Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 88.4: Your Acting Isn’t Up to Standard (4)

Chapter 88.4: Your Acting Isn’t Up to Standard (4)

Secretary Fan was touching his balding head absentmindedly when Li Xiaoxings phone suddenly rang in the distance. He made his way over to take a look. 

It was a call from Li Mingyue. I saw the doctor dropping by earlier. How is my brother doing?

Secretary Fan was shocked by how fast news was traveling. He recounted everything that had happened earlier to her truthfully before ending off, ... Mr. Li is now asleep.

Got it, replied Li Mingyue. Tell me when hes awake. Theres something I have to discuss with him.

Secretary Fan assented.

There was a brief pause before Li Mingyue added, What about Ji Xinxin? How is she doing?

Shes no help at all, Secretary Fan thought.

However, he rephrased his thoughts in more palatable terms, Shes the same as usual.

I understand, Li Mingyue answered decisively. Take good care of my brother. Ill take over his work for the time being.

Secretary Fan was stunned to hear those words. That

Ill get straight to the point. My parents intend to send my brother overseas get treated. Theyll be sending someone over today afternoon. Li Mingyue wasnt giving him a chance to refute at all. His health is more important than anything else.

I understand.

It was no easy feat to have to take over Li Xiaoxings work all of a sudden. Li Mingyue had to go on overdrive in order to barely cope with the workload. 

As if that wasnt enough, her assistant took it upon herself to inform her that someone was planning to take over Ji Fanyins studio.

Li Mingyue massaged her temples to alleviate the headache caused by the massive increase in workload. She can handle that herself. You dont have to report that to me.

Be it to sell or not to sell, someone like Ji Fanyin would never allow herself to be on the losing end of a bargain.

The buyer is Gao Huai Entertainment, explained her assistant. The one behind the acquisition is Bai Zhengye.

Li Mingyues pen stalled to a halt.

Bai Zhengye Thats Bai Zhous father.

A malicious takeover?

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