Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 172 You've Killed Him

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As Allen settled into Peter's house for the first night, a biting chill descended upon him. He quickly realized that the inadequate blankets provided by his host would not suffice. Allen had to create a few woolen blankets with Reig to keep him warm in such conditions.

But, to his dismay, nature was not on his side. A mighty snowstorm blew outside, its ferocious gusts lashing against the windows and walls of the quaint country house. The howling winds only added to his frosty discomfort, making it even more difficult for Allen to drift off.

Finally, as his eyelids grew heavy and exhaustion overtook him, Allen fell into a restless sleep. But his slumber was disturbed by a vivid dream that transported him back to when his beloved mother passed away.

This was a recurring dream that he always saw every time he slept. But now it was different; he dreamt of standing inside the dungeon where his mother was dead, but he didn't see his mother there this time. What he saw were the soldiers who attacked him; Allen moved swiftly to dodge them.

"Why are you attacking me?" asked Allen in the dream.

But the soldiers didn't hear; they didn't even have ears to hear or eyes to see. As Allen faced the onslaught of soldiers, he was forced to fight back with all his might.

Each swing of his weapon produced a sickening sound as it connected with his enemies; the soldier screamed loudly with a disturbing face. Allen was troubled by the sight of their twisted, pained expressions. Because he didn't like seeing that face, Allen killed them in one attack, this is also the reason why Allen uses all his strength in each slash. So that his opponents die instantly without him being able to see their expressions.

In that dream, the soldiers were inexhaustible. Frustrated and desperate, Allen continued to fight, unaware that he was trapped in a never-ending cycle of violence and death. As soon as he killed one, five more came out. He battled more and more soldiers, and he realized that his enemies were multiplying before his very eyes. He was overwhelmed, surrounded by an endless sea of foes.

Until finally, Allen got fed up and shouted

"Don't come any closer! Why are you attacking me?!"

The soldier didn't answer, but now Allen could hear the murmurs of the soldiers,

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"You murderer!"

"You took my friend from me!"

"You've killed him! You must die!"

Allen immediately shuddered in fear. As soon as Allen looked at their faces more closely, he could see tears coming out of their eye holes.

The soldier approached again, and Allen quickly cut down everyone in front of him at once.

They increased and continued to increase.

Then, after a while, all the soldiers who came were gone, and he finished killing all of them.

Except for one, a man approached him, trembling and carrying a wooden hoe.

"I'm going home, I have to go back to see my family," the man said.

Looking at the man, Allen immediately knew who he was. From his face and hair, he looked a lot like Iva.

"You're Iva and Peter's son! Fenton!"

Allen stood up...

"Wait! What are you doing?!" shouted Allen to himself.

Allen stood up and walked towards Fenton.

"Stop! Don't kill him!"

But even though Allen shouted, he couldn't hear him. He couldn't move his own body.


His body ran towards Fenton quickly and slashed off his head.

"Aaaah! AH! AAAAAAAAAAAJH!!!!" Allen screamed as soon as he split Fenton's head open.

He could move his body again, but it was too late.

"Father... Mother... Pascoe... I'm sorry," said the rolling head.

Allen let go of his two swords. He shook his head and told himself that it wasn't his fault,

"No! My body moved on its own! It's not my fault!"

He retreated backward while repeatedly telling himself he was not at fault.

"You were the ones who came for me in the first place! You were the ones at fault! It was because of you that mom died! You took everything away from me!" Allen shouted.

Then he collapsed and fell backward. As soon as he looked down, it turned out he fell because he had tripped up on someone's head.


Allen looked behind him, there he could see a pile of the corpses of all the people he had killed. The pile of corpses suddenly raised their heads and looked at Allen angrily.







Allen was roused from his sleep, and he was met with a discomforting surprise that his body was drenched in sweat despite the blistering coldness of the room.

It was as if he had been battling a great demon in his dream, causing panic to rush through his veins. The sound of tiles scraping was still clearly audible, signifying that the snowstorm outside had yet to relent. Its noise disturbed the peace of the night and added to the current state of confusion that Allen found himself in.

Holding his aching head, he muttered under his breath,

"What did I dream?" His mind was completely blank - he couldn't recall anything from his dream. However, the haunting feeling of it being important and frightening left him uneasy.

Then just as he was about to lie down again, he heard a shout.


It came from outside, in the front room. And it was Peter's voice.

Allen quickly went to their place, and when he got there he saw Peter holding Iva's body. From Iva's face, it looked like she was in a lot of pain.

"Rodion! What happened to Iva?!" shouted Peter to Rodion, who Allen didn't realize was behind him.

Rodion's face looked shocked and scared.

"Iva! Don't tell me that..."

"THEY ARE GOING TO BE BORN! MY CHILD WILL BE BORN!" shouted Iva softly in pain.

Those were words that absolutely no one there had expected, and they were probably the beginning of the terrible panic they would face.

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