfound determination on theirs.

The aura of Breta's magic calmed them, and her words lifted their spirits. They now looked upon us with newfound trust and respect, ready to follow us into battle, and die for the cause.

"What the" I muttered as I glanced at the goddess.

She turned towards me, her eyes sparkling with amusement, as she spoke in a voice that seemed to carry a hint of a melody, "Do not forget, that I am still the daughter of the God of Peace."

Sidus muttered by my side, "They appear almost as if they have been brainwashed."

Breta raised her head, an spoke. "No, they have not been brainwashed. I merely helped them find their courage and awakened their fighting spirit. A gift bestowed upon me by my father," she said, her voice carrying a hint of pride. "Albeit one I seldom use."

"I'm sure you don't," I jokingly replied.

Ignoring my reply, Breta continued, "Let us not waste time." She turned toward the army and spoke, "Lead us to your stronghold, where we can discuss the next course of action."

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