Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 16: 16. Power of Will

Using his willpower, Kai saw a lot of colorful particles floating in the air. The colors of the particles are red, brown, dark blue, green, and gold.

He tried controlling the colorful particles but he felt a lot of resistance during the process.

'It seems my willpower isn't enough to control them.' thought Kai. After that, Kai tried a lot of experiments with the particles.

From the experiment, he can conclude that these particles are the five elements of heaven and earth. The red color is a fire element, the dark blue color is water, the brown color is an earth element, the green color is a wood element; and the gold color is a metal element.

For the other elements that exist in heaven and earth, Kai can't feel them for now, but he can do it when his willpower becomes stronger.

The five elements are basic elements that exist everywhere, and they are necessary to maintain the stability of the world.

'It seems I can also control them using my willpower, but I just can't do it now since my willpower isn't strong enough.' Kai silently said in his heart.

'What if I do it with natural fire elements in the surroundings?'

Suddenly Kai got an idea, since the Slaughter Palace uses [Refining Tower] to make their bodies stronger by using heavenly fire, he thought of making something similar.

A heavenly fire is naturally made by heaven after a countless period, the same sentence can also be written like this: 'The fire elements in the atmosphere make the heavenly fire after some time'.

It is possible because the heavens or heavenly dao was just embodiments of nature, and the fire elements are also part of nature.

To confirm his sudden idea, Kai tried absorbing a small amount of fire into his finger. He didn't absorb it into his body because he wasn't even sure his theory was correct, if something goes wrong, it will only damage his finger, not his body.

So, he only absorbed it into his finger to avoid any danger.

Even if his theory is correct, if the fire element is stronger than his body's endurance, Kai may explode due to the nature of the fire element.

Then the fire element slowly got into his finger, and he felt a burning sensation, but because of the illusion training, he held on, and after a few seconds, he felt nothing different.

After doing this for an hour, he finally felt a change. His finger got a little stronger and also acquired very little fire resistance.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Kai laughed loudly like a crazy man, because of this discovery.

"Kai, what happened ?" Riya suddenly came to him and asked worriedly.

"No, Mom, I was just happy and started to laugh because of it," Kai said in embarrassment because Riya saw his crazy behavior.

After seeing his normal reaction, Riya left him alone. Even though what he gained was very small, Kai was still happy with it. Because he only absorbed a small amount of fire elements, this method has a lot of potential since he can gain resistance from it.

Kai can theoretically obtain immunity to the said element if he does this for a long period. But it isn't going to happen since the elements in nature cannot be that strong.

Kai can easily temper his body like the refining tower and even do it with other elements. He can even create a heavenly fire for himself if he is capable of controlling the natural elements.

'It seems the Will path has a lot more potential than I anticipated.' thought Kai.

Kai can temper his body using elemental energy, and he can ignore the limit of his talent for this minor realm alone.

As for he considere this minor realm alone was because Kai won't absorb the elemental energy to form the Qi sea or Qi gathering realm since it will limit his Qi's nature only to the five elements. But if he absorbs the neutral Qi, he can convert it into any type he wants in the future.

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The former method limits the nature of Qi to five elements, and the latter method makes Qi a little weaker compared to the first.

But Kai wants his Qi to remain neutral since it is not a disadvantage for him. He can eliminate the weakness after his willpower becomes stronger, by blessing the Qi with elements using the surroundings.

Body tempering is divided into skin tempering, bone tempering, and blood tempering. Kai is planning to temper his body with all five elements so that he can have a better foundation.

Kai was planning to use all five elements, so he needs the elements to mutually restrain and generate each, so the elements will balance themselves due to an equal force. It will also help him to set up a proper foundation.

Fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood. Wood generates fire, and like this, they generate each other.

At the same time, water controls fire, fire controls metal, metal controls wood, wood controls earth, and earth controls water and also controls each of them.

But if one element is stronger than the other, it may destroy his foundation due to an imbalance. But he is willing to do this since the rewards are greater than the risk.

Kai started tempering his skin with a fire element. He only absorbed a small amount since a large amount would cause damage to his body. It was very painful, as his whole body was burning, but he endured it for the sake of a better foundation.

A lot of impurities emerged from his skin because of tempering, but he didn't care about that. He slowly increased the absorption speed, and the fire elements formed a tornado around him.

Kai continued to do this for two days, and after that, he felt no improvement from the fire element, so he stopped absorbing the elements. He can feel his skin changing a lot, but before that, he needs to bathe since he is covered with stinky impurities.

After Kai took a bath, he decided to check the changes in his body.

'Thr feeling of getting stronger is more addictive than I thought.'

He felt that his body is very light compared to before, and he can even control his body better than before.

Kai can now start tempering his bones, but he did not do that. Since he wanted to establish a strong foundation, he decided to temper his skin with all the elements.

Then Kai used the earth element for tempering, since fire generates earth, it is suitable to go in order. A small amount of earth elements gathered around his body, and this time his body felt very heavy, but it was not as unbearable as the fire element.

After two days of skin tempering with earth elements, his skin stopped developing. The benefits are very obvious with the earth element, it made his skin very hard, and it also increased his defense. Unlike the earth element, the fire element burned all the impurities in the pores of his skin.

Then Kai did the tempering with metal elements. It was very hard to absorb the metal element into skin since they are sharp; Kai felt the sensation of someone was cutting him with a knife.

So, he took three days to complete this tempering. There aren't a lot of benefits for metal elements other than increasing the hardness of the skin a little.

After finishing with metal elements, Kai took a break for two days. He had to let his body rest since he was doing intense training without any rest, and this tempering was hurting his body, unlike the illusion. So, he had to rest to avoid any hidden dangers.

This made him realize how much wealth and background can affect a person's growth. The geniuses in the top family do not have to worry about any hidden injuries because they have a lot of heavenly treasures to heal them faster and a lot of other powerful treasures to make them stronger.

After taking a proper rest, Kai absorbed the water elements in the surroundings. The water elements didn't cause him any pain like the other elements. It gave him a very cool and refreshing feeling; he felt like his body was getting massaged by gentle hands.

But the comfortable feeling did not last long because the water element did not improve his skin after two days. It only improved the smoothness of his skin, and it now looks like the that of a newborn baby.

Then Kai immediately started absorbing the wood element into the pores of his skin. This process also didn't hurt him, but it felt very warm, unlike the cool water element.

The skin tempering process only took a day, and his skin had already reached its full potential and could not be developed anymore. The wood element improved his recovery factor of the skin, although it was only a small amount, it helped him a lot.

He knee that a baby step can also completely achieve the goal, so it does not matter to him how small an improvement can be.

Now, with his skin alone, Kai can resist the attack of five elements, if the attack is not stronger than his skin's defense. If he continues on this path, he can obtain immunity to all the elements and make his body into an [Indestructible Body].

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