Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 179 Nora Versus Rattler...

Chiron stood in the arena like a lone undisturbed wolf. Not so far away from him was the mess that used to be a human being called Jan Jan.

Chief Dona frowned tightly.

It was common knowledge that Chiron did not have cultivation. Therefore..

his eyes once again appreciated that blade that had been hidden on Chiron's back. As far as he was concerned, the reason for Chiron's success in the fighting match was because of the sword.

He did not know how Ganja made the sword. But then again, as Chief of such a strong and capable clan, he had access to certain information that others did not.

There was once upon a time when the weapons that dwarves made were on nearly every hand that called itself a cultivator.

Although that was a long time ago during the war against the Elves, that did not mean that one should underestimate their abilities.

However, he also knew that it was not yet time for him to have it.

After all, he had not finished with his other plan. he turned and took a look at Aleen. For some reason, he could not help but smile. His own brother gave birth to children that brought gifts to his doorstep.

He made a mental note to make sure he punished Chiron for what he had just done after the Gathering of the sword clans.

Also, he was going to be taking that sword.

But for now...

"You may take Jan Jan's spot in the competitions," Dona announced in a loud commanding voice and the crowd went wild in joy.

Chiron without smiling turned around and walked towards the exit.

He left the fighting area and went where the participants were formed up. As he walked towards them, they parted like the red sea for him to pass.

Just as Chiron had expected. Respect was indeed very commanding.

However, he suddenly paused. There was someone before his face.

He looked up at the person.

Surprisingly, it was not any of the geniuses that had come to his home the other time.

It was Dolly. The same person that had maintained eye contact with him before. He was also the same person that was said to be Elder Harden's son that was had outside the clan.

Chiron paused in front of Dolly. He tightened his brows.

However, Dolly had a smile on his face as he stood in front of him.

And then he turned slightly for Chiron to pass. As Chiron did, he whispered lowly in such a way that only both of them could hear.

"Of course, it was a piece of cake for an evil child!"

Chiron heard those words, and for a slight second, he paused. However, his head went into high gear with his calculations. It was only a slight second of pause but Chiron had calculated far and wide, and then he continued walking, "of course it was!" he muttered back.

Chiron went to where Carla was and waited with the rest of the participants.

However, his mind was already on high alert. How could it not be?

Chiron was not dull. In the chikitsa clan, he had been called many names. Some have called him: Abomination, curse, useless, mistake, and even child of the yellow river.

But he had never been called Evil child. The only people that ever called him evil child were those that came from the Holy Church.

He did not know how, but he was sure that the members of the holy church had infiltrated the Chikitsa clan.

The existence of Dolly was a confirmation of this.

Chiron was aware that there was an agreement between the Holy Church and the Zodiac houses. And one of them was on entering each other's territory.

The Zodiac Houses were twelve very strong families that protected the interest of Clans and their heritage. Clans were allowed to do as they pleased, and could even invade one another, but external forces such as the holy church were not allowed to butt in.

Chiron knew how the holy church operated. There was a reason that they did not attack him the other time until he was out of the clan and far off up the mountain.

They paid strict respect to the rules set in place.

However, loop hles were never too hard to find in rules if one looked properly.

For example, Dolly claimed to be the son of Elder Harden. Whether it was true or not was no one's business. The only fact that was true, was that he was here to do the Holy Church's bidden.

Yet, Chiron noticed that Dolly had not outrightly attacked him when he saw him. Knowing how strictly the Holy church took the matter of the Evil child, this was very surprising.

But that also meant that he still had some time and that dolly could not outrightly attack him. Chiron thought about it for a bit, and then he suddenly smiled.

He now understood. After all, people were allowed to die during the competitions.

Now that he was to fight those of stone rank, there was no way that he was not going to end up meeting him in the Arena.

dolly was planning to do a clean job then.

This made Chiron smile.

The Gathering of the sword clans took a couple of days. If Chiron was right, and he was, he still had some time left before he met Dolly on the battlefield.

It was easy for one to think that Chiron was going to use this opportunity and run, but he wasn't.

he would not even dare to. The safest place was very well within the clan.

For all he knew, those of the Holy church might have already surrounded the clan. His escape route was already sealed.

Even if it wasn't, Chiron was still not going to do it.

After all, he wanted to enjoy points.

Danger and success were two sides of the same coin. They came along like twins from the same womb.

In fact, Chiron felt a bit excited. he really wanted to know how this was going to end. His plans versus that of the Holy Church. This was going to be an interesting match.

His lips coiled into a chilling smile.

Carla standing by his side subconsciously hugged her shoulders. She immediately turned to him.

There, on his lips was a smile that was the reason for her sudden fear.

"Carla!" he called lowly. If she was not yet a demon, she would have jumped the moment he called her name.

"Tell Emma to finish on her side as quick as possible, and Carla," he paused before he turned to her, "kill all your opponents!"

Coincidentally, the announcement for the first match was made.

Carla was to fight.

At the end of that day, the results were announced.

There was a total of five deaths during the day's event. Carla was responsible for four of them.

These deaths only gave him about 10 points each. For what Chiron wanted to do, this was the same thing as peanuts. Regardless, he was going to take in all of them.

After all, that was the reason why he had her participate in the event.

The next day came along.

Just like the day before, the matches started early.

The opening match was Rattle versus Nora.

This was an interesting lineup.

It was a battle that many summed up their own individual predictions.

Many said that the adorable pampered Talent of the Chikitsa clan was going to win, while others said that it was going to be the calm and collected young man of the Rapier clan.

Regardless of who was going to win, everyone wanted to watch the match.

After all, the matches that had happened the day before were all of the wood ranks.

This battle was going to be the first fight between those of the stone rank.

Just before Nora went to the battlefield, she ran up to Chiron, "big brother I'm going now. Will you wish me luck!?"

Chiron patted her head, "of course."

She nodded in glee.

She turned to leave, and then she remembered something.

Nora remembered the last time a seal was placed on her body, and Chiron was mad about the fact that she had not told him.

She turned to him, "Chief Dona put another seal on my body again!"

Chiron raised a brow. "let me see it!"

Nora nodded. She was about to follow him to a corner to show him. However, Elder harden was calling for her to step into the arena.

"Go! I'll see it after your match."

She nodded and ran into the arena.

At the time, Chiron did not know, but this was a decision he later regretted.

Nora had S-grade dantain.

Her talent was incredible, and cultivation came easy to her.

As of this time in the original story of the book, Nora was not yet at the early stage of the stone rank. The reason for her burst in growth was because of Chiron's influence.

His willingness to become stronger put strong pressure on her. And she did not want to lack behind.

Nora stood before her opponent.

"FIGHT!" Elder Harden commanded.


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