Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 498 No Reason



"Aside your... investments, what else can you do apart handling guns, fighting and making money? I mean if you do not go to work, you are practically going to be a househusband."

Jiang Meilin sighed.

"Well, I'm a good cook and I am good at doing all other chores," said Zhao Fu.

It took a few more minutes for the so-called interview. Old man Jiang was quite satisfied with Zhao Fu but he did not show it.

To be honest, he had known this man since he was a teenager. Although he did not support his relationship with Jiang Meilin, the only reason was because he was a part of the underworld.

He did not want his only child to have to spend the rest of her lives in anxiousness and insecurities. But now that he has heard all of what Zhao Fu had said, his mind was at ease.

"So for the final question... Why do you love my daughter?" Old man Jiang asked with a moreserilus face.

Jiang Meilin looked at Zhao Fu. She has been absentminded for a while but this one question brought her back.

Just like everyone else in the living room wanted to know, Jiang Meilin was also as curious. Which woman would not eat to know the reason why the man she loves, loves her too?

Zhao Fu sat up straight with both of his elbows on his thighs and fingers intertwined. He stared straight into old man Jiang's eyes as he prepared to answer.

"If I was still younger, I would have did that I love her because she is beautiful, smart and has a good personality," he replied.

"But now..." He paused before he moved his eyes to stare into Jiang Meilin's.

Jiang Meilin could feel her heart beat louder and louder into her ears. Not only that, it felt as if it did a few flips in excitement. Millions of butterflies also joined her heart to celebrate in her stomach.

She felt a bit shy by his gaze but still... she could not make herself look away. For some reason which might be best known to love, she felt drawn to him instead of saying away.

"But now, the better and more mature version of me... I have no answer to your question."

The smile that was on Mrs Li,Ye and Yang's face dropped. They were confused by his sudden words. What does he mean by he has no answer to the question?

Even Old man Jiang was confused. Wrinkles had formed into three lines on his forehead that was smooth just a few secomds ago. However, just as he was about to say something, Zhao Fu seemed to have not been done.

"I say that because, I do not have a reason..

I don't need a reason to love her because that is just what I want for the bottom of my heart. My heart would kick against it if the woman I want is not Jiang Meilin," Zhao Fu said.

"If love is genuine, I don't think a reason is needed. It is a matter of the heart and mine wants her forever."

As soon as those words finished from Zhao Fu's lips, a tear slow down from Jiang Meilin's eyes. And before she realised not even talk of stopping herself from crying, more flowed out.

Zhao Fu frowned at this. He wondered if he had done something wrong. Or was it something in his heartfelt short speech that made her cry?

He pursed his lips as his frown deepened. If he had known, he would have not said anything. Now, he said things and they were too much...

Too much for him to start retracing back to know which of his words sounded unpleasant to his Mei. Now she is spilling those crystal tears.

He felt like going over to her, kiss those tears off her eyes and then pull her in for a hug. But he had to control himself as they were not the only ones in the living room.

"Tsk. You have not properly started courting my daughter yet and you ate already making her shed tears. Now, I have to rethink my decision of letting you go out with her," Old man Jiang frowned.

"Dad, stop it," Jiang Meilin tugged on Old man Jiang's shirt. "These are just... I was touched that's the reason for all these tears. Zhao Fu is good enough for me," she added.

"Look at already defending him. You are already taking another man's side instead of your father. Sigh. What shall I do if you eventually marry him?" Old man Jiang sniffled as he wiped of the imaginary tears from his eyes.

"Oh, stop be no a drama queen, dad. You are already older than that," Jiang Meilin said and rolled her eyes at the old man sitting beside her.

The others sort from the father and daughter duo felt their brows and lips twitching at the sight they were 'honoured' to see. The strong former CEO and now chaurmannof Jiang Corporations is behaving like this.

Impossible! No one would believe it.

"Ahem!" Zhao Fu cleared his throat. He had to make it known to the two that he was still sitting there if not anyone else.

And he had plans of taking his beloved out. So he did not want to waste anymore time here. Besides, he doubts if he can sit still and watch this childish act of the elder master if the Jiang family.

"Ah. Zhao Fu is still here? I totally forgot," Old man Jiang let out a small chuckle.

"I will overlook that since you were enjoying your little to with my Mei. If you are done, do permit me to carry out my other purpose of coming here," Zhao Fu said.

He was back to his usual straight cold face as he spoke. Old man Jiang was rather speechless by the man. He could only such and shake his head.

Patting Jiang Meilin's hands on the sleeves if his shirt, he smiled. "Mei, my dear. This man might be annoying but he is better than you know who. So I will let you go and enjoy yourself now. But be back before ten o'clock."

"Alright, dad. Thank you. Muah," Jiang Meilin said before pecking his cheek.

"Shall we?" Zhao Fu politely asked with his elbow held out for her to place her hand.

"We shall," she answered after picking up her purse.

"It was nice meeting you all," Zhao Fu said with a curt nod before taking the first step put of the room.

"See you guys later," Jiang Meilin smiled as she waved and they did same.

~Outside the mansion~

They had just finished stepping down from the four little stairs when Jiang Meilin chuckled.

"Why the happiness?" Zhao Fu halted in his steps to ask.

Jiang Meilin shook her head and answered. "It is nothing you might find funny."

"Try me."

"Fine then," she agreed after studying his face for a few seconds. "I just... I would have never imagine that you knew how to say such sweet touching words. Tell me, did you memorise those from a script or something?" She asked.

Zhao Fu was immediately embarrassed. He looked away and coughed with his fist before his lips. She was right. He did not find that funny but embarrassing instead.

But when he returned his eyes to her face, he saw her innocent look. If not for ghat, he would have thought that she was mocking him as he after all looked like a man with no heart.

So, he understood that she did not expect him to know such.

"Ahem! I stumbled upon those words from a book I used to read when I find myself in boredom. It had been too long so I do not remember the name," Zhao Fu replied.

Jiang Meilin gasped. "So you really learnt from a book?"

"Y-Yes. You did not like them. Was there anything wrong with all I said inside?" He nervously asked.

Jiang Meilin sighed. She raised her palm and placed it on his cheek. Then she pinched him but not too much so as not to hurt him.

"You can be so cute and silly at times. But that is also why I love you," she said with a smile.

"If I didn't like all that you said, I would have not she'd a single tear. Those words made me realised how serious you were and still are with your feelings for me. That and the fact that you hopefully waited for years, Zhao Fu."

"I am glad you do. Also, all those years of waiting is worth it in the end, right. Now you are mine and I am yours..." He touched his forehead on hers.

"And mind you, Mei. I'm never letting you go even you get tired of me," he warned.

"Well guess what. We both have the same plan in mind."

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