Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 370

Chapter 370: Banter

Eun-sun was surprised to see Ni-Na at the door with few shopping bags and a box of pizza in her hand so early this morning.

“What are you-” She paused and frowned. “Your brother sent you, didn’t he?” She raised a suspicious brow at Ni-Na, letting her know she was certain Dan-Han had sent her.

Ni-Na flashed her a big and sweet smile, before pulling her into a light hug and gently pecking her cheeks. “I love you too, good morning.”

Eun-sun chuckled at the girl’s sweet behavior. “Good morning to you too. You’re always with bags.” Eun-sun tipped her chin to the shopping bags in Ni-Na’s hand.

Ni-Na raised the bags and pizza up. “I came prepared to have fun with you.” She happily announced.

Have fun with her? Eun-sun wasn’t going to expect anything less. Time with Ni-Na was always fun-filled.

Ni-Na’s gaze travelled to Eun-sun’s hand and leg which still had casts on then. “You shouldn’t be walking around. You haven’t healed yet, my brother-”


“Jesus Christ!” Eun-sun exclaimed with a roll of her eyes. Could they all let her be with her leg?!

“My legs aren’t amputated. I can stand on one perfectly.” She told her, just incase she and her worrywart brother saw otherwise.

“And isn’t that the problem? You need to be maimed, sister in-law.” Ni-Na said with a serious look on her face while Eun-sun looked at her with a surprise frown.

“Are all the Lees such brutes?” She was sure they were, because Dan-Han had threatened to break her other leg several times just to keep her still.

“Isn’t brutality the new sexy? I mean you fell in love with my brother and he’s the king of all brutes.” Ni-Na winked at her.

Eun-sun was rendered speechless. Her lips moved to say something but nothing came out. Her eyes quickly darted towards the gate when she saw an incoming car. Both ladies watched as the blue sedan drove into the compound.

Their eyes followed the driver as he stepped down from the car and picked up something from the back seat before turning towards them.

“Are you stalking me now, master Kang In-Ha?” Ni-Na was the first to speak up as

she watched In-Ha approach them. He also looked surprised to see her there.

“I would have said the same, but I’m not childish. So, hello again, my little sharped tongued Lee.” In-Ha sarcastically greeted.

“You both met already this morning?” Eun-sun asked. She was surprised to hear this as it was still early. People were still on their way to work.

“Yes, we did, and it was an horrible encounter. Brother Kang is trying so hard to be in a lot of places this morning, aren’t you?” Ni-Na tilted her head to the side as she glanced at In-Ha.

“From how I see it, private places with women seems to be only locations registered in your head this morning, brother In-Ha. What does this say of you?”

“Now I’m certain I have to rectify whatever image you have of me in that head of yours. It must be as small as a pea.”

“Believe me, it’s way smaller than a pea, and it’s all filled with your debauchery.” She countered.

In-Ha was speechless. He stared at her not sure of what to say. “I have no comeback for that.” He shamelessly admitted.

“I’d be surprised if you did.” Ni-Na replied him.

In-Ha couldn’t help but chuckle. The girl always had a rebut for every word he said.

“You’re never going to let me have the last word, would you?”

“Not in this lifetime, and definitely not in the next.” In-Ha also felt the same way. This little brat was never going to let him win an argument. She has been this way even as a child. Always an hand full.

“Believe me, you’ll be a very sad and lonely lady when you grow up, because no man will be crazy enough to handle you.”

“Just as no woman is crazy enough to handle you?” She raised a brow. “And oh, isn’t this like the old grumpy hawk trying to advice the chick?”

“Hawk and chick?” In-Ha chuckled incredulously. “Are you insinuating I want to devour you?”

“Brother Kang, how dare you make something as innocent as animals sound obscene? Are you always filled with lust?”

“That’s the same question I ask myself, little chick. Do you care to find the answer?” He teasingly nudged his head closer to her.

Ni-Na frowned and also inched closer, but her face was stern and fierce. “Well, try and take a bite of this chick, and I promise you’d choke to death. No cap.” She stink eyed him.

In-Ha tsked and shook his head. “You’re damn too brutal for your age.” He ruly said, but Ni-Na could see the mocking smile in his eyes. Those blue green eyes of his always have a way of sparkling.

“And you’re in dire need of salvation.”

Eun-sun eyes darted between them as she watched them banter. This was the first time she was seeing In-Ha helplessly struggle to keep up with a conversation. And Ni-Na... sweet lord! the girl’s mouth needed some rebranding. She never knew she had such a side to her.

She cleared her throat to get their attention from their intense staring, especially Ni-Na who looked like she had a personal vendetta with him. In-Ha turned and glanced at her and for the first time since he arrived their eyes met.

“Why are you standing there?” He asked with a serious and displeased look, different from what he had when he shamelessly bickered with a girl way younger than him.

“Are you scolding me now?” Eun-sun cocked a defaint brow at him. She glanced at Ni-Na for help but the girl seemed to have reached a point of mutual agreement with him.

“I hate to agree with him, but he’s right, sister in-law. My brother will kill me if he comes and finds you on your feet.”

Eun-sun found this alliance suddenly strange. Weren’t they at each other’s throat seconds ago?

In-Ha took a step closer to Eun-sun and surprisingly scooped her into his arms.

“What are you doing?! Put me down.” Eun-sun ordered, but In-Ha ignored her and sauntered into the leaving room.

He turned towards the door when it seems Ni-Na was still standing there.

“Don’t you want to check if I’d be hanging between limbs?” He asked, his lips curving upward and reflecting a playful smile.

“You wouldn’t even live to see your limbs tangle before they get torn out of you.” Ni-Na glared at him and closed the door before joining them inside the house while In-Ha scoffed.

Eun-sun furrowed her brows as In-Ha put her down. “What did you do to her?”

“Do to her? I didn’t do anything.” In-Ha said in his defence but Eun-sun didn’t believe him.

“I haven’t known her much, but she seems angry.”

“That girl is always angry. You’re lucky you didn’t meet when she was small, you’d never have dated her brother.” In-Ha said.

Eun-sun looked behind In-Ha and towards Ni-Na who was dropping off the things she had brought while sending glaring darts towards In-Ha.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure you did something to that girl. Ni-Na is very sweet.”

“She’s a devil believe me, and you don’t have to do anything to rile the devil up.”

“You’re the devil.” Eun-sun smacked his arm and pushed him away while he chuckled. He glanced at Ni-Na and he wasn’t surprised to meet her cold gaze on him.

‘Troublesome.’ He tsked.

The trio spent some time in the house before In-Ha left for work. He had dropped by to check up on Eun-sun and give her the supplements he had bought for her.

“Are you angry with In-Ha?” Eun-sun couldn’t help but ask after In-Ha had left.

“I’m not. Why? Did he say something?”

Eun-sun shook her head. “No, he didn’t. I just felt maybe he did something to you. You aren’t always like this and In-Ha, well...” She shrugged, “Can be In-Ha.”

Ni-Na picked her glass of wine and took a sip, her eyes suddenly became distant as she glanced at the door In-Ha had walked past. “Believe I know just how stupid he can be.”

Eun-sun intently looked at her and she was more certain something was up with them. Something In-Ha might be clueless about and Ni-Na was unwilling to share.

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