Parallel World Pharmacy

Volume 4 - Ch 4.3

Holy Land Infiltration

Ellen sympathized with Salomon. Salomon, who lost his magical powers, must have been expelled from the church as a commoner and must be in dire circumstances, waiting. Falma said to Com,

Please send a dove to a Holy Land. Tell him that you will return the wand and go to the Holy Land to see Salomon. If I cant see Salomon-san, I wont go to the Holy Land.

Even if the penalty has been decided, it will not be carried out immediately. Salomon was like being held, hostage. For Falma, Salomon was a good understanding person and the desire to protect him grew.

All right. We will arrange for the carriage.

Com wanted to hurry to the Holy Land for Falma.

All right, but how are you going to come back, Falma? If you dont have a pharmacist, it will take you a week to come back from the Holy Land.

Ellen worried that something might happen, so she would follow. Falma thanked Ellen for her kindness and asked Com-san

Do you think its all right to wait for a while. I have a doctors duty to finish. I have a lot of patients, and some are dying when Im away.

Some of the patients are undergoing chemotherapy. Palle is now able to use his own medicine to some extent. But without Falma around, he will be exposed to a variety of infection risks and will soon catch an infection.

Salomons life is important, but Palles life and the patients life are also important.

I can wait for a week or so.

Com made a concession. They seemed to be a little flexible about it.

Well, Im going to the Holy Land. Im sorry to have let you use the treasure at your disposal.

Why, I dont care. Its Salomons fault.

Com groaned in a good mood. Shortly afterward, however, Falmas next remark froze him.

But I will only come after I have told the Empress, Her Majesty Elizabeth

Why, to your Majesty? What does the Empress have to do with it?

Coms face, full of joy, turned pale and confused.

As you may not know, my pharmacy had an imperial-owned and licensed pharmacy. I am prohibited from leaving the country without reporting to your Majesty.


The San Fleuve Empire was the most powerful empire in the world today and the Empress who ruled it had a great deal of power.

There is no country in the world today that can win a direct war against the San Fleuve Empire. It was no exception, even to the Holy Land, which monopolizes the secrets of magic arts and holds the supreme power of the world. Even if the priests shut down the veins of all the nobility in the San-Fleuve Empire and made them impotent, only by the strength of the peacetime soldiers, they would crush to death the little country such as Holy Land. It was also such a military power.

If the crying children say a word to the Emperess and then officially leave the country, they will have to return Falma safely. He was not just a pharmacist who could have disappeared with the authority of the church.

Ellen stopped at the dumbfounded Com.

At the same time, he is one of the head court pharmacists. Meaning that he cannot easily leave within a few days.

A head pharmacist is a pharmacist who has the most trusted position in the country.

This empress was known for her short temper. Would she be in danger of losing her chief court pharmacist to the Holy Land?

Well, yes, sir.

Coms face twitched. He was scared when the empresss name came out. Though he was glad to see the pharmacist come to the church on his own, he was not alone.

His position in the empire was more solid than he had thought.

Well Ill ask the Holy Church to judge.

First of all, Falmas trip to the Holy Church was suspended. It was allowed that Falma should possess the staff until the judgment was rendered.

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