One Wild Night

Chapter 152 - Pervert

"Judging by all you have said, she is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. She is still in psychologic shock," The doctor informed Tom, who was seated opposite him, staring at him without giving away his emotions.

Although Tom hadn't given him the details of the nature of Lucy's trauma, he had told the doctor that Lucy had been sharing a traumatic experience with him when she suddenly froze and fainted, "So what can be done?" Tom asked, his concern evident in his tone.

"Well, for starters she needs to see a psychotherapist. Is she your girlfriend?" The doctor asked curiously since it was the first time he was seeing Tom with a lady, and Tom sighed.

"She doesn't even know who I am, so do me a favor and keep my identity to yourself. She is a staff here, and as far as we are concerned, I'm just her driver... At least for the time being. When can she leave here?" Tom asked, glancing at his wristwatch. It was past seven already, and knowing Lucy, she would want to go to work.

Although the doctor was very curious about how a person like the CEO ended up becoming one of his staff's driver, he knew he couldn't ask. They weren't close enough for him to ask him such questions.

"I think we should let her rest for a while. Maybe when she is up I could talk to her if you don't mind," the doctor suggested, and Tom gave him a nod.

"See what you can do. And if she needs professional help, then get her the best you can find. Tell her the company will take care of the bill so she doesn't have to worry about that," Tom instructed the doctor who was under his payroll, as he stood up to leave the office.

Once he stepped out of the doctor's office his phone started ringing, and he dipped his hand into his pocket to get it out. Seeing that it was Jade, he received the call at once, "Where have you been?"

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry I didn't take your call yesterday. I was so busy with work that I lost track of time and I couldn't even remember where I left my cellphone, until late at night, and then I didn't want to disturb your sleep," Jade explained apologetically as she yawned.

"It's okay. I hope you're fine?" Tom asked even though he could hear the tiredness in her voice.

"Sure I am. What about you? How is it going with Lucy?" Jade asked with a yawn as she looked around her office and ran her fingers through her short mop of pixie-cut hair.

"Everything is okay over here," Tom lied since he was far from being okay himself. All he needed was a quiet place where he could sit down to think about all Lucy had said, and how he could resolve the mess he had gotten himself into.

"Great! Any good news from Harry yet?" She asked hopefully.

"That was the reason I was calling. Could you give Harry a call? He wants to ask you a couple of questions that could help him in finding your witness," Tom said, making Jade sit up.

"Why not just give my contact number to him?" Jade asked with another yawn as she rubbed her eyelids which were still feeling kind of heavy. The whole of her body ached.

"That's the third time you are yawning, are you sure you're getting enough rest?" Tom asked with a concerned frown.

"I'm fine. I'm just feeling very exhausted," Jade confessed as she stood up from her seat.

She couldn't believe that she had worked all through the day and night, and had dozed off on her desk. She must have been really exhausted to have been knocked out that way. She needed to leave now so that she could go home and freshen up before the others started coming to work unless she wanted to be seen this way.

"You really need to take a break from work. If anything happens to you, I can assure you that your boss is going to get someone else to take over from where you stopped that very minute," Tom said with a concerned frown.

"Spoken like the cold CEO that you are. I like to think he will replace me the next minute, not that same minute," Jade teased, "Don't worry, I'm going to get plenty of rest. Just ask Harry to give me a call," Jade added and stifled the urge to yawn again as she picked up her handbag and looked inside it to be sure that her car key was in there, before turning off the light in her office and walking out.

"No, you should call him yourself. It is difficult enough to reach you as it is. I will text you his number the moment I hang up, so give him a call immediately, and save him the stress of trying unsuccessfully to reach you," Tom said, making Jade sigh.

"Alright. I will be waiting. Love you, Tommy," Jade said, blowing him a kiss before hanging up.

Once she hung up she quickly rushed out of the company, making sure not to be seen by anyone. Once she was seated in her car, she checked her appearance through her rearview mirror and groaned when she noticed the dark circles under her eyes. It wasn't like the circles haven't been there for a while, but they stood out more on her pale face now, and she didn't like it. She really needed to create time to rest, else she was going to break down.

Perhaps she should take the day off, and go to a beauty spa? Maybe get a good massage and a makeover. Makeovers always gave ladies the needed lift.

Just as she turned on her car's ignition, her phone beeped with a message notification. She picked up the phone and clicked on it when she saw that the text was from Tom. He had sent her Harry's number as promised.

Harry Jonas... She tried to remember what she could of him. She had seen him just once, and that was the same year after she just started her practice... Four years ago.

It had been during the Christmas holiday season, and Tom had invited Harry to meet his family, while her late boyfriend, Todd had been around to spend the holidays with her and her family as well.

She remembered getting into a fight with Todd because he had seen her seated at the Porch with Harry, late at night having a nightcap. Todd had accused her of flirting with Harry... Thinking of it now, Jade scoffed as she drove off.

It was funny how Todd had been the cheat in their relationship, yet he had been the most insecure between them both. He had accused her of cheating and flirting with other guys when he had been the one doing all of that. How could she have been so blind to all of that? Jade let out a sigh and shook her head to get rid of thoughts of Todd as she dialed Harry's line. She turned on her car's Bluetooth speaker so that she wouldn't have to hold the phone to her ear.

She listened to it ring for a while until it disconnected since Harry didn't take his call. Now, who was difficult to reach? Jade asked herself with an eye roll as she dialed his number again. It rang for a while again, and then disconnected, "At least, I called," Jade said out loud as she focused on the road ahead of her.

She really hoped that Harry would be able to help her find her witness, as he was her only hope. She knew that there was no way Candace was going to agree to come out of her hiding and get involved in Jero's case again, not after it almost cost her her son's life.

Although Candace would have been the perfect bait to bring Jero out of hiding, Candace would freak out if she heard that Jero had escaped from the correctional facility where he had been locked up for the past two years.


The first sight that greeted Bryan when he opened his eyes was Sonia's face. They were both lying on his bed facing each other with a little space between them. He watched her face as she slept and a smile played around his lips when Sonia smiled in her sleep.

Instead of watching a movie as they had initially planned to do the previous night, they had settled for Kevin Hart's 'Irresponsible' and had shared a good laugh at his humorous jokes. At some point, Sonia had offered to get them a night snack and had left the room only to return with two cups of hot chocolate drink and a bowl of chips. They had fought over the last chip in the bowl until Sonia had suggested that they play a game, where the winner gets to eat the last chip.

Thinking about the whole silliness of last night under the sanity of dawn, Bryan grinned as he took a closer look at Sonia's face.

She looked so innocent and beautiful, that he could spend all day watching her and not even be bored. He grinned when Sonia giggled in her sleep. The sound of her laughter was like music to his ears, and he couldn't help wondering what she was dreaming about. He was certain that whatever it was she was dreaming about was just as exciting as she was.

Yes. Sonia was very exciting. No matter what he did with her, it was always fun. Whether they were arguing, exchanging bants, playing games, watching a movie, making out, or even just sitting next to each other without saying a word, it was all exciting for him.

Oh, Bryan! Look how hard you have fallen! Bryan thought with a shake of his head, and a wide grin on his face.

Once he noticed that Sonia was beginning to stir in her sleep, he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Sonia opened her eyes, and the first sight that greeted her was Bryan's face. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she looked into his beautiful face, and a smile tugged on her lips when she remembered how she had fallen asleep while listening to him tell her some dry jokes.

Her fingers itched to touch him. His hair, his face, his lips... but she tried to stifle the urge. This wasn't Sonia Smith. If she had not developed feelings for Bryan, touching him however she wanted wouldn't have been such a big deal to her... But now she was being so careful, and she didn't like it. She preferred her carefree self, Sonia thought with a sigh as she tentatively let her hand cover the distance between them.

She brought her hand to rest on his face and then grazed her thumb softly over his five o'clock shadow. She moved her thumb from his chin to his lips and let it brush his soft lower lip.

Bryan's heart skipped a beat, and then his heartbeat quickened as Sonia's hand moved over his face. Slowly he opened his eyes.

Seeing Bryan's eyes flutter as though he was about to wake up, Sonia quickly snapped her eyes shut, pretending to be asleep, but Bryan's soft chuckle as he reached out to pull her nose made her blink at him.

"You pervert!" Bryan said with a playful grin.

"What? You were awake?" Sonia asked, struggling not to look embarrassed as she slapped his hand off her nose and sat up on the bed.

"Were you hoping I wouldn't be, so you can steal a kiss?" Bryan asked, seating up as well.

"Steal a kiss? Why would I want to steal a kiss?" Sonia asked with a scoff as she tried to get off the bed, but Bryan pulled her back.

"I don't know, you tell me."

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