Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 147: 147.

The forest was still, the only sound being the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Kai stood firm, his eyes closed as he focused on the presence before him. "Senior, please show up!" he called out calmly, not bothering to evade the incoming attack.

In an instant, a simple old man materialized from the ether. He was unassuming, his appearance that of an ordinary mortal, yet the air around him was charged with an unspoken threat, a silent promise of death to those who dared to cross him.

With a casual flick of his wrist, the old man deflected the soul's assault. No grand gestures, no visible energy—just a simple slap that sent the soul careening through the air to crash against a tree.

"You! You! Who are you?" the soul stammered, its voice laced with panic. Never before had it encountered such a formidable presence, its very essence screaming to flee from the danger that the old man posed.

A soft chuckle escaped the old man's lips. "It seems you forgot about me," he said, amusement dancing in his eyes.

The soul's gaze darted around, confusion etched on its ethereal features as it struggled to place the old man's identity. It also sought an escape route, desperate to avoid the fate that seemed imminent.

Kai watched the scene unfold, a knowing smile creeping onto his face. "First Explorer," he whispered, the title hanging in the air like a verdict.

Recognition and shock flashed across the soul's countenance—Explorer, as Kai had named it. The realization hit it like a physical blow, leaving it reeling.

Ignoring the turmoil etched on Explorer's face, the old man continued, "It seems you failed in your plan."

Explorer's surprise was palpable. Until this moment, its scheme had been unfolding flawlessly. The plan was simple yet cunning: to possess Kai's body and achieve resurrection. To avoid detection, Explorer had divided its soul into seven fragments, each concealed within different relics. It had avoided placing its entire essence within a single object, for the risk of discovery would be too great.

"How did you find me? And who is this?" Explorer demanded, its voice a mix of fear and curiosity.

Kai rose to his feet, his smile unwavering. "It's because you made a mistake while helping me," he said.

"Mistakes?" Explorer's frown deepened.

"Well, you didn't make any mistakes," Kai admitted, his tone measured. "But you did everything too perfectly, which in itself made me suspect there was a mastermind aiding me."

Kai's suspicions were indeed well-founded. The cave, which was supposed to be Explorer's final resting place, held the first clue. The directive to bury the remains seemed straightforward, but as Kai reached out to the skeleton, a sense of imminent danger washed over him. This instinctual warning was enough to drive him away from the cave, leaving the remains untouched.

The second anomaly presented itself at the Blood Sea. The absence of beasts was a stark deviation from the norm. Kai knew that the periphery of the Blood Sea was typically teeming with creatures, yet not a single one was in sight. This eerie stillness was out of place, adding another layer of doubt to Kai's already wary mind.

The clue that made him confirm his suspicion was in Naline Kingdom.The fragment's presence was a glaring inconsistency, for the king had never ventured beyond his domain, yet here it was, nestled within his grasp. This incongruity solidified Kai's suspicions: he was ensnared in a web of deceit.

"Your plan would have succeeded if it wasn't me," Kai declared, his voice steady and resolute. The Explorer, a soul of ancient power, had meticulously orchestrated its resurrection, but Kai was no ordinary vessel. His insight into the Will Path, a knowledge the Explorer lacked, was the unforeseen flaw in an otherwise flawless plot.

"Senior, kill him," Kai commanded, turning to the old man who had appeared so unassumingly yet held dominion over life and death itself.

The old man, a figure of enigmatic power, nodded once. He raised his hand, not in fury or with visible might, but with a command over the natural world that required no force. The elements heeded his silent call, coalescing into a colossal palm that swept through the air, intent on delivering a final verdict.

"No, I won't give up after so long," the Explorer protested, its voice a mix of defiance and desperation. It burned its soul, igniting an aura that swelled to monumental proportions. The very fabric of the Abyssal World trembled under its influence, a testament to the Explorer's formidable essence.

But the old man remained unshaken. With a swift motion, he brought his hand down. The titanic palm, larger than the skies above, descended upon the Explorer. There was no struggle, no final plea—only the absolute erasure of existence. The soul was obliterated, leaving not a trace behind, denying the Explorer even the faintest hope of reincarnation.

"I have done my part. Do not forget our deal," the old man intoned, his duty fulfilled. With those final words, he vanished as mysteriously as he had appeared, his interest in the worldly treasures null.

Kai watched the old man's departure, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. With the threat extinguished, he turned his attention to the treasure that lay unguarded, its secrets and promises now his to uncover.


When Kai was undergoing bloodline transformation, a being appeared. It watched Kai's struggle against the mutation and how he was trying to conquer and making innate.

The old man was no ordinary being; he was the Abyssal Dragon, a creature of legend and might, whose very presence commanded the elements. Kai had glimpsed the dragon upon his arrival in this world, a fleeting vision that now took on a profound significance.

As Kai underwent the arduous process of bloodline transformation, the Abyssal Dragon, disguised as an unassuming old man, sensed the burgeoning power of the dark dragon within him. Drawn to this nascent force, the dragon appeared before Kai, his eyes reflecting the depths of ancient wisdom.

Upon the successful completion of Kai's transformation, the Abyssal Dragon examined the young cultivator with a discerning gaze. He saw not just the physical changes but the untapped potential that lay within Kai—a potential that could blossom into formidable strength.

With a voice that resonated with the authority of ages, the Abyssal Dragon revealed the hidden threat of the Explorer. The soul fragment, a piece of a once-mighty being, sought to use Kai as a vessel for resurrection. But the dragon offered a warning and a deal: he would aid Kai against the Explorer, ensuring his survival in exchange for a future favor.

Kai, faced with the enormity of the decision, weighed his options. The Explorer's soul was a force to be reckoned with, its power peaking at the zenith of the supreme realm. Without aid, Kai stood little chance against such an adversary.

After much contemplation, Kai accepted the deal. The stakes were high, but the promise of the Abyssal Dragon's protection was a beacon of hope in the looming shadow of the Explorer's ambition.

The Abyssal Dragon, satisfied with the agreement, imparted one final warning to Kai. His words were a reminder of the gravity of their pact and the consequences that would follow. With a nod that seemed to acknowledge the destiny they now shared, the dragon vanished, leaving Kai to ponder the path that lay ahead.

It all happened after Kai successfully acquired his bloodline. Although, Kai could have found the existence about Explorer, he wouldn't have any ways to deal with him.

No matter how talented Kai was, he was only a Tier 3 or Will Manipulation realm. He wouldn't able to deal with explorer, even though he was only a remnant soul.


Kai stood alone, the vastness of the Abyssal World stretching out before him. The silence was a stark contrast to the turmoil within his mind. He couldn't help but hope that the old dragon, the Abyssal Dragon he had unwittingly allied with, would not call upon him for aid.

The Abyssal Dragon's legacy was one of blood and fire, its wrath having nearly decimated the experts of every major faction in the lower dimensions. Such actions were beyond redemption, and Kai knew that the dragon's presence was anathema to those realms.

Yet, bound by the contract he had signed, Kai was tethered to the will of the dragon. If the time came to release the dragon from its chains, Kai would be compelled to act, despite his reservations. The weight of the contract was absolute, unyielding, and Kai could not defy it without consequence.

As he pondered the potential future, Kai's gaze drifted to the contract in his hand. Yet, bound by the contract he had signed, Kai was tethered to the will of the dragon. If the time came to release the dragon from its chains, Kai would be compelled to act, despite his reservations. U u u u

As he pondered the potenti

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