Otherworld TRPG Game Master

Chapter 131: After Story: The Magical Girl, The Knight, And The Agent - 3

Chapter 131: After Story: The Magical Girl, The Knight, And The Agent - 3

The Second Prince of the Empire, Irid Crown, was deep in thought. What was his true strength?

While he could defend himself, he wasn't as powerful as someone in the Metamorphosis stage. Unlike his older sister, the 1st Princess Elaine, he couldn’t charge into battle and cut down enemies easily.

He didn’t have the charisma to sway souls with grand speeches. Although he understood the fundamentals, his skills didn’t extend far beyond that. After all, he hadn’t even managed to properly flirt with Centra once.

His talents lay elsewhere—in managing people, organizing paperwork, and overseeing projects. The tasks that kept him confined to a desk.

Together, these abilities formed what could be called internal affairs skills.

This expertise in internal affairs allowed him to sift through endless documents, uncover embezzlement, curb unnecessary spending, and identify incompetent officials, swiftly exiling those fools to the countryside.

The agents of the Imperial Defense Bureau, whom he had won over secretly dubbed him the『God’s Cogwheel』. No matter how convoluted the empire’s bureaucracy became, Irid always seemed to keep it running smoothly.

On top of that, his time with Centra had further broadened his perspective. By understanding life from the commoner’s point of view, he had refined his already sharp management skills.

On holidays, he gifted personalized items to his agents—children’s toys to those with families, tailored suits to those with partners, and desserts to others.

Using the budget secured by his administrative ability, he had the means to give gifts at just the right moment!

“Come to think of it, Jonathan’s birthday is in four days⋯⋯."

This attention to detail even extended to taking care of the personal events of his employees.

There was a reason why the agents of the long-standing Defense Bureau kept pledging their loyalty to the Second Prince.

In a more peaceful era, Irid’s talents would have undoubtedly led the empire to greater prosperity.

But these were dangerous times. Black Wizards were stirring up trouble in the shadows, and the ranks of corrupt nobles swelled daily.

It was a period where the Empire needed warriors to face and defeat its enemies head-on rather than bureaucrats.

Was he going to just give up because his talents did not align with his goals?


“Just because my abilities aren’t ideal doesn’t mean I should stop putting in the effort.”

That’s why.

That’s why, even with only circumstantial evidence against Count Benstone, Irid pressed on. He lacked both the shrewdness of a seasoned politician and the raw power to crush his enemies, but he had something else—a keen eye to extract even the tiniest bits of information hidden under mountains of paperwork.

Piece by piece, he was building a case against the Count.

And he almost did it.

Starting with minor legal violations, he tracked suspicious funds and questionable distributions. From these small leads, he was crafting an argument to justify the necessity of a forced search of the Count’s estate.

It was like turning nothing into something, and Irid had managed to complete nearly 80% of the bill of indictment.

Just a few more days, and it would be ready. Once finished, he planned to submit it to congress, giving his actions the legitimacy needed before leading the Defense Bureau agents to raid Benstone’s mansion.

It was hard. Really hard.

But his desire to gift Centra a brighter future, symbolized by the rosemary decoration on the corner of the desk, gave him infinite energy.

Let’s just try a little bit harder.

As Irid stretched his back, preparing to pick up his quill once more, someone knocked on his office door.

Knock Knock.

"⋯⋯Who is it?”

“It’s C. An urgent message has arrived from Yuri Lanster, who was assigned to codename 『Crazy Wizard』. I thought this situation required your highness' immediate attention⋯⋯."


Irid felt a chill crawl up his spine.

The deep regret he felt from C’s voice triggered his intuition. What in the world had happened now? What kind of mess have you stirred up this time, Crazy Wizard⋯⋯!!


C relayed the report from Yuri Lanster, reading it aloud.

“They had managed to convert one of Redburn’s knives, codename 『The Nightmare of Wizards』. And⋯⋯."

“That is unexpected. Continue?”

"There's been a change in his Metamorphosis. He’s acquired the ability to alter his appearance, and it turns out the well-known vigilante 『Blue Rose』 and 『The Nightmare of Wizards』 are, in fact, the same person."

"⋯⋯As far as I know, 『The Nightmare of Wizards』 is a man. And that 『Blue Rose』 wears highly feminine clothing."

Irid mind came up with the image of an ordinary-looking man running around in women's clothing, carrying out vigilante acts. It made his skin crawl. He couldn't possibly think of a reason why anyone sane would do such a thing.

Could it be that instead of conversion, Crazy Wizard had simply half destroyed 『The Nightmare of Wizards』’s mind?

Otherwise, how could cross-dressing and conversion go hand in handt⋯⋯.

Irid shook his head, cutting off that train of thought. It felt like the kind of puzzle where the deeper you go, the more you'd sink into an abyss. With a flick of his hand, he motioned for C to continue.

C cleared her throat twice before resuming.

"『The Nightmare of Wizards』 has grown surprisingly close to the Captain of the Capital Knight Order. The analysis suggests there’s a strong possibility they may become lovers."

"⋯⋯?? No, why, how⋯⋯ Nevermind. Continue the report."

"So, 『The Nightmare of Wizards』, the Captain of the Capital Knight Order, and field agent Yuri Lanster have successfully retrieved a ledger containing proof of Count Benstone’s involvement in drug trafficking."


Irid froze for a moment, dumbfounded.

Even if the world was full of strange and extraordinary events, wasn't this story a bit too far-fetched⋯⋯?

"So⋯⋯  Field Agent Yuri Lanster is asking for your confirmation about initiating a raid on Count Benstone's drug operation in collaboration with the Capital Knight Order"


He couldn’t understand the means, but the outcome was clear. If this operation succeeded in ousting Count Benstone, it would be like cutting off one of Duke Redburn’s hands.

Wasn’t this the very reason Irid had worked so hard to draw up the bill of indictment? Though, in the end, it had been reduced to nothing more than a scrap of paper.

Irid glanced with weary eyes at the towering stack of documents on the desk, before nodding coolly.


That was the moment the fate of Count Benstone’s family was sealed.


Count Benstone’s Mansion.

Around 1:50am.

Zewidi Benstone was basking in a sense of accomplishment in his room. He had finally persuaded the old nobleman to take the drug, and now, that countryside aristocrat having experienced its effects, was caught in an inescapable web.

Even if the noble later realized his mistake and tried to quit, it would be too late. No priest could cure the addiction. After all, it was a drug designed to breach the mind’s defenses, allowing Dream Demons to infiltrate.

Repeated cycles of pleasure and pain within his dreams would gradually break down the user’s mind, turning them into an utterly obedient slave. Through him, the drug would soon spread to the other nobles across the countryside.

Thus increasing Zewidi’s influence.

The Empire wasn't foolish. Though the Defense Bureau's actions had been suspicious lately, and the Capital Knight Order seemed to be snooping around, it wasn’t enough to force him to destroy the evidence.

With the balance of power between the noble faction and the imperial faction almost evenly matched, half-baked schemes wouldn’t be enough to topple him. Moreover, striking at the wrong time would only invite backlash, as in any power struggle.

The differing goals of each side also worked in his favor.

For the Benstone Family, and by extension Duke Redburn, chaos within the Empire was the ultimate goal. On the other hand, their opponents wanted to maintain stability. This difference created a gap.

If their enemies made a move without undeniable proof, they could easily counter with claims of, "The Imperial Family is oppressing the nobility!" Some would believe it, while others wouldn’t, but the resulting confusion would certainly destabilize the Empire.

And this was all possible because the one figure who held absolute power—the Emperor—remained inexplicably silent.

Of course, Zewidi knew they would be discovered eventually. The Defense Bureau wasn't stupid and would eventually gather enough evidence. So they needed to withdraw before then. They would have to offer up someone expendable as a magic sponge1 and cut off their tail.

That was why⋯⋯  Zewidi Benstone predicted the right time to withdraw was in three months.

He figured that he would be able to do this for at least that long.

He was wrong.

“Benstone family, come out without resisting──!!"

“The mansion is completely surrounded! The defenders of justice, the Capital Knight Order, have completed their encirclement and annihilation formation!!”

"You are charged with illegal drug distribution and treason against the state!! Resist, and we will kill you on the spot! If you value your life, surrender peacefully!!


Zewidi Benstone stared out the window, utterly shocked.

Tung. Tatung. Tung!

Strange sounds echoed as magical lighting tools activated all around the estate. Cone-shaped beams of light flooded Benstone's mansion from every direction, forcing Zewidi to shield his eyes from the blinding glare.

Through the shadows, he could make out the silhouettes of the Capital Knight Order in power armor, along with half-awake guards around the perimeter.

How did this happen?

Had they decided to wipe them out, disregarding any political consequences? Or⋯⋯!

As Zewidi Benstone scrambled to piece together what had happened, the mansion's front gate swung open, and Count Benstone, rushed out in his pajamas, shouting,

“This is my mansion! There are noble guests inside! How dare you cause such a ruckus in the middle of the night! I will make sure to remember this and── ugh!”

“Count Benstone has been captured!!"

He was hit by a single strike from a power-armored soldier and immediately caught.

Zewidi Benstone felt a chill run down his spine. To see them strike a Count without hesitation—it seemed they were operating with a certain level of confidence.

Duke Redburn would no doubt handle the political fallout. That left Zewidi with a different task⋯⋯  to destroy as much evidence as possible and escape.

He quickly pocketed a container of the drug and sprinted down the corridor.

And ran into Roderus.

“You, security!”

"What is this? What have you been doing that the Capital Knight Order is raiding us!"

Roderus immediately switched to the tactics he had learned in the canyon. As soon as he saw Zewidi Benstone, he put on a rotten expression and started playing politics.

Zewidi’s face flushed with anger and humiliation. He snapped.

"⋯⋯Now’s not the time for this! Get outside and stall them! Buy me time to escape!"

“I see no reason to risk my life for an incompetent fool who cannot even do his job properly.”

“What?! You followed Duke Redburn’s orders to be here, are you really going to defy him now?!”

“Father despises failure. I doubt he’d bother ordering me to protect someone who handled information like a retard and brought the entire Capital Knight Order down on our heads.”

Roderus smirked, his practiced insolence on full display. Zewidi Benstone grinded his teeth and shouted.

“I will remember this!”

“Be my guest.”

Zewidi Benstone ran. There was no one left to trust. The guards were armed but nowhere near enough to fend off the Capital Knight Order. Even Roderus had turned his back on him, leaving him with no options.

That meant the knights would soon storm the mansion. If he didn’t escape immediately, his life would be in danger.

He thought about the drugs left in the basement, but trying to get to them now would only lead to his death. His survival was the only thing that mattered.

Booom-! Boom-!

He heard sounds of something being destroyed and screams. Zewidi shoved the candleholder, activating the hidden mechanism and opening the secret passage. Without a second thought, he threw himself into the space that opened.

He ran, leaving behind the noise of the mansion being torn apart.

"⋯⋯Damn it, I worked so hard to build this business!"

His incompetent father had no business acumen. So it was a business he had painstakingly cultivated step by step, but now it was all crumbling to dust.

The only chance for a comeback lay with Duke Redburn.

Escape the mansion, reach the Duke, expose Roderus’s refusal to cooperate, and demand punishment. He was still a valuable asset. He could still ask for a new identity, title, and power.

But as he sprinted through the secret tunnel, expecting a hopeful future.



A blue magical girl made an appearance.

A figure appeared before him—a costume full of ribbons and frills, wielding a rapier that looked more like an ornament than a weapon. It was as if she'd stepped out of a fairy tale devoid of any tension.

But the determination reflected in her eyes shattered that illusion.

Killing intent. Clear killing intent radiated from her gaze. Despite her ridiculous weapon, she was fully prepared to kill.

"⋯⋯Who are you?!"

"Since you asked, I’ll answer. I am 『Pure Knight』⋯⋯ though that’s a name someone like you won’t need to remember."

“Damn it, how did you find the secret⋯⋯ That’s right! Traitor! There was a traitor! Now it all makes sense⋯⋯!!"


The rapier shimmered with starlight, and made a soft, melodic Ppirong Ppirong sound. At the same time, high-density mana swirled around the blade, transforming the seemingly dainty weapon into a lethal drill. It was a Magical Girl technique designed to maximize piercing power.

"『Killing Umbrella』."

A flash.

In an instant, three rapid thrusts tore through the air, and Zewidi was sent flying backward, his legs and left arm riddled with massive holes.


“Did I overdo it with the torque? I didn’t mean to send him flying⋯⋯."

Zewidi Benstone struggled while gushing blood. He couldn’t die here. The Magical Girl was coming⋯⋯!

He made his decision. He pulled out the drug container, and he hurriedly dumped every last pill into his mouth. They were his ‘high-end products’ that were worth taking with him even while trying to escape.

A drug that boosted mana at the cost of your lifespan.

The amount of mana the drug increased varied by individual and their stage, but in Zewidi’s case—having not yet reached Metamorphosis—it doubled the base amount.

He had just swallowed four pills, multiplying his mana output to sixteen times its normal level!

“Ke, Kehehehehe⋯⋯!!"


His blood boiled as grotesque veins bulged beneath his skin. Blood dripped from his eyes and nose as he forced himself to his feet.

"⋯⋯Just what did you eat?"

"You won't, you won't be able to stay that composed... Kehahaha! With this much power, I could turn this mansion to dust! And you along with it!"

“It would be burdensome to fight. I wouldn’t lose, but the passage might collapse. Kim Ruru?”

“Just who are you call──"


Zewidi Benstone lifted his head as he heard the heavy crashing sound coming from above.

Thud. Thudd.

Each tremor shook the entire secret tunnel, causing dirt to crumble from the ceiling.

And then.

Craack, crack──!!

A giant hole was drilled through the ceiling, casting a huge shadow over the tunnel floor. A knight in power armor, resembling a walking fortress, was pointing directly at Zewidi Benstone.

“Is that him?”


The feeling of being hunted overtook Zewidi. Every survival instinct in his body screamed at him, and he reflexively unleashed his mana.

“You, euaaaaat──!!"

An enormous surge of mana exploded from him. Blue energy coalesced around Zewidi, rapidly expanding into a hemispherical barrier. The Commander of the Capital Knight Order casually pressed a single finger against its center.

In an instant, the mana froze. It refused to expand any further. Zewidi screamed again, desperately trying to summon more, straining with all his might.


“Hm hm, yeah yeah.”

Commander muttered, extending her finger further.


The hemisphere began to shrink. No matter how desperately Zewidi funneled mana into the barrier, it was easily being compressed by the Commander's single finger.

There was no advanced technique, no power of Metamorphosis involved. It was purely a matter of overwhelming strength—a simple comparison of weight. It was like a child trying to push against a stone wall.

Her finger crept forward until it hovered just before Zewidi’s forehead. His breath came in ragged gasps, his face pale, as if he had encountered a monster. This was 16 times his normal power, and yet...!

“Heuaack, heuuck⋯⋯, heuck⋯⋯!"

"You need to eat more. You’re too scrawny."

The Commander of the Capital Knight Order lightly snapped her finger.


With a sharp crack, like a watermelon splitting, Zewidi Benstone slumped to the ground, unconscious. It was the moment the Benstone family's downfall was sealed.

"Kim Ruru, you held back, right⋯⋯?"

"Eung! He is still alive, I think."


"So, I just need to take him, right? And Dae-soo, you’re uh⋯⋯ heading back home?"

Oh Dae-soo nodded. With the Count’s forces here completely wiped out, he needed to return to Duke Redburn. His future orders were unclear, and it was unlikely they’d meet again soon.

"We won’t be able to see each other for a while."

"⋯⋯Can’t you stay?"

"I want to stay longer. But we have work to do. We are Magical Girls, after all."

"Eung. I hope we can meet again soon. I’m, not very good at waiting⋯⋯."

Roderus smiled gently, conjuring a blue rose from his manaand handed it to Kim Ruru. It was his way of saying goodbye.

"See you⋯⋯ next time.”


Roderus disappeared down the secret passage. Kim Ruru watched him go, her eyes on his back for a long time. Then, she turned her attention back to Zewidi Benstone.


She picked up a drug container that had been lying nearby and examined it. It was divided into five sections—four of which were empty, and the last one still contained a drug.

Kim Ruru quietly slipped the drug into her pocket.

And thus, Operation Nighttime Arrest came to an end.


There were four people in the dark room. Though separated by distance, they had gathered in one place through a mysterious ritual and were united for a common goal.

『The Corpse Flower That Feasts on Fear』 spoke first.

"The Academy remains under control. Although a group of hidden Dark Wizards were caught, our priority is to complete the Enhanced Magic. So for now, all is well."

『Despair Carved by the Noose』 followed.

"Count Benstone has been captured, and the drug trade has been entirely disrupted. This irks me... Ever since I listened to you, 『Lamb』, everything’s been falling apart. While Operation Crown Hall Collapse is still on track, if this continues, it’ll be problematic."

『The Virgin Who Drinks Pleasure』 spoke next.

"My control is solid. Each night, the nobles sink deeper into indulgence, obeying my every command. There are no issues on my end."

『The Lamb That Devours Pain』 spoke.

"Our supply of sacrifices remains steady. The world is vast, and humans are plentiful. However, with two of our four schemes now compromised... we may need to hasten the operation."

The hooded 『Lamb』slowly clenched his fist. A grand scheme orchestrated by four notorious Dark Wizards, unleashing chaos simultaneously. When their plan was set into motion, chaos would feed upon chaos, spiraling out of control and keep growing.

And what would be left ripe for the taking was──

"If nothing stands in our way, the Empire will be ours."


"I think it’s time I start leaking hints about the hidden ending of the Tower of Trials."

A second storm was about to sweep through the Academy.

    1. A bullet sponge is any enemy that is very hard to kill, but isn't actually a challenge. Just time consuming, such as something with way to much HP. However, the author replaced the "bullet" part with "magic". As in, they would be defeated with magic instead of bullets.
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