Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 381

A guard spotted me and pointed the spear in his hand. A small bolt of lightning crackled menacingly between the blades split like fountain pens.

“Who are you! Reveal your identity!”

“I am a guest of Lord Urae. have you seen it? I came here with him.”

Even with the terrifying thunderbolt in front of her eyes, she ignored it and walked calmly, showing her face. It is worthwhile to come here yesterday with Woorehoeju. The guards remembered my face and lowered their spears.

“Excuse me. What are you doing?”

“What do you mean? Didn’t you hear that a moment ago? You said you would end the bad relationship with the Thunder God.”

He asks back as if he should know. The guard, taken aback by the sudden situation, stammered.

“No, of course it is. Uraehoeju moved through the elevator. Because we have to head to the top of the lightning tower.”

“Oh yeah? Looks like I got it wrong. You know you have to use the stairs to get to the top.”

As a newcomer to Claudia, I was confused about the way. I had to take the elevator to the top of the lightning tower with Thunderstorm, but I thought I was walking up the stairs and entered the entrance. It was a common mistake made by outsiders who had never experienced an elevator. The guard understood me by combining the information given to me….

“sorry. I’m not used to the road. Can you tell me where the stairs are?”

“If you wait, the elevator will come down again.”

“Stairs are enough. It’s already late, so we have to hurry. It won’t be much different from the stairs or the elevator.”

Of course it’s a lie. Stairs are mankind’s worst invention, and walking up them is no different from torturing yourself. If you are going to go up, the elevator is definitely the right choice.

Because I’m not going up

“If you are a qigong master, the stairs shouldn’t be a problem. It is over there.”

“thank you.”

The guard pointed me to the entrance to the stairs without any suspicion. I nodded my head and headed for the stairs in front of him. A loyal guard behind me saluted and shouted:

“please! Claudia’s long-cherished wish!”

“Do not worry. It will be over today.”

I waved my hand lightly and disappeared into the stair passage… I ran down the stairs.

Underground is literally below the ground. Under one layer of the earth, things that cannot be proudly revealed under the light are holding their breath. Humans should not be exposed to sunlight. What you don’t want to reveal. I often hide things that don’t need to come out and air them.

The same goes for lightning towers. There are things I don’t want to see in buildings that channel the power of lightning to the ground.

The entrance to the basement was closed with a thick iron gate. I tried pushing it just in case, but it didn’t budge. It will be difficult if the hidden thing suddenly comes out or someone comes to find it. The lock is not visible. This basement, which can only be accessed by thunderstorms or thunder guardians, is a structure that can only be opened by sending the power of lightning. No matter how great a thief I am, as long as I am an ordinary human being, there is no way to open this door… until I meet the Golden Goblet.

The 8 of spades.

He took the card. A nice, sticky sound is heard.

The demon’s unique magic has broadened the horizon of perception. Things that were simply dismissed as gods. A great principle that nature should follow. Humans approached that knowledge. Just as a tree branch is cut to make a spear and a stone is split to make an axe, human beings who know the reason are able to split that power and use it. Earth mother gods used earth magic, druids used the power of nature, and alchemists used alchemy as a tool.

However, it is only used as a tool. Compared to the mystery itself, it is so insignificant. No matter how sharp a tree is cut, do you know the wisdom melted into the annual rings? No matter how finely he grinds the rock, will he realize the value of the jewel forged by the earth? The true mystery is hidden behind the truth. These idols are meant to recall forgotten mysteries.

Swipe the card sideways. I just put it on, so when I put the card away, the original steel door should be there. That’s the common sense we’d expect. But let’s put the cards away… one more card on the butt. It sticks to the door as if it were stuck.

“This makes me feel like a real magician.”

There is no reason to use magic when no one is looking. This wasn’t cheating, but the part that touched the card turned into a real card. The old alchemists’ false beliefs were true. The origin of all things is one, so if you overcome the barrier of existence, you can change into other substances. Anything has the potential to become gold, and it can also become miscellaneous iron… Unfortunately, it seems that it is easier to turn into iron than gold.

“Tada…. I’m exhausted. Magic without a viewer is so futile.”

I sighed and removed the card stuck to the wall. Behind it was the same 8 of spades. When I gently peeled it off with my fingers, there was one more card. I cleared the cards until there were no more, and then my fingers scratched the air. Looking down at the floor, there were countless cards strewn about the thickness of the door.

“For some reason, it seems that his abilities are increasingly specialized in stealing. It’s nice to be comfortable.”

He puts his hand in, unlocks the lock, and pushes the iron door. The feeling of resistance, which seemed like it would never open, disappeared somewhere and the door opened simply.

“Smart. I’m going in.”

After passing through the iron gate, what appeared was a short, dark hallway. On the other side, I see a door that seems to be easier to open than before. Before I just passed by like this, I threw the card just in case.

It grips and the current bounces. The card bounced in place once, then instead of rolling, it stuck to the hallway. It is obviously an unnatural movement.

“As expected, lightning seems to be flowing. I can’t be careless.”

A human would rather read and respond with mind-reading. I grumbled and pulled out my 10 of spades. I inserted it into the biological terminal like a packet of clothes and took a step. There is a slight tingling feeling, but it goes away quickly. In front of the earth, the fleeting flash like a thunderbolt fades away. The electric current followed Aki Avatar into my 10 of spades and dissipated.

Breaking through the hallway, I pushed through the second door. It was noticeably lighter than the first, which was made of thick steel. When the door was opened, the scene that Claudia had longed to hide appeared before her eyes.

Countless beds are lined up in rows. It is divided by a partition and is much smaller than a standard sized bed, giving it a cluttered feel. There are several devices hanging on the bed inappropriately, making it even cramped. Along with that, there is a sound of crying. The cries of a newborn baby, which can only be annoying, pierce your ears sharply.

The noise pulsates like crazy. Thoughts of a child more primitive than those of a brute without clear language rush into my mind-reading. A clouded thought, not knowing whether it was pain, lack, or just dissatisfaction. I can read it, but I can’t know it. Because I myself don’t know what it is. I haven’t learned yet. This isn’t easy. I think I’m going to do a childhood retreat.

“Huh? You can’t come in here!”

‘Right now, all the other Thunder practitioners are out…!’

It was then. The child I saw at the top of the lightning tower the other day found me and came running. Did you say that you are a thunder practitioner? He was a child who hadn’t even become a guardian yet, but at least he was the eldest here.

“hi. Did you say Jerry?”

“Yes, hello… But how did you get here? If you can’t handle the power of lightning, you can’t approach it!”

“okay? Something tickled me, and it must have been the power of lightning.”

“Did you break through by force? Then an intruder?”

Jerry raised his arms warily. Even if it is weak, the power of thunder lingers around. No matter how ordinary I am, I am a strong adult man. Breaking a child’s arm is as easy as breaking a child’s arm. Of course, as an ordinary human being, he wouldn’t use his strength even on a child.

“You know. I am a guest of Uraehoeju. I lost my way.”

“I’m lost, how did you get here…?”

“If you found the right way, you went to the right one. I came here because I was lost.”

“Is that so…?”

cheat on that Anyway, when Jerry had cleared his doubts, I looked around and said,

“Anyway, isn’t this inside the lightning tower? They say they’re hunting thunder gods up there, but don’t you have to evacuate?”

“are you okay. It’s safe in the lightning tower.”

“Ah, so these kids aren’t home and they’re here? To be safe from lightning strikes?”

“These kids…”

Jerry hesitated whether to say it or not. It wasn’t confidential, but it wasn’t something to talk about openly. After thinking for a while, Jerry decided that it would be better to inform than to be misunderstood, and opened his mouth.

“They are abandoned children.”

“To whom? Thunderstorm Lord?”

“That can’t be! Lord Uraehoe is the one who took care of these children!”

got it figured out You’re the model student type. In this case, rather than asking directly, it would be better to intentionally point out the mistake and let them speak with their own mouth. Although it is most comfortable to read their thoughts. I’m a bit crazy now.

“Lord Uraehoe, please be considerate so that all children born in different countries can live in Claudia! However, the bad bitches abuse that rule, make only children, present them, and get the right to reside in Claudia. As if it were a thing!”

“aha. Does having a child give you the right to stay at Claudia?”

“yes. There are many cases where the next child lives saying he doesn’t know me. I often throw them away.”

Having said this, there is no need to induce further. My emotions become the fuse, and my emotions rise even more. Jerry didn’t even ask for it anymore, but he blew alcohol.

“…especially if the child has a disability.”

Right. Was the emotion underlying this cry pain? I have a bit of a headache. When nations give birth to three children, one dies, the other is handicapped, and the last one is born at least outwardly normal. This is because if the crops made by the golden mirror form the body like other ‘normal’ crops, the balance is out of balance. All the babies gathered here are disabled. I don’t know if the parents knew about the disability or abandoned it out of necessity.

“We feed and take care of these children…. Children who overcome their disabilities and grow up safely become Ure practitioners. If you overcome obstacles, you will have some resistance to the power of thunder.”

The more you fill your body with the crops of the golden mirror, the better the lightning will pass through. I said with a sad expression.

“That means quite a few children die.”

“…I can not help it. Because it’s harsh. I can only hope that God will take these children to a good place…”

Jerry closed his eyes and put his hands together. As if I forgot what the heavenly god said yesterday. In the face of an unavoidable tragedy, humans can do nothing but wish. Faith sprouts in a place like this. Because I don’t want my wish to disappear like this. I hope it leads to that result somewhere. Faith is inevitably rooted in tragedy. A heart for humanity bumps into reality and sprouts and blooms in the wreckage.



…but sometimes or quite often. Faith creates tragedy in order to survive on its own. Faith, which must have been created by humans, dominates humans in reverse.

“God does not take these children to a good place. never.”

“yes yes?”

“You called me here even though this place is not a good place for these children. I’m not kidding, what do you want me to do after killing you in pain?”

Humans can be dominated. Originally, humans are also beasts, so if something superior appears, they will wear shackles around their necks and become livestock. However, that target cannot be faith. Faith is a tool, and just as a tool cannot hold and wield a human being.

“Jerry. Where are these children from?”

“Where are you… in all countries…”

“Why are you suffering?”

“Because of the crops in the golden circle, I got handicapped.”

“Who did you call for?”

“Lord Uraehoe…”

Jerry, who belatedly realized that he was being induced, stopped talking and screamed.

“I’m trying to frame Lord Uraehoe right now! That’s it!”

“no. She wouldn’t have realized either. You may be maintaining this system unintentionally or without thinking about it.”

I know because I read your thoughts. Uraejoo himself is acting out of goodwill…or rather, a sense of duty. That sense of duty was learned growing up here, just like Jerry. If Hwanggeumgyeong eats the crops that he personally cultivated and builds up his body, his body becomes strong, but becomes weak against external interference. Like a homunculus. If you don’t learn qigong or realize your unique magic, you’ll become material even if you pass by the golden mirror. If you eat the crops made in Claudia, you’re no different than any other normal human. Still, when you get close to the golden mirror, there are all kinds of dangers. Because the galloping golden mirror is dangerous to everyone.

But if both openly exist. If the two are balanced enough to mix with each other, they will wander the nations. The tragedy of the nations continues until one side ends.

“There is a finely crafted causal balance. All of this would be part of it.”

“Ah ah…”

Jerry covered his ears and groaned. Like you want to pretend you didn’t listen to me. However, while Jerry neglected his care for a while, the babies who felt uncomfortable cried louder. Crying spreads like a contagious disease to other babies. For creatures that pass on generations, the cry of the next generation has the power to call the previous generation. Dissonance that is bound to be annoying catches everyone and leads them. where in the world is hell this is hell

“Well then, where were you from here?”

Normally, I would stop here. They will shed tears lamenting the tragedy born of the nations.

But I walked through the screaming babies and reached the opposite wall. It looks like there is nothing, but I read the secret place beyond here in the memories of Thunderstorm.

I drew my 8 of spades and scratched the groove between the walls. A flash of light flashed for a moment, and then the walls turned into hundreds of cards flying away. Countless cards fluttered like frightened butterflies and fell to the ground, revealing an empty space through the cracks in the scattered walls.

It is the secret place of the first thunderstorm that I read in the memories of thunderstorm.

The wall that had turned into cards fluttered away, revealing a narrow, dark room.

In the secret space of the first Thunderstorm, there was a small bookcase and a desk connected to it. The bookshelves were packed with all sorts of books, and it seemed that he had often taken them out and read them. A notebook was placed on the desk, and a thunderbolt was shining on it. A note containing the secret of Thunderstorm. I had already read the thoughts of Urehhoeju and understood the contents to some extent, but I only read ‘Notes read by Urehhoeju’. Humans process and accept information based on their own knowledge, so if you want to know the truth, you need to see the notes yourself.

What kind of secret did the first Uraehoeju hold? If my guess is correct…I turned the first page of the note. and.

-Today, which is no different from yesterday, guarantees tomorrow that will continue in the future.

I have no intention of hiding anything. With this, it became clear. The first thunderstorm drink. The place where Claudia was created is Seonghwangcheong.

-The golden sutra rubbed the world created by the Creator. Because of that cursed drink, the firmness of the world has disappeared. One can change into something else, and the promise of steel that binds everyone together has become a piece of paper. Today, like yesterday, is impossible. The irreversible changes that demons make will make humans into something else.

– Hana Hyun Golden Kyeong is a monster that has lost its reason even though it is terrifying. If I could stand on this hill and watch him and stop the changes he makes. still we can go on forever

– The lost order will be restored.

Perpetual and orderly. No matter who sees it, it’s Seonghwangcheong. Since there is no place to study theology around here, Uraehoeju doesn’t seem to know about it.

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