Rebirth of MC

Chapter 190

In addition to robbing a Tianyin Immortal Palace guarded treasure, Huo Zaiyuan also robbed a big pile of Peach Blossom Pastries, broke off all the courtyards Peach Blossom petals and then happily left. The angry Fan Yin threw out his graceful image and pointing at those two people he swore:Get lost!! The farthest!, the better! Dont ever come back here in Tianyin Immortal Palace!

So, in this way the two were temporarily classified as a rejected family by Tianyin Immortal Palace. Obviously the heartless Evil Dragon absolutely didnt care about those matters, anyway, the troubling thing was {1 } he just had to pull Fan Yin into the water.

{1 the missing part which I dont understand how to translate it, like: position of dragging?}

Two people sitting on a Spiritual Sound Bird returned to the city, they entered again in the inn with pipa carvings where they previously stayed, but this time Long Zhanye didnt fish out a Spirit Spar, instead he directly pulled out a fully embed multi colored gem, a golden Order Token! The woman in service just took one look and became astonished, she respectfully led them in the most honored guest room.

It isnt that room anymore, its very fragrant here, it also looks nice holding Long Zhanyes hand, Huo Zaiyuans big eyes stared at the fine gauzes fluttering in the middle of the room.

Of course, that one of before was an ordinary room, the current one is Pipa Pavilions honored guest room. Come and take a look!, later on when you see those shops with pipa, long guqin and bamboo flute at the doors, you can all enter, and then let them see this token

Long Zhanye used a cord of his clothes to tie the Order Token, he then hung it on the little ones neck, and hid it under his (Huo Zaiyuan) clothes: This must be covered

En en Huo Zaiyuan nodded and facing his cute face to look at Long Zhanye: Zhanye, where did you get this? he clearly remembered that before they didnt have any shiny and pretty token.

this was a present given by Fan Yin Long Zhanye was stopped by the little ones question, he slightly smiled, his gaze was directed elsewhere it was very obvious that this Order Token was picked up on the sly {to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain}, the word give certainly differed .

hearing that it was given by Fan Yin, Huo Zaiyuan patted the Order Token under the clothes, perfectly satisfied.

Long Zhanye looked at the little child, hugged him and walked towards the soft and comfortable big bed, and then put him on the bed: Huo Zaiyuan, I have something to tell you, even though you are young, but you should carefully use your little brain to remember

From the moment they got to know each other, Huo Zaiyuans impression of Long Zhanye was that he {Long Zhanye} has always been tender towards himself, and so at the present, his expression was serious, his heart couldnt help but be moved. Opening his big eyes, he softly nodded.

Two months later, it will be Taoist Sects selecting the disciples day. In those two months, little Yuan cant play, every day you have to practice with me, all right?

What is practice? his {Huo Zaiyuan} eyebrows slightly wrinkled, because he didnt understand.

Little Yuan said that you wanted to fly to Tianyin Immortal Palace, practicing is enough for little Yuan to fly like that Spiritual Sound Bird Long Zhanye explained him by using words he {Huo Zaiyuan} could understand. According to him {Long Zhanye}, the little one was interested towards certain things, so he would work with devotion, strength that even ten cows couldnt be dragged, even though he returned to childhood, this kind of stubbornness permeated his blood and absolutely couldnt be changed.

Haowa!, haowa (hurray!)! I want to practice, and grow the same wings of that Spiritual Sound Bird, and then fly! his eyes brightened, patting his palms energetically.

Looking at his innocent appearance, Long Zhanye felt that in his heart there was some kind of an urge to use a V8 {eh?} to shoot coming down, after he has waited for Huo Zaiyuan to recover his memory, go into exile/scatter once again But its a pity that the cultivation boundary didnt have this high-tech product.

, when practicing cant play

I wont, I wont! I want to practice!, Zhanye teach me how to practice!, Teach me! climbing onto Long Zhanyes lap, he extended his hands to hug those broad shoulders, and his soft mouth kissed him a few times on his handsome face.

Enjoying that the little child threw himself in his arms and the kisses, Long Zhanye held his {Huo Zaiyuan}smooth waistline and fiercely turned over, pressing that little body under him {_}, in his black pupils flashed a glint: Besides you, who else would I teach? But before teaching you, I should first receive a little bit of tuition fee

Finished speaking, he lowered his head {(O;)}, his warm lips blocked up the soft, slightly cold small mouth {(((o(**)o)))}.

Huo Zaiyuan didnt know that those intimate things were done by lovers, he just felt that Long Zhanyes action of eating his small mouth was very bad, but the soft contact made him feel like he was eating fluffy Peach Blossom Pastries. He couldnt help but open his small mouth and bit on Long Zhanyes lip. A fishy sweet smell opened up between the two mouths, Long Zhanye stopped in pain. (Shouldnt this be called to bring trouble on oneself?)


Huo Zaiyuan was still very young, so couldnt understand the characters. Wishing him to understand the words on the Secret Book wasnt absolutely possible, thus Long Zhanye could only teach him one sentence per time, moreover he carefully guided him on his practice/cultivation, not knowing if the little child was really giftedly witty or if it was already deep in his soul from earlier on. Although at the beginning he {Huo Zaiyuan} was endlessly flurried, but he gradually became skilled. He merely used three days to be well versed in the first layer of the Immortal Sound Secret Book.

Long Zhanye readily took the opportunity to hug the little one just like a burst of fierce kisses {?}.

Although the introduction to cultivation of the Immortal Sound Secret Book was a Tianyin Immortal Palace disciples compulsory achievement study, but most of the disciples, if they wanted to complete this first layer of the Secret Book they needed at least a few months of time, even more. So, using three days to be well versed in the first layer Huo Zaiyuan was really a genius, how could it not make Long Zhanye feel moved. Huo Zaiyuan didnt know how awesome he was, but seeing Long Zhanye happy, he was also happy.

In the Immortal Sound Secret Book, Huo Zaiyuan had to cultivate till the fourth layer before letting little Lu pour the wood attribute into his body and build a wood attribute Spiritual roots/basis, so they could achieve the pass fake imitation for genuine effect. In those two months, at first Long Zhanye was quite worried that they couldnt arrive in time, but now this major event that busied his mind and heart was finally settled.

After completing the introduction to cultivation of the Immortal Sound Secret Book, the cultivators body would experience some subtle changes, which all the Tianyin Immortal Palace disciples would have: Spiritual Light. The little ones was similar to a firefly, very beautiful. As long as one gathered the mind, one could call it out. Naturally Huo Zaiyuan was very fond of calling out his cultivated Spiritual Light, from time to time he would call it out to show it to Long Zhanye. His happy appearance was like getting a priceless treasure.

Obviously the introduction of the Tianyin Immortal Palaces Rare Book was different from the introduction of the Taoist Sects Rare Book. The most important characteristic of the Immortal Sound Secret Book cultivation was rhythm, therefore the second layer that Huo Zaiyuan had to practice was precisely how to control the Spiritual Power when playing a musical instrument. He carefully selected an instrument among a pile of musical instruments, and his final choice was a long guqin.

In Long Zhanyes memory, in addition to loving practicing painting, collecting all sorts of writing brushes and practicing Taoism, Tianqi also had another hobby and that was playing the guqin. Except that at that time when they were getting along, he has never heard him but now He could finally listen. The little one was obviously very interested in the sounds production made by the long guqin. Playing day and night, there were several moments in which the noise reached the next door where guests were relaxing, they would charge to their room and curse loud and long at their door. Forced to, the inns shopkeeper didnt dare to be reckless, because those two people possessed the Palace Masters Order Token. In the end the two people were invited to go into a quiet and remote place of the inn.

No people no complains, the environment was quiet and secluded, it was certainly a great place to cultivate. At the beginning Huo Zaiyuan was unable to play a tune, he gradually controlled the Spiritual Power to play a simple melody and then quick and skillful melodies like elves/fairies dancing in the breeze. Often playing, all around the wind moved the cloud, leaves fluttered flowers spinning, in ten days he completed the first layer {wasnt it the second one?} of cultivation.

No matter if it was Tianqi or the past Huo Zaiyuan, every time he cultivated he would always dump Long Zhanye aside, not in the least concerned. Therefore the previous Long Zhanye hated that Secret Book for cultivation the most, but now, staring at the little ones serious appearance, he was actually loving it deeply.

Staying in the Pipa inn for two months, Huo Zaiyuan, under Long Zhanyes teaching, has successfully practiced till the fourth layer of the Immortal Sound Secret Book. Completely finishing the preparation for letting little Lu pour the wood attribute. However, when two people reentered the space, they were blinded by that glistening land in the space.

How did this happen!? this golden radiance, this rich Spiritual qi Long Zhanye didnt need to think and knew that this was the tunnels Spiritual Resin that he has taken in the space when he was in the Ferocious Beast Forest two months ago. But he was unable to make sense of why the entire space transformed.

The Spiritual Bamboo of the whole bamboo house, in comparison to before, thickened by twofolds, the Peach of Immortality Tree was even more tall and robust, the peaches were similar to soccer balls {}, glistening and translucent, and the Spiritual Grass seeds in the fields were full of vitality as if like several hundred years treasures.

I I dont know how it happened either. After masters Dragon Pearl has returned to the Illusion Land/Boundary, it released numerous Spiritual qi and then, the Spiritual qi fused with the Illusion Land, and it became like this little Lus face was innocent. At that time he must have been scared to make a big jump.

having heard what was said, Long Zhanye remained silent.

Master, but after the Spiritual Qi has blended with the soil, the lands quality has changed, this piece of land can grow Spiritual Grass, furthermore the Spiritual Grass growing speed is ten times faster

Ten times faster?

Yes, thats right After I have planted that Spiritual Grass that young master has previously excavated in the fields, in two months it already grew in a five hundred years Spiritual Grass

[The space wants to defy the sky!]

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