Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 332

The regressor chose his words, recalling the previous episode. In her mind, the image of the golden mirror she had seen from afar came to mind.

Before the King of Sin appears. Ahead of the world crisis, the guardians of the golden palace gave the returnee a chance to meet the golden mirror alone. The regressor, who climbed on top of the palace and climbed into an empty battle, shouted for help while explaining what had happened to the golden mirror.

However, the golden mirror did not even look at her. I didn’t even hear your voice. Deep in thought, he continued to create something with alchemy. A number of useless toys fell behind him.

The regressor tried to divert attention by hitting the golden mirror. However, as she got closer, an intangible energy pushed her away. The force field of the golden mirror was strong enough to push even the regressor who had grown stronger with all kinds of treasures at the end of the century.

wall of separation. Golden Kyung continued alchemy beyond the force field.

As if the coming destruction had nothing to do with him.

In the end, the regressor who couldn’t stand it swung the Jizan at him… but the moment he broke the force field and touched the realm of the golden mirror, the world moved to exclude her.

The power of the golden sutra is alchemy. Alchemy at its peak creates all things. All things created to kill humans attacked the regressors. At that time, even a regressor who had reached the stage would almost die.

After that, they were attacked by the guardians who came along, so the regressor couldn’t even try anything more and was kicked out…

Anyway, it was valuable information for the regressor who came back even after dying.

“The Golden Goblet is crazy.”

iced coffee. So… you’re saying that if you say something wrong, you’ll erase me from the world, right? I know.

I got up again.

“I want to go back too.”

“wait! I don’t mean he’s a lunatic tyrant. It’s just that he’s just concentrating on making something like he’s lost his mind. As if filling all the nations with junk!”

“Why push the armistice agreement to such a crazy person? It’s not realistic.”

“So no! I didn’t bring the armistice agreement to show it to Hwanggeumgyeong. War can be prevented even if only the guardians of the Golden Palace can be persuaded! The Golden Jing is indifferent no matter what happens to the country, and in the end, it is the guardians who move the nations!”

I just found out The golden mirror is powerful, but it’s just an old man with dementia wandering around? Are the guardians really powerful? Then you should have said it from the beginning.

Regressors are really hard to read thoughts. I can’t read the information from the past rounds beyond time, so I have to make the regressor recall those memories from time to time, but it’s quite tiring.

“What is it, Shay? If you said that from the start, why are you hiding something that would be fine?”

“…On the surface, it is said that the Golden Sutra rules all nations. The guardians are also loyal to the golden mirror. It’s similar, so I didn’t bother to correct it.”

The regressor hesitated and made an excuse, but I read every thought hidden behind it.

‘This is the secret of the Golden Palace. Because it is information that cannot be known without meeting Hwang Keum-gyeong in person. If you tell me this information, you can’t escape the suspicion that you are a saint. If I answer too many times, I’ll have to explain the regression… Fortunately, I don’t think I’m suspicious yet.’

well. what about Isn’t it dangerous now?

It’s good anyway. If you are the guardian of the golden palace, you will be in the golden palace, and there will be a golden mirror. I, a foreigner, will have a chance to walk confidently and read the thoughts of Hwang Keum-gyeong, so I have to go.

Only then will I read the thoughts of the Golden Scroll to find out how Elric, the King of the Golden Kingdom, one of the descendants of the Five Lords, fell.

no i misunderstood To be a little more certain.

I must find out with my own strength why the five lords who took away the power of the human king were abandoned by humans.

That way… I’ll get my representation back.

Grandimour, the king of the kingdom.

A monarch who had the power to not receive enmity from his fellow human beings was swept away by the great will of the people and died.

It is death without a doubt. Even though the kingdom was kept alive by the saintess, the cause of the death of the king was purely caused by human hands. Even the power of not receiving hostility could not overcome the corruption and chaos of a society that was much larger than before.

The princess, the lineage of the monarch, is alive, but it doesn’t matter now.

Because it has been proven that simply not receiving hostility from others is not enough to become a king simply for the reason that ‘people are good’.

It would have been easier if it wasn’t for the saintess. In the wind that persists in the future where the military is maintained far away… Everything is wrapped in a secret, so I went around annoyingly.

Anyway, all that’s left now is four.

The next order is Elric, the king of the Golden Kingdom. The king of technology and metallurgy, who grasps and understands all structures at once, has been devoured by Hwanggeumgyeong. We need to know what happened… from now on.

Fortunately, the saintess didn’t seem to be able to use her hands on this one, so if you go and read her thoughts, it will reveal how she fell.

Ah, thinking about it, the heat is spreading again. I was wondering if I was lucky enough to find traces of the King and the great servant in the bottomless pit. Because the saintess persists in the future where the king survives even there…

The king of humans is trying to learn a little about humans, but he’s tackling them one by one. Heaven is also a problem. It’s slick to say that you look down on everything. In fact, aren’t you a stalker for everyone? someone to catch me

At this point, it is fortunate that a regressor appeared. I wouldn’t have been able to find the traces of the five lords by passing through the interference of the Seonghwangcheong. Actually, in the past when there were regressors, it seems that the abyss has failed.

phew. If there wasn’t a regressor, it would have been a big deal…

Oh, isn’t it.

Anyway, if you search for it and return, everything will be gone. Rather, I don’t know if it’s just passing information to the enemy.

Maybe the regressor is also a saint.

“Hmm. It seems like everything has arrived.”

I heard Hilde’s voice. I raised my head and looked in the direction the Cataphract was heading. At the end of the road, which was created purely by the many people coming and going, an impressive sight was unfolding in front of my eyes.

“I have arrived.”

You can see a wide open meadow. Horses and sheep pluck fluff with their mouths on a carpet woven by nature. The human on the mount is keeping a keen eye on the horses and sheep so they don’t disappear. It seemed that the fact that the gaze was mainly directed outward determined that the disappearance of the beast was due to an intentional rather than an arbitrary reason.

and beyond. Hundreds of tents formed a huge colony on a flat land surrounded by barbed wire. The sound of fabric fluttering in the wind is loud. The heated energy created by the crowd is also felt here.

muttered the regressor.

“It’s camp.”

It’s definitely different from the ghost towns you’ve seen before. It was much messier and dirty than that, but originally, dirt is the dregs left after living. The city made of tents was full of life beyond imagination.

“I will enter!”

Hilde headed for the doorway between the barbed wire.

There was also a gatekeeper in the camp. The gatekeeper, not very sincere, stopped us and asked our intentions.

“Stop there. For what purpose did you come? Are you staying for a long time or are you leaving soon?”

“I’ll be gone in one day!”

“Are you leaving? If so, there is no fee. Instead, put the mount on the fence and walk inside.”

The gatekeeper said that and waved his hand as if he had nothing more to say. I was a little bit quarrelsome as if I was tired from working for a long time. However, Hilde, who did not know about his situation, asked for his opinion with a wink.

‘You’re being arrogant towards diplomatic envoys for being the gatekeeper of a camp. father. What should I do? Breaking through force after cutting my throat?’

What kind of forced breakthrough? Is this person the right person? Don’t you know the difference between a truce and an extended war? If you’re going to bully me, do it when no one is watching.

“For now, follow the words.”

“Sorry~. yes~.”

Hilde drove the Cataphract to the outside of the fence.

Drifters’ mounts were lined up outside the fence. Fearing that their mounts might be stolen, the owners of the mounts were dozing off against the fence with each weapon in their arms. Even if you go over only one barbed wire, it’s a camp.

“Everyone is afraid to leave their mounts for fear of being stolen. You got a lot of bang for your buck at camp, too. Those who are leaving soon should share their strength.”

“I know. If we don’t leave one here, we’ll be robbed.”

As the saying goes, things without owners in many countries belong to the person who first found them. Everyone on the street is a potential thief. It would be dangerous to leave it without an owner.

Tyr came out.

“No problem. I won’t leave my black knight behind.”

“No, I don’t trust the black knight. Even now, you haven’t lost yet, have you?”

“…Is it that unreliable?”

‘Since I got my heart back, I can’t handle my people properly, so I’m getting all sorts of scolding. I need to find a way out soon. Otherwise, the mistreatment will not cease…’

No, this is not mistreatment. It’s a serious judgment call.

The guard’s job is not to prevent theft, but to dissuade the intent to steal. However, the black knight from head to toe runs the risk of being regarded as similar to an obsidian statue. that encourages theft.

Besides, there’s something more suitable than the black knight. A good human being… no friend. It’s not reliable, but I have a friend to use for times like this.


“bruise? why?”

“Will you look after this car while we come and go?”

“Woof woof? Protect?”

okay. Aji has an instinct to protect his territory. It’s not for nothing that humans bred dogs as guard dogs.

I don’t know if Aji will be wary of strangers… Still, wouldn’t he give up stealing just because he had a son? Even though Aji is the king of dogs, he looks like a human with animal ears.

“There is no need to attack. If someone snoops on this cataphract or touches it carelessly, it barks loudly. to hear everything That is enough.”

“bruise! Leave it to me!”

“Nice! Then I’ll ask you. Don’t follow someone who gives you something to eat. Even if something passes by, don’t take your eyes off it.”

“Are you going to eat? passing? where? where?”

“No, it’s not that food passes by. So, for example, like the horse over there…”

Just then, a clicking sound came. A moment later a horse galloping along the fence suddenly passed us. The golden horsehair that almost touches the floor is blown away by the wind he created.

A good example is just passing by. Aji also has a hunting instinct. I can’t run away because of something like that.

“Like that saying, even if something rushes at you, don’t just run because you feel good…

Oops. Aji’s eyes are shining.

Of course, the horse’s tail swaying from side to side stimulated Aji’s hunting instinct. Aji’s head moves like a pendulum along the horse’s tail. At one point, Aji jumped to the ground and shouted loudly.

“Woof woof! Stand there!”

“Yaaaaaaa! Don’t do that!”

But Aji is the dog king. In the blink of an eye, the horse caught up behind him. I had no intention of attacking, so I only barked and touched the horse’s tail, but the frightened horse ran away shaking its head like crazy.

Chet. I’m going to catch a word how expensive is that

“I can’t! I’m going to catch Aji, so you decide who will go inside!”

“Can you catch up?”

“Do you catch up because you can catch up? I follow because I have to follow!”

“Okay. I’ll be meeting the campsite, so bring Aji.”

After grabbing the things I needed, I quickly followed Aji’s shadow. The regressor looked at my back and belatedly remembered something.

‘Why are you carrying a rope when you go to pick up Aji?’

That’s because in many countries, the person who finds it is the owner. It looks like a pretty good horse, but if you have an aji, you can drive it.

I don’t need to talk to myself riding a Cataphract, but humans have the concept of barter. If you don’t need it, exchange it at a pawnshop and eat it. You can get a pretty good price for it.

I don’t know who it is, but I’ll eat well.

“Woof woof! Woof woof! Stop moving!”

-Pu hee hee hee.

Didn’t have to look for that long. Aji was spinning round and round staring at the horse inside the low fence. Unfortunately, the horse targeted by the king of beasts was frightened and wept bitterly.

I hurried to the scene.

“Ah, you’re a good puppy! Well done!”

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