Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 216 The Prophecy: "Thy Blood Shall Bless The Earth And Thy Tender Touch Shall Birth A Curse That Shall Redden Rivers And Darken Heaven."

Commander Hardstone smiled. "You are onboard the Tesseract!"

"The what!?" Chiron raised a brow at him.

Commander Hardstone smiled and then he motioned for Chiron to follow after him.

Which Chiron did.

Left through a door and into a passage.

"Please be mindful of the steps!" Commander Hard stone warned in care of Chiron's state.

However it wasn't at all needed.

both of them climbed the stars and then through a particular opening.

The wind outside was cool and foggy.

The first thing he saw was a big Mast With sails and a War flag far off in his front.

"A ship!?" Chiron Subconsciuosly asked.

Commander Hardstone laughed, "Yes! its a ship but we are not on water."

Chiron followed after him to the edge. And just in time too for the rising of the sun.

As the sunlight cleared the fog, Chiron finally saw a sight he had never seen before.

this was indeed a ship, but it did not sail on water, but rather the clouds.

Chiron was taken back by such a sight.

It was indeed a beautiful one.

In the distance, he could see as flock of flying Cored beasts parade the skies.

They gave out low tuned whale noises.

Chiron watched them and then he suddenly heard a loud growl.

And the a blast of fire was shot the way of the flying core beasts.

It was just as he suspected. It was his red-fire blood dragon hunting the cored beasts for food.

On seeing the Dragon, Chiron immediately noticed changes on its body.

For one, it was bigger than before and its Scales looked sturdier.

Chiron suddenly frowned as he turned to Commander Hard stone.

"For how long was I out!?"

Commander Hardstone sighed.

He had hoped to let Chiron have some more time and adapting before having to explain.

But the look on Chiron's face said otherwise.

"You have been out for three years!" commander Hardstone said with a serious look on his face.

"Three years!?"

Chiron asked in surprise. Apparent shock on his face.

Commander Hardstone Looked at the expression on Chiron's face. He captured it well, and then after a while, he couldn't hold it any more and burst into laughter.

He gave a loud satisfying laugh that allowed tears from his eyes.

By now, Chiron knew he was joking.

He had a very pissed off look on his face.

If not the fact that he knew this commander was a bronze level fighter, he might have sent a fireball his way.

"hahahah... Forgive me prince Chiron. But I... Hhahahhaha! I couldn't resist."

Commander Hardstone laughed a while more. However once he saw the hard look on Chiron's face he coughed awkwardly.

"Mmmm... Three months. That would be three months!"

This time around, he told Chiron the truth.

Although it still made Chiron frown, it was easier for him to accept than this than the three years.

Seeing the look on Commander hardstone's face, Chiron understood what he just did.

It was simple really.

he gave a lie not because of the laugh he wanted to enjoy, but because he wanted the truth to be an easier blow on Chiron's mind.

Chiron gave a smirk at this. He instantly knew that there was more to this Commander than meets the eye.

He also gave a smile and both men burst into a laugh.

After which he gave Chiron a detailed explanation of Vandora and why he was here.

It turned out that Chiron's mother was not who Chiron thought her was.

At least her identity was far beyond the wife of the elder of a second rate clan.

She also had a more prestigious identity. It was one that not even the chief of the Chikitsa clan knew.

The Mc of Chiron's book was actually close with Aleen his father, while Chiron ended killing his father and absorbing his soul for power.

However, through the memories of the Mc of the book, Chiron knew that the Mc used to ask questions to Aleen out of curiosity about his mother.

In those memories, Aleen explained that He and Chief Dona had found her one time when they were exploring the Chikitsa mountain together.

She was injured and claimed to have lost her memories of her origins.

Both brothers thought it wise to take her to the clan. Not majorly because of their kind hearts but because of her overwelming beauty.

Aleen had said that she was so beautiful that even the injuries on her body and mud on her face could not hide it.

In fact, even after she was brought to the clan, she attracted so much attention that for a while, she used a vail on her face.

There were many suitors that came after her.

This was not limited to normal cultivators but also elders of the land.

Naturally, both brothers fell in love with her.

At the end of the day, she had no choice but to choose.

Although It was mostly because she had no where else to go, she claimed that she had fallen in love with Aleen.

And that was when the problem between both brothers had truly started.

However commander Hardstone explained that a particular prophecy had come from the Shaman of the clan.

The Prophecy was abrupt and it was said that it even scared the Head shaman that gave it herself.

the prophecy had started, "Thy blood shall bless the earth and thy tender touch shall birth a curse that shall Redden Rivers and Darken heaven."

This Prophecy had come at the time of her coronation as heir to the throne.

The prophecy had pause the ceremony and an emergency meeting of Different clan chiefs was summoned.

It was concluded that the Princess was not to ascend the throne.

Instead, she was to be sent to a Monastery of only nuns in hopes of being purified.

It is said that it was the harshest decision the king had made. After all, the day of the coronation was not just a coronation day as Crown to the throne but also her wedding day.

The prophecies by the head Shaman had always come to past. It was one of the reasons why Vandora had enjoyed many years of prosperity and peace.

Everyone had become afraid of this curse that shall bring Rivers of Blood.

In the Adventure of this fear, even her to be husband had rejected her.

Because of one sentence, Nora became alone over night.

The next day, She was sent on a Tesseract to the Nuns in a foreign continent. However, some people got word of this. And it was not known if it was out of fear of the curse or just a regular attack from an enemy state.

but it remained known that the Tesseract carrying her was attacked.

The reports had said that everybody had died.

Naturally this included her.

The king had been so destroyed by this news that he regretted his decision harshly, and decided not to take his son as crown Prince in hopes of her arrival.

Nothing had happened for many many years. And the everyone had already concluded that regardless of the Kings decision, once he was dead, his son would definitely take over as king.

This was in fact a known fact.

And then a few months ago, the lamp carrying her spiritual energy in the Shaman's Temple suddenly came to life.

This had taken everyone by surprise, and plans were immediately made to find her whereabouts.

Commander Hardstone and his crew were sent on this glorious mission to bring back the princess.

However, he had discovered something else.

Firstly, the princess was unfortunately already dead.

however, she left behind two children of her blood.

This was something that Commander hardstone figured out with the map given to him to locate the princess and a little investigating he had done on his own.

Hearing the story so far made Chiron settle deeply in thought.

he could instantly understand what had happened.

Firstly, the reason why It was thought that everyone had died was because Nora had ended up on the Chikitsa mountain.

The strong energy from the Dragon that was of Royal blood interrupted the signal that was sent to the Shaman temple.

And the only reason the signal had pooped up some months ago was because of that ritual he had done to acquire Aura energy.

After all, he had summoned his mothers soul before grinding it to dust for power.

By that time, the effects of the dragon Egg on the Chikitsa mountain was significantly weaker. Therefore, it was easier for the Shaman temple to note his location.

Chiron smiled at the news he had just heard.

Who would have thought that his messing around would reveal such incredible news. Even the original Mc of the book was not privilege to the knowledge that he was royalty.

Surely, for every action, there was an opposite or equal reaction.

Just while they were still conversing, a man in similar regalia as the commander ran over.

"Prince Chiron..." He gave Chiron a weak bow and then turned to the commander with a respectful gaze in his eyes, "Commander! there is a problem. Its the Horde!"

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