Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 164 Everyone With Their Own Plans 2

Chief Dona turned to Chief Sancca. He took a half-hearted long look. He was obviously surprised at her decision to support him. however, it was at the end of the day in his favour.

In his mind, he rationed her support of him to her competitive nature.

It was common knowledge that Chief Sancca had a Betting nature. He was sure that she had put in stakes on the match-up for this year's gathering of the sword clan.

At the end of the day, no one liked losing.

With two of the strongest clans agreeing that the gathering of the sword clans be held, they was nothing stopping the event from holding anymore.

None of the other Chiefs wanted to speak up. After all, most of them were between the early stages and middle stages of the copper realm.

This was how power worked. Only two people changed the entire idea of the group and implemented their own will.

Chiron was not aware that the little risk he had taken in turning Carla to a demon within the clan had nearly costed him the gathering of the sword clans that he was looking forward to.

If not for pressure and support from Chief Sancca, canceling the effect would have been impossible. But then again, where things better now?


Meanwhile in another land, Dagger Father, who was the chief of the Dagger clan stood in a hidden underground facility.

This place existed somewhere remotely close to the Chikitsa mountain.

The moment he had heard that there was a devil invasion in the clan, he had rushed over.

However, the situation was not as severe as he had been made to believe.

Before he got there, the cultivators within the clan had already taken care of it.

The CHikitsa clan and the Dagger clan were always at odds with one another.

Even now, it remained the same thing.

He had not rushed over because he had planned to help them.

He had come over, thinking that an opportunity would present itself for him to steal and kill. But Everything had already been taken care of.

However, he still did not return back his clan.

At the moment, he used at a high balcony as he watched an army of men as they trained their assassin techniques below.

He nodded from time to time.

These were the elite men and women that the Dagger clan had put in serious effort over the years to take care of.

They were walking, breathing death machines. True agents of the shadows.

They were nothing like the rattling bunch that had been sent to kill Chiron before.

As he watched their display, a shadow suddenly materialized behind him.

It was a tall person with a straight frame and a bold figure.

The Dagger Father did not even have to look back before he knew who it was.

"Long knife! I suppose that you bring with you good news?"

Long knife took a knee and bowed.

"Yes, Dagger Father. Things are going according to plan. The informant has informed me that the gathering of the sword clans shall continue as it was initially planned. Soon, we will be able to execute the plans we set in place."

Dagger Father nodded in acknowledgement.

He couldn't help but lick his lips in the anticipation of the Gathering of the sword clan event.


On another side of the Continent, a king stood beside a shaman as the divination was in progress.

The shaman was an old woman with ragged clothes.

She had a long stick that was made up of herbs, cowries and some beads by her side.

She had many tattoos on her body. Some of them were so clear that one would think the animals were going to come to life and attack in one go.

The king stood behind her patiently and his entourage stood behind him. All of them also waited patiently.

The last few months, this was the fourth time they had been here.

However, no one complained. At least none except a particular man that stood not so far from the king.

He was the king's son. In most places, he would have been considered as heir to the throne.

However, this kingdom was a very cultured one that respected seniority to the marrow.

He might have been the only son, but he had an elder sister. One that had gone missing for so long and was even considered dead.

However, members of the royal family all had their spirit energy recorded in this shaman's temple.

Only a few months ago, his sister's spirit energy had lit up.

This was evidence that her soul was still in this world.

Until physically confirmed that she was dead, she remained the heir to the throne.

For a man that had been looking at the glory attached to that seat for many years, this was terrible news.

"Couldn't she have just remained dead?" He asked himself. However, he could only say those words in his heart and not out loud.

To speak such words about an heir to the throne could make his head rest before a guillotine.

It was abominable.

However, he had still tried other means that would interrupt the divination of her location.

And this was what had delayed the process for a long time.

However, the process was only delayed for so long.

At the end of the day, the shaman discovered the reason for her failed divination and corrected the error.

Also, the shaman might have been an old woman but her eyes, ears and sixth sense were very sharp and sensitive.

She was also very loyal to the kingdom.

Even bribery was not going to help him plead his case.

She made incantations before a blue flame. It burnt and shone steadily in front of her.

And then she threw in some white dust. After she was done, she turned to the king.

"I will be needing some royal blood, your highness." she said in her hoarse creeping voice.

The king nodded and was about to step forward. However, the young man behind him stepped ahead of him, "Father, please! let me do it."

The king nodded at his son.

For a long time, he had always known that his son wanted to be king. After all, he had trained him that way. For a long time since his daughter's spirit energy went off in the temple, he had hammered it into the young man's head that he was to become king after him.

This was only natural since he was the last of the bloodline alive.

However, the new development had come without any warning.

The king was sure that his son was heartbroken to the core. But here he was ready to even give his blood for the finding of his elder sister.

He nodded his head in satisfaction.

If this divination did not work, he had already solidified that he would name his son the crowned prince.

Such an act of selflessness even before the allure of power was incredible.

The young prince went forward and presented his hand to the shaman.

The shaman paused. She took a long but short look at the prince.

It almost looked as if she was trying to see into his soul.

He swallowed a bit.


She made a quick unexpected cut on his palm, and before he could retract it in reflex, she pulled it over the blue fire.

A few drops of blood poured into it.

Immediately, the Blue flame became green, and then it changed colours through the spectrum of the rainbow before it became blue again.

The Shaman then put the stored little lamp that had the princesses stored spirit energy over the flame.

Immediately it shone brightly.

The Shaman opened a map and the light from the blue flame jumped unto the map. However, the map did not burn.

The shaman had once gotten the rough location, but this was the best and most precise one yet.

This was the map of the Almace continent.

And the blue flame had settled right on the location of a particular clan.

The Shaman handed over the map to the king.

He took the map and then he brimmed a wide grin.

"Finally! my daughter."

The blue flame burnt slightly on the name of the Chikitsa clan.

The king turned and spat orders, "send commanders of at least the copper and Bronze realm to the Chikitsa clan immediately. And give this to them. I want her back immediately."

He handed the map over and the entourage immediately hurried to do as he requested.

The king was in good mood, and he pulled his son closer as he patted his back, "Good! you did good boy."

The Prince stopped his bleeding hand with his spirit energy as he gave a forced smile, following his father along.

The king, the prince and the rest had already left the chambers of the Shamans temple. Leaving the old woman alone.

She too was smiling. The Princess coming back home was very good news.

However, she suddenly heard a crackling sound behind her.

She turned to see what had happened and to her surprise, the blue flame at the altar had turned into a black flame.

Her eyes widened in surprise. She had done this tracking method many times, and this had never happened before.

She wanted to come closer and see what the problem was. However, the fire suddenly gave a small explosion before going off.

She held her chest as a dangerous feeling rose in her heart. She did not know why, but she was sure that the kingdom was about to welcome trouble...

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