Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita

Chapter 99

Whispers here, whispers there. When I stand, everyone becomes silent; when I walk, stares follow. And, when I leave the room, the thoughts everyone was holding back are unleashed like a flood.

Well, its been a hard day.

Who leaked the story? Has the whole school been playing telephone since yesterday? I didnt know how far the rumors had spread, but at the very least, the rumors were running rampant in my class. This is the worst.

Still, for my classmates who I have studied together with for month to be this suspicious of me It hurts a little. My trustworthiness was as flimsy as a piece of paper.

Well, I understood their feelings. If it was A normal classmate that just did not speak much, everyone would question the rumors at least a little bit.

However, this time, the center of the rumors were me. Furthermore, I was being pinned as the perpetrator.

No what I say, it would seem like I did it. My face made me look like that. If the perpetrator and victim were reversed, it would not have turned out like this. Mariabell being the victim just sounds fake.

Maria-chan, are you okay? (Primella)

Yes Im sorry for getting you guys involved.

Dont worry about it. I never wouldve imagined this would happen after you and I split up. (Eru)

Normally during a break, we would stay in the classroom, but I felt extremely uncomfortable today, so we left. Peoples whispering and staring were bothersome.

Eru and Primella heard the rumors as well; I was surprised when they rushed at me this morning. As for the surroundings of my dorm, it was vulgar.

I was worried that they would doubt me after hearing the rumors, but my worries were unfounded. They were very worried about me and didnt think I was the criminal for an instant.

Maria-chan would never do something like that. (Primella)

I could see it if you fought in person, but youre no the type to do things sneakily. (Eru)

Primellas remark made me happy, but I felt like Eru was dissing me. Well, they had seen both sides of me, so I cant deny it.

But What happened?

The two of them had heard the incident through the rumors, but I hadnt said anything to anyone since we had been told to keep the incident under wraps.

Actually, when I heard the rumors, I was surprised by how accurate they were. Except for the fact that I was the culprit.

People who didnt understand the meaning of secret blabbed so it seems like the story wasnt distorted much. It was barely within the limits of being just a rumor.

If the culprit wanted to crush the leading contenders, its weird that they just aimed at Chris-sama. Even if she withdraws, as long as Maria-chan is in the running, no one else will win.

Well Thats true. Thats probably why they made it seem like I was the culprit.

Also, the meeting location It was actually different, right?


On that day, after I heard from Sara that the meeting location was in the waiting room, they decided that everyone should meet elsewhere before going there. When Sara heard, she went back to the classroom to tell me, but Eru and I had already left. In short, we passed each other.

Thats why everyone else besides me was together That goes without saying. When I think about this, I feel like it was a trap set to frame me.

Come to think of it, is Sara Okay?

I wonder We havent talked since then.

I didnt know if she was suspicious of me, but everyone else was being blatantly disdainful so it was probably difficult to approach me. Maybe she will refuse to do my make-up now That bothers me a little, but if that happens, Ill figure something out. I have never done it as Mariabell, but I do have some basic make-up knowledge.

People lose interest quickly. As soon as the culture festival ends, everyone will forget.

I was worried that we were leaving a criminal that had framed me at large, but it was likely that if I recklessly pursued the culprit, the rumors would become even more vicious.

I didnt know if the culprit was actually trying to ruin Christine-same, or denigrate me by using Christine-sama, or maybe even both, but if the contest ends, their goals will be fulfilled. My reputation would fall if left unpunished and Christine-sama would be unable to win.

Right now, what worries me the most is if by any chance, I defeat Christine-sama The situation will worsen immensely.


I was already dejected because of the contest, but now I was 80% more dejected.

After school, there was only one place where I could escape from all of the stares and malicious gossip.

Good work at school.

Im seriously tired

Keito thumped my head with the mug-bottle he was holding. Its something used to carry around drinks for tea cups, but Keito doesnt use it like that. It was too formal. I have the same one back in my room.

I was tired, so I took a gulp straight from the bottle. This would have been an issue for a noble lady besides me.

Honestly, Ive been doing this since long ago. At home it wasnt a bottle, but a normal cup, but Ive been fine passing a cup around since I was young. Though, I wouldnt do this with anyone besides Keito.

Their stares are irritating, and I wish they would gossip somewhere I cant hear. Or, just say it to my face!

Youre going nuts.

Why am I the one thats being considerate and staying away Why cant the ones gossiping and what not be more considerate!?

How about just letting them talk.

Well Honestly, Im not interested.

Its about you though.

Cause, I dont really care. Go ahead and gossip somewhere I dont know about.

Its just that, if youre going to do it near the person youre talking about, just say it to their face. Then they can defend themselves or prove the rumors as false.

They should be the ones paying attention. Why was I the one hiding in an obscure flower bed where no one could hear me?

Seriously, if you dont want someone to hear, then pay attention to your surroundings.

Really, good work today.


What do you want to do?

Stay here, sit next to me.


Keito gently patted my head after I let out a heavy sigh.

Since I complained out loud, I felt a little better I wasnt hurt, but I was sadder than I expected.

I didnt mind much when I was with Eru and Primella. I had been calm and composed the whole time. Once I saw Keito, my frustrations overflowed, and I dumped them on him.

It wasnt that I didnt trust them, I had just been certain that I was fine But it was a part of me that came out just for Keito.

Im behaving like a child

It was a mistake to spoil you.

Keito, do you spoil me?

Depending on the time and place.

I think I was being spoiled but It was probably because I was relying on him and I didnt have it together. Since he was spoiling me, Ill permit his attitude.

When you need to be scolded, encouraged, or comforted. Only when you need it.

I have thought this countless times, but Keito is a psychic. Furthermore, he actually got it right, so I dont think its just my imagination, maybe he really is psychic.

Maria, youre easy to understand and Im good at sensing it. Even if I dont know in the end, youll tell me directly.

Thats You dont have to lie.

I can figure it out in a second.

Shut up.

Well, you always take care of me, thank you!

I drank everything in the bottle as revenge, but he just laughed at me. And then, he mouthed iiidiot. It made me angrier than if he had said it out loud.

I wanted to make a rebuttal, but unfortunately, I couldnt think of one. I only had his mug bottle.

Keito, can you look that way?


He tilted his head in confusion, but even so, he turned his back to me. Maybe it was true that Keito spoiled me.

I was happy that he turned without any caution, but I only had one aim. I undid the ribbon fluttering by his neck.


Dont look this way, stay still.

His hair was freed from the ribbon and fell around his shoulders. He really did have long hair for a boy. I was envious of his hair that stayed straight even though it had been tied up.

I held the cord between my lips while I did his hair. Then, I held it down with one hand as I tied it with the other. I wasnt good at this, but the result was quite excellent.

Hm, finished.

Whatd you do?

Fufu, I made you cute.


The only reason he tied his hair was to keep it behind his neck, so I tried a different style. As expected, this hair style suited him. The ribbon on his head was so cute that if someone saw him from behind, they might think he was a girl.

You match me now.

Doing that Whats wrong with you?

I couldnt think of what to do as revenge, so I did a crime for fun.

Thats not something you should be proud of.


He was exasperated with me, but I was satisfied.

I smiled proudly, causing Keito to laugh.

Feeling better?


He nodded at me. This time, it seemed like Keito was the one satisfied. He raised his hand and ruffled my hair. Even though I told him to pat my hair in a way that wouldnt mess up my hair many times, I was already feeling relieved.

Nothing was solved, but my heart felt brighter.

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