Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 324


“There is a way to listen to the talker, but I don’t want to have a horse drive, so ‘I’ will explain. big. Please listen carefully.”

Before the long story, Hilde relaxed slightly. Hilde, who was breathing like an actor ahead of a one-man play, started the world’s heaviest story with a light tone.

“When the advance party arrived at the Abyss Wasteland, the nations were already attempting to occupy Tantalus!”

Patraxion of the climax marched to the Plain of the Abyss with the Majang.

Not too long ago, Jeolchang was gathering forces to exorcise Tyrkanjaka, the progenitor of vampires. Jeolchang thought the operation was natural.

The progenitor of vampires has too much of a presence to be left roaming the country. either politically or forcefully. In addition, there are many things that are stabbed in the military.

A military state is a country created by disassembling and reassembling all systems and technologies in the world. It includes the method of Seonghwangcheong.

What kind of reaction will the Sijo show when faced with it… I’m curious, but I absolutely don’t want to try it.

It makes sense to quietly drive them away. With that in mind, Jeolchang embarked on the operation.

Of course, it was just an ‘excuse’ to fight, but the reason why he was in the middle of the day was because he was essentially a duelist.

So Jeolchang almost disobeyed the order to head to the abyss.

“I am Why did they suddenly tell me to go to the bottomless pit?”

Jeolchang brushed his hair while riding on the cataphract.

I received a report that Jiseon went to the abyss without a word. Regardless of the fact that the founder and several others were living in Tantalus, the ceremony to liberate the abyss was performed… I heard a very elaborate explanation from the messenger.

However, one hundred sentences are not enough. No matter how much I hear, I’ll only do what I saw with my own two eyes. Jeolchang was at a loss for words when he faced the consequences himself.

An unrealistically huge hole and an upside-down Tantalus lying sadly next to the hole. The concrete site, unable to overcome its own weight and bent, forms an oblique slope. It is as if a giant had turned the lid that was blocking the hole and opened it and left.

Just the sight in front of you is awe-inspiring. Jeolchang said to the majang.

“Looks like the Earth Mother God exists. Is that so?”

“Every faith has its reasons. Even if it’s not a god, if it’s a power comparable to a god, it’s no different from a god. In the past, magic was also called the power of the gods.”

“…I didn’t mean to ask the old lady to take a magic lecture.”

“I participated in the operation to transport Tantalus to the bottomless pit. There is nothing new.”

“It’s not really new.”

The chorus shook its head as if it was not funny and stared at Tantalus. Then he narrowed his eyes when he noticed something roaming Tantalus.

“What do you have?”

A group of suspicious people roaming around Tantalus, an asset of the military state. Their behavior was unlike anything else. So Patraxion knew who they were. It was because he, the commander of the North, was the enemy he met most often.

“Did the wildcats come in droves already? They smell amazingly well… Wait a minute.”

It is natural that the wildcats came after a large prey like Tantalus. Because the seungnyang who were scattered in all directions must have felt the abnormality first. However, no matter how you look at it, there was a huge body that could not be dismissed as a ‘seungnyangi’.


Just as the sun hidden behind the moon slowly emerges, the gigantic structure hidden in the shadow of Tantalus gradually emerges as the zenith approaches.

It was a ship that roamed the land. A boat the size of a garden was moving stealthily with dozens of auxiliary wheels suspended.

The only thing that can be called a ‘city’ among the nations where everything moves. It’s smaller than Tantalus, but it’s even amazing in that a structure the size of a land mass can move.

The magistrate looked at him and put on a serious expression.

“Isn’t Juggernaut a magnate of nations? Why are they here who don’t even come outside the mainland?”

“It must be a ploy to make this the mainland.”

Jeolchang looked into the distance and murmured.

“They suddenly went to the abyss. It doesn’t seem like a simple tour.”

“surely. The size of the corps gathered was too large to deal with only a few people. Did the High Command read this from the beginning…!”

“Because against the Juggernaut, a single unit would be no match.”

Jeolchang’s shoulders trembled little by little in front of the enemy’s growing figure. The magistrate quietly looked at his back and opened his mouth.


“Why do you want to?”

“Are you laughing now?”

Jeolchang nodded his head without answering.

As they got closer, a small shadow jumped out from Juggernaut’s side. The four-legged beast landed on the ground and approached at an unusual speed, beating the ground.

A rider on a horse stopped in front of a catapult riding a horseman and a horseman. After some distance, the jockey shouted to the horseman.

“The military is comfortable. At a glance, you can clearly see who the captain is. Is that the captain over there?”

“I am the commander of the military Prelbjor.”

The magi nodded and replied. The jockey also pretended to be surprised if he knew the name of Jangseong Yuk.

“Ho! You are the famous Yuk Jang-seong! This is where the big man came!”

“Are you the messenger of the Juggernaut?”

“You can do that. Rather, what did the military corps come to do near the border?”

The majang replied with arms crossed.

“…On the contrary, this is a matter that needs to be asked. How did the Juggernaut approach the military territory?”

“Ha ha ha! Why would wildcats like us come here? They said there was a commotion, so I came to see if there was anything to pick up!”

“With Juggernaut?”

“Looks like there’s plenty to pick up! You need a cart to move a load that can’t fit both hands, and a bigger cart is needed for a load that can’t be loaded with a cart! I guess I couldn’t even bite everything with the small mouth of a jackdaw, so I went with Juggernaut! But… wait.”

The rider changed his expression and said.

“Isn’t it weirder than that? It is said that we are originally like that, but there was no war, so why did the military lead such a laggard corps and came all the way here?”

The magician calmly replied.

“This is military territory. Military forces of the militia may come into the territory of the militia.”

“No, this is the border. Since when did the Abyss Plain, where no one lives, become territory?”

“Since the days of the kingdom, this place has been under the management of the kingdom.”

“Puhaha! sounds funny. Aren’t you a kingdom, not an army? But why mention the kingdom? Has the military finally decided to serve a new king? Killed with my own hands?”

For those who have lived since the days of the kingdom, the king has always been an uncomfortable subject. Those who were loyal to the king, who rebelled against the fact that they could not protect the king, felt a vague sense of rejection at the fact that they killed the king with their own hands. No matter how tyrannical he was, it was because the king was a king.

In the case of the horseman, if you had to choose which one, it was a case of rebelling against the king. However, even she, a six-headed general, did not want the king to die.

Like most of the coup participants, Majang also intended to change the country by holding the king hostage. It’s easier to fix what’s there than to destroy everything and build a new one.

However, the king died in an accident. He was swept away by an angry mob and trampled to death. Paradoxically, the king who could not be killed died because no one intended it. The end of the king, whom no one could hold hostility to, was futile.

The area between the foreheads of the horseman, who was uncomfortable with planting, narrowed even more. The jockey smiled and stimulated even more.

“Even then, it was not your territory. How much more would a traitor who killed a great king with his own hands inherit the kingdom’s borders? Ha ha ha ha! This is a spectacle!”

“Stop the sophistry! Tantalus is the property of the military. It was the military that attacked the bottomless pit. For whatever reason, there is no justification for you to plunder Tantalus with the Juggernaut! Are you going to start a war by invading without notice?”

“aggression? What an absurd sound! If this land were truly yours, you wouldn’t have come with an army! Where are the men who lead armies to invade their lands? I didn’t bring the Legion because you guys are stabbed too!”

The rider looked around and questioned.

“It is rather suspicious. Juggernaut, I was able to get here quickly because I was originally moving. But why did the military government gather an almost similar corps and come all the way here? You must have intended to start a war from the beginning!”

“It’s a delusion now.”

“delusion? We arrived only an hour ago! Even that, only one Juggernaut that was originally moving has arrived! On the other hand, you guys have amassed an army that would normally not even move! There are twice as many troops as ours, so who is the aggressor?”

Even though he was a magistrate, it was difficult to answer. In fact, the Majang did not know the situation here until just before arriving here. The magistrates only moved after receiving orders from the General Headquarters.

At this point, the general headquarters for predicting all these situations and gathering troops is admirable. It is probably not a simple prediction, but the result of judging by collecting information through reports from signal soldiers.

“Why no answer? Have you seen any future? Can I be a saint? A war broke out later, so we are preparing for a war now to respond?”

However, military secrets related to the headquarters cannot be revealed to the enemy. It was a time when the magician had trouble answering.

“now. Let’s both stop.”

A great song perched on the edge of the cataphract intervened in the conversation.

“No matter how much you say it, the conclusion is not that. Now this land has been lifted from the Earth Mother’s curse. The abyss that sucks everything in will disappear, and it will become fertile again. Of course, neither this side nor the other side have any intention of conceding that.”

The military government directly negotiated with Jisun to build Tantalus and plunge it into the bottomless pit. Although it was requested by Ji-seon in return for making the meta conveyor belt, it must have had a significant stake anyway.

And the nations want a land where they can settle down.

The abyss is a hole that sucks in everything. In countries where weight is value, dropping something into the abyss means permanent loss. So I was seized with fear and didn’t even come close… but now that it’s gone, I can’t expand anymore if I don’t use this place as a bridgehead.

Inalienable land. Two countries aiming for it.

“Then there is only one way left.”

With the spear slung over his shoulder, he replaced the words that were difficult to utter prematurely.


Words have a strange power. Surely everyone thought of it in their heads, but they didn’t draw a clear image. However, when the chorus brought out the word, it was determined as if something had spilled out.

It was the jockey who reacted first.

“…You’ve finally revealed your true colors! You guys started first!”

Sand dust rose from the back of the stable.

The mounted cataphract was slightly overhanging in conversation with the rider, so that those following could neither notice nor deter its approach. In the meantime, three assailants rose from the ground and flew towards the majang at once.

The jockey exclaimed in ecstasy.

“The military is easy to understand, so I like it! You can clearly see who the captain is!”

The nations are countries of alchemy. Its basic knowledge is to change the material it touches according to its will. The combat alchemists who had dug into the ground had penetrated the tunnel with simple alchemy and approached.

An unexpected surprise that took place under the ground. however.

“You foolish.”

Before they even got on the Cataphract, a round hole opened in the assailant’s chest.

A red mist spread behind them. The blood-soaked sand clotted and fell. He was a warrior who came from his own selection, and he was armed quite well, befitting a nation. Unable to withstand even a moment, it returned to the soil.

It was obvious who did it. Because the person in question was holding out a window while sitting down.

“okay. this is it I had long forgotten… but this was it.”

“I can’t believe it’s a spear…”

Jeolchang didn’t even wear a coat or a rank insignia. However, it was hard to misunderstand that the spear master standing next to the majang was someone else.

The rider called the name in a trembling voice.

“Patraxion? A knight of treason?”

I didn’t necessarily affirm the obvious fact. Instead, Jeolchang raised the spear and held it forward. Aiming simultaneously at the bewildered rider and the juggernaut beyond, Jeolchang smiled a long-suffering smile.

“As expected, a duel requires an opponent. A person who longs for something by risking their body and soul. Sijo… The taste was good, but the resonance of the soul was lacking. This side is much more enjoyable than forcibly holding on to an opponent who has no intention of fighting.”

The two letters war contain many tragedies. It is frightening and sad, so people tremble in fear just hearing the word war.

However, the chorus was laughing. His trembling was only joy.

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