Rebirth of a Farming Wife

Chapter 354: 361: This Is Clearly

Chapter 354: Chapter 361: This Is Clearly
Indeed, it’s a small world for enemies. Su Wenyue seemed unaffected, but Sun Qianru glared at Su Wenyue fiercely, as if such a look could suppress him. She commanded the three behind her, “Aren’t you the great scholars of Chang’an City? Then show what you’re capable of. I don’t care by what means you do it, but you must win against them. Otherwise, we’ll lose face for generations.”

Sun Qianru was actually quite dissatisfied with the three so-called great scholars. In front of her, they put on airs, but if they were truly capable, why would they be at her father’s beck and call and show her no respect? Therefore, she was particularly impolite at the moment, treating the three great scholars no better than servants at home.

The ones accompanying Sun Qianru were the great scholars of Chang’an City. Although they had to support Mr. Sun and do their best to win the contest for some reasons, they had their pride. Reluctantly taking orders from a contemptuous and ignorant woman like Sun Qianru, their expressions were extremely sour. One of them even snorted coldly. Had it not been for some considerations, he would almost have stormed off.

Shangguan Wuyou watched Sun Qianru with a cold gaze. As a person of lofty pride, he understood the feelings of the three great scholars even better. Even though they were antagonists, it was intolerable to see the scholars commanded in such a manner by a woman, a sheer insult.

Sun Qianru, intimidated by Shangguan Wuyou’s frosty gaze, suppressed the urge to vent further. Especially under the warning look from below the stage and remembering her purpose for being there today, she dared not make another scene.

The three great scholars had joined the Lantern Riddle Contest against their will for certain reasons. Sun Qianru’s behavior only dampened their performance further. Defeated by Shangguan Wuyou, they bowed resignedly to him and left the arena.

Not only did Sun Qianru lose face in front of Su Wenyue, but she also couldn’t explain herself when she returned home. Watching the dejected great scholars, she couldn’t help but mock them coldly again, which nearly caused one of them to faint with anger.

The contest between the other two groups wasn’t over yet. Yiyang Prefecture’s Four Great Talents and the eccentric old man posed riddles to each other and solved them in turn. After many rounds, the Four Great Talents presented a tough riddle and finally defeated the old man. It came down to a showdown between Su Wenyue’s group and Yiyang Prefecture’s Four Great Talents, more precisely, between Shangguan Wuyou and the Four Great Talents.

“Master, it has come down to the end. If this subordinate is not mistaken, Shangguan Wuyou indeed poses the greatest obstacle for us this time,” the man in black expressed regretfully. Had there been an opportunity to distract Shangguan Wuyou earlier, it was now too late for any action. That would bring suspicion. Suspicions were manageable, but they feared the arena host might change his mind and refuse to award the Colorful exquisite lamp.

Yet Sikong Ling maintained his indifferent expression. His mood was not swayed by his subordinate’s words. He was set on obtaining the Colorful exquisite lamp, but there was more than one way to secure it.

“I said do your best, if… are the preparations complete?”

“Master, rest assured, all has been arranged. Those people have also joined in, and those sent by them have been outdone. As soon as the Colorful exquisite lamp appears, they will likely make their move.”

Although alone, Shangguan Wuyou fought equally with Yiyang Prefecture’s Four Great Talents. The battle was a see-saw, neither side yielding. The Four Great Talents used the same difficult riddle that stumped the eccentric old man against Shangguan Wuyou, who managed to guess it correctly.

The Four Great Talents, under strict orders to win the Lantern Riddle Contest, initially took pride in their learning. After a protracted struggle that went nowhere and Shangguan Wuyou’s increasingly difficult riddles, they found it quite a challenge to counter. They felt their wit coming to an end. If the contest went on, they feared they would lose confidence. The four exchanged glances, recalled the riddle given to them by that person, and decided to use it.

Given that person’s demand, one of the Four Great Talents approached the host to negotiate. They requested that this particular riddle be handwritten, kept secret from the public, and that afterwards, those who knew it should not reveal it.

The crowd below, curious about the riddle the Four Great Talents would propose, could only wonder as the arena host agreed. With no say in the matter, the host gave a response. Once Shangguan Wuyou and the four agreed, the Four Great Talents wrote the riddle on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

Seeing the riddle on the paper, Shangguan Wuyou’s previously composed and confident demeanor changed to one of difficulty. Clearly stumped, he furrowed his brows in thought. The host and the Four Great Talents patiently waited without urging him.

“Seems to be quite difficult,” Ye Xinxin commented, seeing Shangguan Wuyou like that. Not wanting to disturb his thoughts, she didn’t take the paper with the riddle from his hand but craned her neck to look. Han Yu and Su Wenyue also focused on the riddle on the paper.

Experts see the intricacies while laymen enjoy the show. To Ye Xinxin and Han Yu, the riddle on the paper felt like just a challenge, nothing more. Undoubtedly, it must be difficult if even Shangguan Wuyou couldn’t solve it. However, Su Wenyue was stunned when he saw the riddle—it was clearly…

“Young Master Wuyou, time is up. If you have figured out the answer, there’s no need to say it aloud; please write it on the paper,” the host, seeing that time was almost up and Shangguan Wuyou still deep in thought, had to remind him. There were time limits for answering after all.

The crowd below was abuzz, curious about the riddle and whether Shangguan Wuyou could solve it; various speculations abounded. Hearing the host’s question, they all quieted down, waiting for Shangguan Wuyou’s response.

Shangguan Wuyou, having his train of thought interrupted, showed no displeasure. With no clue in sight and racking his brains in vain, he was reminded of the saying, “There is always someone better,” acknowledging the Four Great Talents’ well-deserved reputation for presenting such a difficult riddle, although it was a bit strange they didn’t want it made public.

“I admit my talent and learning are insufficient; I’m willing to concede…”

Shangguan Wuyou was not too proud to admit defeat. Since he couldn’t figure out the answer, he was ready to concede graciously, but as he was about to continue, he paused upon seeing Su Wenyue’s actions. Han Yu and Ye Xinxin were also astonished to watch Su Wenyue step forward, take up the brush, and write two characters on the paper.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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