Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 12: Royal Banquet




"Hey, haven't you guys heard?"

"No need to mention it, since it's all over the Empire about that matter."

"Who would have thought that it will become like that?"

"Well, you can't blame her like that though since… you know."

"Ah, I… um…. I could understand as well."

Rumors of a scandalous affair circulating within the walls of Marquis Chevalier household reached all the nobles who were invited to the royal banquet.

Of course, these nobles who love to gossip around just speculated, or most of them, exaggerated the story that it became an entertainment for them.

It's not a secret that most high-ranking nobles had secret paramours behind their spouses back and forth, and it became a norm for most of them.

As long as both parties made an agreement of not having accidental children with their paramours, since preserving their noble bloodline powers is much of a great importance to them.

However, that still depends though.

It surprised them that such a scandalous affair could happen, especially to a noble household like the Chevaliers, who were known as the household of the protectors..

Others had different opinions regarding the household of the protectors. The Chevaliers, although appearing to be only a Marquis noble title, were already acknowledged as a Grand Duke household within the noble society.

They had been in charge of the military and defense of the Empire since the beginning of the establishment of the Stellarus Empire..

Long story short, the Chevaliers are not just a household of war heroes, but they were the SWORD and SHIELD of the Empire.

That's why most nobles within the royal banquet couldn't help but to question if the scandal about their household affairs are true or not.

If there were factions who had positive opinions about them, there are also those who were opposed to them.

"About the third young master of Chevalier household? They said that he had such a bad-tempered child and had an ill-mannered personality and it became worst ever since his biological mother, the late Lady Aryna Asterrix, died."

"His mother is just a commoner, why addressing her as Lady though?"

"Don't you know about the story where Marquis Augustus made a search order for her and to find her at any cause? It took almost eight years to find Lady Aryna and with her, a child that was almost similar to his mother that often to be mistaken as a girl or the mini version of her."

"If the third young master was born as a woman, I won't be surprised if suitors would suddenly flock around him like a bunch of bees for its nectar."

"Since his appearance is almost similar to his biological mother, maybe that's the reason why the Marchioness…"

"... What about our mother?"

The nobles who were busy gossiping around sense an overwhelming pressure coming from the person who spoke and all of them looked at the entrance of the banquet hall and there, they saw the three promising children from the Marquis Chevalier household who stood there, and the one who spoke earlier is none other than the heir apparent to the Marquis noble title, First Young Master Altron Zerux Chevalier.

The first one to enter the inner halls of the banquet is the First Young Master Altron, followed by his other two siblings, Second Young Master Harrison Wynfred Chevalier and the only woman amongst the siblings, Eldest Young Lady Felicity Thoria Chevalier.

'This is not time for us to be invited to a place like this since there are more important matters that need to be addressed than to mingle with these greedy noble bastards!'

Altron thought as he entered the inner hall of the banquet first, followed by his other two siblings behind him as they walked over with a dignified posture, and they just ignored those whispers that surround them.

Harrison;'Tsk! Why are we here by the way? Oh, right! This is a royal banquet, and it's mandatory to attend since the who hosted this event are none other than the Crown Prince.

Ha! No fun at all.'


'Tsk! Why are we here by the way? Oh, right! This is a royal banquet, and it's mandatory to attend since the who hosted this event are none other than the Crown Prince.

Ha! No fun at all.'

The ever usual carefree second young master of Marquis Chevalier, Harrison wasn't in the mood to mingle with those nobles and make fake pleasantries with the people around him as he only followed his elder brother's footsteps, and he didn't even make fun jokes with his little sister like he usually do.

Felicity;'I can tell what the Crown Prince is thinking and as if the Marquis Chevalier household would heed on his command just because of this trivial matter! Ha! Does that pompous prince think our household was a pushover?!'


'I can tell what the Crown Prince is thinking and as if the Marquis Chevalier household would heed on his command just because of this trivial matter! Ha! Does that pompous prince think our household was a pushover?!'

The elegant lady and the symbol of today's generation of aristocratic young ladies within the social world, Felicity holds a vast influence amongst her fellow peers that makes her to be a figurehead amongst her fellow young ladies.

While the three siblings had their own different thoughts, they couldn't forget the incident that happened a few days ago….





"Father, why don't we all go and see Mother and little three?"

For some unknown reason, Altron suddenly felt anxious inside, but he remained calm and collected in front of his father and siblings for them not to be worried as well.

'I know he won't hurt mother physically even if he had a grudge against her and for what I know about little three is he still respects mother as the Marchioness of this household. It's just that… there is something that makes me so anxious suddenly.'

However, the ever usual carefree second young master Harrison noticed his elder brother's trembling hands that he intended to hide behind his sleeves and as someone who was perceptive in his surroundings, he speaks.

Harrison; "A bit odd for non-blood relatives to seek themselves in the middle of the night sky, am I right? Big Brother? ~~~"

The first young master stiffened because of what Harrison stated. It's a teasing tone, but his words had underlying meaning and that makes him even more anxious because it finally clicks on what he was worried about.

'Sh*t! That's it! No wonder I felt anxious!'

His second little brother usually loves to goof around and enjoys entertainment, but when it comes to the matters of their household or the safety of their Empire, Altron can count on him.

Felicity, on the other hand, snapped as she thought about her second brother's words; "H-hey! We should go and take a look at them! Father! Eldest Brother!

Second Brother!"

Altron and Felicity stoop up first, followed by Harrison who had a lazy but firm composure, unlike his usual carefree personality. The three siblings were about to leave the Headmaster's office, but they notice that their father wasn't getting up from his seat.

Altron; "Father? Aren't you going with us?"

Marquis Augustus didn't speak for a while and when the first young master was about to ask his father once again, the door of the headmaster's office slammed open and an exhaust servant who wore a butler suit was present.

"M-marquis…! H-ha! P-please… t-the… t-third… y-young… m-master.... w-was—"

With that, the Marquis took an action and immediately left the office, leaving the three children behind but had recovered quickly from their daze and came after.

After an hour, when the three siblings arrived at their youngest brother's quarters, they heard a loud roar filled with anger. It was their father, the Marquis, who was shouting.


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