Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 409 Uproar II



Me Lin Tian-yu was pacing in his office. He was thinking of an idea of how he was going to put out the hot fire that was burning under his ass.

He could not just let things go and give up. He had been waiting for the day he would be better than Juang Corporation in one thing. He was just a step close to it and this is happening.

"No, I have thought. Think fast, Lin Tian-yu. Think of a solution as you used to," he pulled hard in his hair.

After a tough while of thought, he finally got something to do. He rushed to the intercom on his desk. But to his surprise, it was destroyed.

In his anger, he had destroyed almost everything destroyable in his office. Left with just one option, Mr Lin ran out of his office.

"WEIXIN!!" He roared the name of his assistant.

At the sound of his thunderous voice, his other assistants and secretaries all scurried from their gossip joint to their various work desks. Some even hid under their desk in fear of falling prey to their boss' anger.

The assistant, Weixin shivered from top to bottom like he was being electrocuted. Me Lin's voice made him break out in a cold sweat.

'What does Boss Lin want now? I thought he said I should not show my face in front of him again for today? What could it be that he wants from me now? I am not ready to die young,' Weixin cried inwardly.

"WEIXIN!! Do not let me call you again, you fool," Mr Lin shouted before going back to his office.


Everyone joked in shock in their seats because of the loud banging of the door. Meanwhile, Weixin in question dashed out of his office as if he was being pursued by a mad dog.

He did the sign of the cross before he pushed open the door of Mr Kin's office and stepped in.

"B-Boss... You called for me, sir," Weixin stuttered uncontrollably.

"What took you so long?"

"Apologise, s-sir."

"Hmph. If not for the things on my plate, I would have dealt the hell with you," Me Lin said.

"I'm sorry sir."

"Nevermind. Get things ready. I want to hold a press conference to clear out this shit," he ordered.

"Yes, boss. Let me get things ready now sir."

Weixin bowed before he left the office to carry out his new task.


Bai Renxiang was busy starting at the bustling city from the floor-to-ceiling window when all this chaos was happening. The chaos that she created. Or rather the choice that her enemy made her do.

This chaos was the one that Jiang Bojing and Mr Lin Tian-yi wanted her company to face.

There was a satisfied smile on her rosy glossed lips as she listened to all that was happening to Lin Corporation from Xia Xinyi.

"...It appears that paparazzi from different press companies as well as victimized people are gathered in three locations. Hundreds of them at the entrance of Lin Corporation, another at Mr Lin's house then at Jiang Bojing's house," Xia Xinyi started.

"Hmm. Those people sure are angry," Bai Renxiang chuckled.

"They are. Mr Lin is having it worse. Since he was actually the one that ordered the injection of the harmful chemical in creams, the masses are angrier with him."

Bai Renxiang looked over her shoulder and asked, "Well, he deserves all their hatred and anger, right?"

"Yes, boss. He deserves that and more. He should be rotten in hell," Xia Xinyi harrumphed.

"Oh, he will. He will get that and more when I ask Charlie to upload the great of evidence about his shady and disgusting business. I am very sure that by then, hell with greet him with a wide grin."

Bai Renxiang walked away from the window but she did not go to her desk by the couch in the office. She sat there with her legs elegantly crossed before asking Xia Xinyi to carry on.

"From our sources, neither Jiang Bojing nor Mr Lin has shown to in the open. Despite the little destruction the masses has made outside their homes."

Xia Xinyi went on reporting what she had to Bai Renxiang till she was done and excused.

It seems like those two were partners in crime and were unwilling to step out to clear their names or do anything else other than send their guards to chase the people away.

Well, what else could they do? None of them would willingly arrange for a press conference. Both are them would surely be afraid of what crazy masses and hungry paparazzi would do to them once they are sewn bun the open.

Just as she was buried in her thoughts, a knock came on the door.

"Come in."



Song Yan came. "Boss, the internet is working in our favour. The news is going well but bad for Mr Lin and his company," she said as she passed Bai Renxiang a tablet.

[This is sick. How come? Why does Lin Corporation have against Jiang Corporation?]

[Do you not know? Lin Corporation has been a very aggressive competitor to Jiang Corporation. But the latter proved to be a million times better than the former.]

[How dare Lin Corporation do such a thing? What does human life mean to them?]

[I knew that Jiang Corporation would never do such a thing. It is just as the goddess CEO said. Why would they want suddenly want to make a bad name for themselves?]

[I am with the person from above.]

[Me too. After all their years of best productions, this Lin Corporation from nowhere just want to ruin them because of jealousy.]

[Jiang Corporation has always proven to be great. Lin Corporation just can't accept it. But it gives them no right to do such a thing.]

[I want justice for my skin. I stopped modelling for a week because of that and I lost cash.]

[The CEO of Lin Corporation deserves to go to jail for endangering the lives of citizens.]

[Justice for our pretty goddess CEO Bai.]

"And to think that I decided to leave Jiang Corporation's skin product and pick up the one of Lin Corporation.]

[I did so too. I was scared of getting ruined skin. But I am so glad that the truth is out. I can go back to my favourite skincare brand now.]

['A hundred days for the thief and in for the owner.' This saying is true indeed.]

[Are you guys forgetting that there is a Jiang involved in this case?]

[That is true. That man is not only a Jiang but the former vice president of Jiang Corporation.]

[Former vice president?]

[Yeah. From the evidence uploaded, he was stealing the company's money. He was fired.]

[If I owned the company I would have fired him too. He is even a Jiang to make things worse.]

[Yet he betrayed his people.]

Bai Renxiang read more of the comments of the netizens. Most of them brought a smile to her face. There were curses and an urge for justice fired at Lin Corporation and its CEO.

Some were directed at how foolish and blind Jiang Bojing was. Different old articles began to lol up on the net. Most of them were about how Jiang Bojing won a deal for Jiang Corporation and Lin Corporation did not get it.

It appeared to be a battle between both companies then and Jiang Bojing was given the go-ahead to fight for the deal.

Different interesting topics followed after another. The internet was sure hot today and it was all thanks to everyone who helped Bai Renxiang rat these evil beings out.

Surprisingly Bai Renxiang gained fans as well as Jiang Corporation.

"You are right, Song Yan. Things are going well for us," Bai Renxiang said as she continued to scroll through the comments.

"It is. I even overhead from Zhang Fei that demands for our products are high now "

"That is great. With that, we can get back on track to how things were before... Huh?"

Another juicy news was uploaded.


*Former vice president of Jiang Corporation, Jiang Bojing has been arrested.

*Mr Jiang was saved and taken to the hospital by the police after almost being beaten to death by the angry mob outside his residence.

"Well, this is interesting," she murmured before playing the video clip attached to the two new headlines.

Jiang Bojing had let his anger and foolishness drag him outside to hurl curses at the people outside his home. They had been throwing stones into his residence.

Two of his cars parked outside were damaged. The windows were broken and there were various dents and marks on the cars. But that was his mistake.

It was as if seeing him had fueled the anger of the people outside. It was a wonder how they pushed through the guards, fell the gate and pounced on Jiang Bojing.

Truly, if not for the police, he would have been beaten to death. They chased the angry crowd away and quickly rushed him to the hospital with his crying side following behind.

Bai Renxiang chuckled seeing such a scene. She shook her head and passed the tablet back to Song Yan.

"Thank you, Song Yan. You may go if there is nothing else."

"There isn't, boss. I will be on my way now.". After Song Yan left, Xia Xinyi immediately came running into her office.

"Xinyi, what is wrong?"

"Boss, Jiang Bojing has been arrested," Xia Xinyi said between her gasping breath.

"I know. I just saw it on the internet..."

"Okay. Then, Mr Lin... Mr Lin wants to hist a press conference to prove his innocence in this case."

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