Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 142: Caught in Action


'This esteemed guest of ours seemed like a person with hidd abilities. This information would be worth to report back to the owner and since he told me that I should deliver his message to the owner for further negotiation about this matter th, this would be great.'

The staff thought as he smiled how he used to do wh dealing with promint guests within their establishmt; "Don't worry. Your message will be reported back to the owner. Oh, by the way, if you happ to come back next time here, feel free to call any of us here. The one who assist you in this room is named Fran and my name CRIS."

After everything had be settled, the staff Cris left the VIP room to do his part and both Arico and Eclipse could only watch the staff named Cris left their room and th Arico wt over to secure the door's lock since both of them have some unfinished business.

Now, it's only the two of them left in the room, the Slayer Agt looked at his companion and said; "Eclipse, he's here. Not only that, but our dear clit is with that rumored young master from Evell household at VIP room #."

Wh he said that, the world-hopper could only raise an eyebrow as he looked at his companion's deadpan expression and Eclipse shook off his head as he speak; "Th, it would be hard for us to approach him that recklessly since he had a companion with him."

'How are we supposed to get close to the clit, th?'

Eclipse frowns as he thought of any idea on how they were going to approach their clit without involving the said young master with him.

However, it seems like he doesn't have any idea on how to properly approach this one because it would be alright if their clit was all alone but since there is another person with him and on top of that, a seemingly notorious young master from the rumors a.

"Now, what? From my observation alone earlier, it seems like after the sudd reveal of the idtity of the young master earlier, they might have tried to leave this place and who knows where they are going."

Eclipse frowned at his companion's statemt; "This is an auction evt and from the information provided, Gilbert Herrer would bid an item in this auction, but we don't have any information about what kind of item he's planning to bid."

Arico held his chin to analyze that information that they had and said; "What if…. In that information, they just stated that he needs to bid something from here but in reality, it's just a plain cover up and his real motive is something else?"

After he said that, the world-hopper looked back at him as he raised an eyebrow; "What makes you conclude on that particular hypothesis of yours?"

Arico; "Well, right now, he is with that young master from the VIP #, and it seems like both of them having some kind of serious discussion based on how I saw through them with my ssory ability."

"If that were the case th, it's best if we follow them secretly. Tell me immediately of they planned to depart from this place."

After that, the world-hopper wt back to watch the auction evt continued to its third item released and he wasn't that interested that much and only watch the evt like a spectator on the sidelines since he didn't want to get into another misplaced bid like what happed earlier.

'The rumored First Young Master from the Evell household and Gilbert Herrer. What could these two are planning together?'

Eclipse wasn't that familiar about the First Young Master, and he only rectly knew about him because of the gossips earlier wh the MC suddly revealed his idtity within the crowd, and he is the one person who bid against him in the auction earlier for the second item.

However, thanks to his recklessness, the sword was giv to Eclipse as a compsation because of what happed, but the world-hopper felt bad for just taking this sword for free and that's why he delivered his message to Cris, one of the staff who delivered the sword to him earlier that if the owner wants to negotiate with him, just contact him.

"It seems like the two of them are still in some sort of heated discussion the way I perceive it through my ability."

The world-hopper snapped from his thoughts and diverted his atttion away from the evt and th looked at his companion with a raised eyebrow.

"So, there is something about them huh. I wonder what the First Young Master need for someone as Gilbert Herrer could have, who is a well-known merchant but since this territory is the land of business anyway and I bet that they have some dealings that others shouldn't have known."

Arico just shrugged off his shoulder as he continued to watch over the opposite side and to watch for their movemts; "It seems like that young master just bid earlier out of a whim since he wasn't that conctrated to the evt as he keeps on discussing something with Gilbert Herrer."

Eclipse just hummed as he speak; "Just keep on watching over them since the evt right now just come back to normal, or that it seems though."

Although the world-hopper already acquired two auction items from earlier, but his intuition never fails him and he didn't want to leave this place yet until the evt is finished but if they missed Gilbert Herrer th, he didn't know where to find him again.

"Arico, it would be better if we move separately for now since you're not that interested in this kind of evt th."

After he said that, the Slayer Agt didn't move away from the direction he is observing but he spoke; "I thought both of us will leave this place if those people started to move as well. Is there something that you need to do here?"

Eclipse sighed and he didn't know where to start talking.

There are a lot of things that came through his mind and Eclipse hav't informed Arico about the sudd system connection that he felt earlier the momt he held that sword from the second auction item that was delivered to him by the staff named Cris.

'It will be better for him to know at least this much.'

With that thought, he said; "Earlier, the momt I held the sword that was delivered to me, the system command cter initiated a sudd reconnection."

That makes the Slayer Agt almost stumble on his feet if he didn't hold himself up as he immediately diverted his atttion away from their target and looked at Eclipse with wide eyes.

"WHAT?! The system command cter suddly initiated a reconnection?! H-how come?!"

It's be three years since their system interfaces shut down for some unknown reasons that they couldn't think about and they have be stranded on this worldline for that long but ev though their system interfaces shut down, some of the featured abilities that they had as a world-hopper and an agt still intact with them.

However, ev if that was the case th, without the connection back at the Main House System, both of them would still be stranded in this worldline for as long as they could remember.

They don't have the ability to world-hopped back at the Main House System on their own and without their system interfaces that act as a guide and their transport, they would be stranded in this worldline forever.

"I don't know if that was just a mere coincidce or what but for now, I'll stay in this establishmt and you followed those people, especially Gilbert Herrer. It will be better if you think of a way for that young master wouldn't be involved in this mess since I don't want another headache to think about it."

With that being said, as much as Arico wanted to pry on what Eclipse said about this sudd reconnection with the system, but for now, he set aside for that now and th focused on what's in front of him as he wt back to observe those people once more.

"Ah! They're on the move!"

Eclipse said; "Th, go for now! Remember what I told you. Only Gilbert Herrer that you should be tak for and make sure that the young master didn't know about this. Understand?"

Arico just nodded and without further ado, the Slayer Agt left the room immediately to follow them in secrecy and the world-hopper make sure that the door is locked, and no one would dare to suddly barged inside in this room since right now, he's all alone.

It's not like he's weak or something but since from the very beginning, the world-hopper felt a sudd presce that lurks within the shadows wh they were being assisted by Fran into this room but those presce still lingers a and Eclipse could tell that those unknown people are hiding within the crowd, disguising themselves as one of the attdees of this evt.

Momts had passed, the world-hopper sighed as he spoke to finally break the silce; "Why don't you come out from where you're hiding from? I could tell that you don't have any malicious intt towards me, however, don't think I would let my guard down just because of that."


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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