Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 159: Apology

I th gasp as I feel a light jab into my side by my crude samurai, which prompts me to finally answer. "I understand, naturally I will hold myself back as promised."

She nods, "th I'll have a second room prepared right away."

As the innkeeper returns with the room key, I accept it politely, th make my way toward the stairs, still holding Aurora close. Ayame and Blossom follow, both of them giving Aurora curious glances as we head up to our rooms.

As we reach the top of the stairs, Aurora finally seems to realize how closely she's clinging to me, and she reluctantly looss her grip. "I… I should probably get down now. Actually, I don't know why I didn't climb down minutes ago…" she says, with a voice that's a mix of uncertainty and embarrassmt.

I oblige and let her down without requiring any further prompts. "Who wants to sleep with me?" I th inquire.

"Blo-Luna!" My adorable scatterbrain shouts the expected. Now that she is no longer in her criminal guise, which has the alias Ghost, she has to use her legal name since Aurora isn't trusted ough to be told the girls' original names. Giving my adorable scatterbrain three names to keep track of might've be a bad idea…

"I- I would rather not… If it's alright." Aurora replies shyly. It seems she was only momtarily weak thanks to my acceptance of her request and willingness to help her, but I don't have her in the palm of my hand yet at all. I can already feel her serious scitist persona beginning to resurface as it pushes back the airhead love-starved side of her.


"I, of course, will take the other room as well." Ayame says with a sassy tone that basically all but states 'what, you thought I would choose to sleep in your bed if giv an option?' which is accompanied by a mocking grin.

I can't help but scoff.

Girl, once I get my hands on your bountiful behind… Let's just say that you will definitely have trouble sitting for a few days.

The rest of the day passed peacefully, we had a fulfilling meal and, naturally, as the dutiful cultivator that I am, I tded to Blossom's gard religiously once we retired for the night.

- Day 9 -

The day of reckoning has arrived, it's time to see what we can do about acquiring the [Geimroot] without getting ourselves killed or captured.

I'm stirred awake by rapid knocks on my door and the sound of a feminine voice, "Quinlan, are you awake?"

"Sure, come on in." I reply leisurely while remaining lazily in my bed and cuddling my gorgeous dog-kin's slumbering form close to myself. I know she is awake in reality, after all, in what reality would a person with her perception not stir from such loud sounds, but I let her indulge in her cute pretd play.

Aurora comes in followed by Ayame. The haired scitist girl walks up to me with uncertain steps, th bows deeply. "Quinlan, I want to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I don't know what came over me but that certainly wasn't me. Please give me a chance to clear up my image in your mind without prejudice regarding what you might be thinking of me currtly."

I siltly examine her bowed form for a good t seconds while thinking inwardly. She's certainly right in that my first impressions of her might not be what she ideally wants, but th again, I also know that she is a serious scitist who suffered through the biggest loss of her life very rectly.

"You've had a talk with Ayame, huh?" I speak up finally. Aurora shouldn't ev know my real name so coming to this conclusion wasn't the result of colossal detective work on my part.

"Yes. She told me a lot about you and your party, and after I talked to her about my embarrassmt we decided that this straightforward method would be for the best."

I glance at Ayame with appreciation evidt in my features, who simply nods in response which is accompanied by a minute smile of hers.

"I see. Well, Aurora, please let me preface my answer by letting you know that I don't think badly of you at all, in fact it's the exact opposite.

I thought that as a clever, research-orited girl you would provide a rather boring company, like a social recluse with no people-skills and someone who can only speak about her work, but it was very pleasant to see that there's more to you than I initially gave you credit for."

I pause and th signal towards Blossom who is merrily curled up into my embrace, still pretding to be in deep slumber, "and as you can see, I love clingy girls with all my heart, so there really isn't any reason for you to worry about.

If your concern stems from you showing an embarrassing side of yourself to me, I'm sure Hana will be happy to- if she didn't already- provide you with tales of my embarrassing momts so that you don't feel alone. If you want me to have a good opinion of you th just be who you are instead of trying to create a perfect image of yourself in my mind."

Aurora remains unresponsive for a good few seconds before straighting her back and flashing me a smile so beautiful that my heart skips a beat. "I understand. Thank you for your kind words, Quinlan."

"Don't mtion it." Moving on, I yank the blanket off the 'sleeping' beauty towards my own person so that I don't flash my sizeable (and very handsome) best frid to the newcomer- since I'm a certified gtleman- a move that reveals her naked form , and th I stretch my hand out to have my palm flatted into a broad, taut surface, ready to deliver divine punishmt as I smack Blossom's delicious behind with nearly all my might, creating a mercilessly resounding, thundering echo in the room while shouting; "wakey-wakey, Pupcake!"

The world stops a me for a few delightful momts as I stare, utterly mesmerized, by the world's jiggle physics put on full display for me to observe by the powerful ripples of her wonderful buttcheeks.

"Nyaaa!!!!!!" Blossom shrieks and bolts 'awake' with amazing explosive ergy.

Did I accidtally get myself a cat-girl?

"Master?! Why?!" She asks and looks at me with teary eyes telling tales of horrible betrayals and th begins gtly massaging her fiery red behind while whimpering like a lost puppy.

At the same time Aurora and Ayame watch the spectacle unfold with wide, unbelieving eyes. I can ev see the potion girl clutching at her own behind in an unconscious, protective gesture while muttering "so red… wow…"

The fact that I ev surprised my Ayame makes me chuckle, though, to be fair, it was a very ruthless move on my part with so much strgth that ev Blossom hadn't expericed yet.

What can I say? I had a sudd urge and I obeditly listed to my inner demons like a good boy.

Do I have any regrets?

None whatsoever.

After all, the mighty bounciness of her tantalizing cheeks' was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever witnessed in my tire life.

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