One Wild Night

Chapter 283 Talking About Marriage

Chapter 283 Talking About Marriage

"Lucy is a really lovely girl," Evelyn said once Tom joined her in the laundry room where she was busy folding some of the laundries.

"Why are you doing this when I have people I pay to do it?" Tom asked with a slight frown as he took the bedspread she was folding, and dropped it in the laundry basket.

"I didn't complain, did I? Besides, you have more guests than usual in the house, hence I'm doing this. When you get married your wife will..."

"Yeah. How did I forget that you always find a way to navigate every discussion back to the subject of marriage? I have a woman now in my life, so give it a rest," Tom said as he took her arm and led her out of the laundry room.

"Yes, I'm well aware that you have a woman. And I love her and her family. So when are you going to get married?" She asked, and sighed.

"That isn't why I came to find you. I just wanted to spend some time with you since it's been a while we just sat down together," Tom said as he pulled her close, and Evelyn looked at him suspiciously.

"How am I sure you're not just trying to change the subject?"

"I'm sure you know me better than that. So tell me, how have you been?" Tom asked, and then he listened to her as she told him all about the different charity groups she volunteered with, and she gave him all the juicy gossips of some of their neighbors, and even some of the people he went to school with who had moved back into the neighborhood.

"Really? Nell is back home? I thought he was a big-time footballer?" Tom asked, genuinely surprised.

"That was until his femur was damaged during a game. Didn't you read of it?" His mother asked with a scoff.

"Anyway, everyone in the neighborhood talks about my successful children, and they're always reading every article that concerns you and your siblings. I always feel like a Queen whenever I step out of the house," she concluded, and Tom chuckled.

"You should feel so. You are our Queen," Tom said, making her smile widen.

"So, what about you? What has been going on? How is work going? And why haven't I seen nor heard about Harry since I arrived? Did something happen between you both?" She asked curiously.

"We are cool. He has been busy. I sent him out on an assignment, but he will be here to say hello to you tomorrow," Tom assured her as he led her upstairs, away from the Den where the men were making noise.

"Oh, that's good then. It's been a while since I last saw him. And you should stop making the poor guy lie to me. He isn't great at telling lies," Evelyn scolded.

"Don't you think it's your fault? You should stop putting him in positions where he has to lie," Tom pointed out, and Evelyn rolled her eyes.

"By the way mom, what do you think about I-Global entertainment agency?" He asked, and she paused to look at him.

"By I-Global entertainment agency I take it that you mean you want to create a subsidiary that deals mostly with entertainment?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Yes. I thought about it, and I asked Bryan to work with me. Does it make sense to you?" He asked since his mother was very intelligent and knowledgeable on stuff like that. Years ago before she stopped working, she used to be the personal assistant to the CEO of a really big company, so he trusted her judgment when it came to stuff like this.

"You just acquired Ocean Airlines, how far have you come with reviving the airline? Are you sure it is not too soon to take on another huge responsibility? I don't think an entertainment agency would be easy to run," she said, voicing out her concern.

"Yes, I understand that it won't be easy to run. But now that I've revealed my identity to the world, Harry won't have to represent me as much anymore. So I offered to make him my Co-CEO, that way neither of us gets overwhelmed. Also, after that interview, the moment I make an official announcement about this and sign Bryan, our stock price will soar," Tom explained as he opened the door to the balcony and held out a chair for her, and Evelyn nodded her head as she sat down.

"I see that you've thought it through," Evelyn said calmly, "So what did Bryan say?"

"He said he will think about it. I just wanted to hear your opinion before discussing it with him or telling dad about it," Tom explained.

"I think it's a good idea. At least you will look out for him," Evelyn said as she smiled at him.

"While you're making all these great plans, I hope you will factor marriage into it? You are not getting any younger and neither are we. We want grandkids," She said and Tom sighed.

It wasn't like he didn't want to get married, but something told him that Lucy wouldn't be willing to do so now, and he didn't want to raise the subject and make things uncomfortable for her. She had barely just agreed to be in a relationship now after so many years of wanting to be single, so marriage was likely going to be the last thing on her mind.

"When I'm ready I will settle down. If you want grandkids so much, I could just get one adopted for you," Tom offered, and his mother glared at him.

"What are you both doing here?" Bryan asked as he opened the door and joined them on the balcony.

"Talking about marriage. When are you getting married to Sonia?" She asked, and Bryan took a step back as he looked at Tom.

"Your twin brother-in-law is leaving, I just came to get you in case you wanted to say goodbye to him," Bryan said and hurried away without answering their mother's question, making Tom chuckle knowingly as he stood up and hurried after Bryan.

"I hope I get to see you again soon," Lucy was saying as she embraced Lucas who was ready to leave.

"Sure. Take care of yourself, alright?" Lucas said as he kissed her forehead before breaking the hug to look at Tom who just joined them, "I trust that you will take care of her."

"You have nothing to worry about," Tom assured him, and they both shook hands.

"Darling, make sure you're fine. If you need to talk, give me a call, okay? No matter what time it is," Janet said as she embraced her son, and held on to him as she patted his back.

"I'll be okay. Just enjoy your stay here," Lucas assured his mother, before facing his father.

"Be good. We got you," Andrew said as he slapped his son's back.

"You will be okay. No wise person ever died of heartbreak. Always remember that" Tom's mother said as she joined them, and she embraced him. Janet had told her all about Lucas' relationship with Rachel and what had led to their breakup.

"You all should give the young man a break! He is only traveling, not going to commit suicide. Why do you all sound like you won't be seeing him again? You should leave now before you miss your flight, son," Desmond said impatiently as he slapped Lucas' back making him chuckle as he opened the car door, but not without stopping to embrace Sonia first.

"You take care of her, Bryan," Lucas said as he shook hands with Bryan before looking at the others, "Y'all should have fun. And let me know who wins the game," he told Lucy with a wink as he got into the car for Adolf to drive him to the airport.

They had all agreed that he should not drive his car since they didn't think that he was in a good frame of mind to drive himself.

Tom had promised to get the car delivered to him since both their parents would be traveling back together and wouldn't be needing the car.

They all stood out there waving at the car as Adolf drove off, and they remained there until the car disappeared from view.

Janet sighed as her husband's arm came around her waist, "I really hope that he will be fine."

"Don't worry. He will be fine," her husband assured her.

"Alright, everyone! It is time for the games!" Sonia announced excitedly.

"Okay, let's see what Lucy has prepared to entertain us," Desmond said with a grin as they all headed for the house.

"The games are all outdoor games," Lucy announced.

"What? Outdoor games? I thought it would be using the play station or something," Andrew complained.

"Why? Are you scared that Tom would beat your pants down?" Bryan taunted.

Andrew smirked, "Take a look at my physique, son. I doubt that your body would be anywhere near this when you get to my age. I'm not scared of outdoor activities."

"Why do you keep being at loggerhead with both brothers, anyway?" Janet asked her husband quietly.

"It's not my fault that the boys feel threatened by your hot hunk of a husband," he told his wife with a wink, and she rolled her eyes, "So what is it going to be? Are we swimming?"

"You will see when it's time. Right now, you all should go to the poolside and wait while we get all the items we need," Lucy instructed them before signaling to Sonia to come with her.

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