Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 315

‘He’s also capable. If it was written with scorched blood, even the founder would be able to recognize it. This guy is human, but he’s great. But… Then why did you bring that bitch?’

It’s a test.

Even if I wake the founder in an outlandish way, if Beta commits suicide, we’re all in danger.

As Finlay watched, I dotted with scorched blood. First of all, let’s start with a bit of a clichéd line, and if that doesn’t happen, let’s confess our love. Won’t you wake up? He scratches gently while mentioning the vampire’s age.

Originally, there is no such thing as a refreshing mood. Whether a human or a vampire, awakening requires a stimulus so intense that it is slightly unpleasant.

While writing such a little clichéd blood letter.

The two idiots just watched as they held hands.

“Hughes looks sick….”

“Hughes has his limits. Even if you write with blood, you won’t be able to write much. If I have to, I will use my blood.”

“But should I? If the sijo does not respond even after doing that, there is no reason to write more.”

“…for now, this is the best. Without Shijo, you can’t beat Ebon.”

“Is there any guarantee that the founder will help us in the first place? Shijo is a villain who has killed over 10,000 people so far. It might suck the blood of all of us just because it’s hungry.”

Saying that, Beta unconsciously brought her hand to her chest. There, the cross of the Celestial God, her support and idol, hung from her necklace…

Oh, after all. You crossed that line.

“Elsie. Wouldn’t it be better to explode the explosives?”

“Cindy! I’m serious? If you do, everyone will die!”

“We, the Resistance, came in with that in mind from the beginning. It’s just redoing the postponed plan.”

Positive sensations do not wake people up. It is always a negative sense that moves a stopped human being. The reason why history is soaked in blood is probably because all human beings who move with the flow are supported by evil.

Same. The Resistance felt dissatisfied with their current life and decided to fight against the military, and Beta is letting go of the force because she hates vampires.

And the founder, Tirkanjaka, said…

“You mean… let’s all die together?”

“If you’re going to die anyway… I’d rather die as a martyr while holding on to all of this than become food for vampires…”

Ehra. you just die

I stopped writing the blood note and took a step to the side.

Immediately after that, the door exploded open. The steel door, which did not budge even when Aji knocked on it, opened its mouth greedily, and a long tongue of dark red blood stuck out from within. towards beta.


As her vision turned dark red, Beta reflexively grabbed the cross. At the same time, the blood that stretched out grabbed Beta as it was.

Fast and fast. Bones are broken and blood is splattered. I’ve never eaten a human, but I knew that that was the sound of biting a human without learning. It didn’t take even a split second for Beta’s thoughts to stop.

It seems that there is a low tide even in the waves of blood. The ferocious blood that coveted the land receded like an ebb tide at the right time. After the low tide comes, nothing is left behind like a sandy beach.

Delta narrowed her eyes.


‘What is it? I was nearby just a little while ago. I was holding your hand I felt something warm…’

Even if I call my lover’s name, no answer comes back. Unable to comprehend the situation, he groped in the air to find the figure of his lover.

“Cindy? beta? why why Are you kidding me? Uh where are you…”

Unfortunately, Delta was moderately smart.

The girlfriend who couldn’t abandon the cross until the end ended up being judged by the progenitor. The knowledge accumulated so far reaches the answer through the path of logic. It is clear to anyone

However, Delta himself denies it. He rejects reality and looks around to find his lover who has disappeared from the world. It’s nowhere, but I believe it’s there somewhere.

At that time, Finlay laughed out loud, not caring that the wound was widening.

“Ha ha ha! okay. It’s a fitting ending! In this abyss, where even the heavenly gods can’t reach, to find the heavenly god with the founder by his side! It’s like crying out for death! Ha ha ha ha ha! If you want to die, you must die! cancer! This is right!”

Delta turned his head away in great anger at the wedge-piercing words.

“you…! Finlay…!”

“that’s right. If you commit suicide, you must die. No matter how much I think about it, it is right to die.”

When I said it coldly, Delta put on an expression as if it had been hit in the head. I ignored Delta’s gaze and pulled out the peg from Finlay. Having regained freedom, Finlay regenerated his wounds and said,

“Did you expect it to come like this?”

“To some extent. I hoped it would end in my own blood.”

“Ha ha ha! I like it too! Changed my mind Hughes! I was going to beg the founder to kill them all! Let me save you!”

It’s funny. Why did the matter of my life and death depend on you? it was up to me

“I do not need it. If you beg to die, do you think the founder will listen? Shijo is your Shidabari?”

“What what?”

“Don’t make a lot of noise, and the door is open, so let’s go in.”

I took a step forward through the wide open door. Finlay, who had a dumbfounded look on his face for a moment, hurriedly followed me.

A little after we enter. Delta also entered after me with a weak step. It was still unclear what he was thinking.

The abode of the progenitor was itself a blasphemy against the heavenly gods. The beautiful murals are stained with blood and glow eerily, and the calm candles burn with an ominous bloody color.

We walked through the darkness that we could barely see under our feet and arrived at the room of the founder at the end of the road.

[…I called you here purely out of curiosity.]

Even after waking up, Shijo hadn’t woken up yet. He appeared in front of us in a way that only his voice was conveyed while lying face down in a coffin.

Sijo asked me out of sheer curiosity.

[Did he provoke me with the sacrificial sacrifice of an unworthy believer, or was he trying to wake me up with that absurd love letter? I was curious and thought I would never be able to go back to sleep. What was your intention?]

“Loving letter? What did you write with your blood?”

I answered without hesitation.

“I have admired you for a long time. Please show me at least that beautiful face. I wrote it like this.”

“Neno oh oh um! How dare you!”


Finlay closed his mouth at Sijo’s words. It is not an arbitrary silence. The order of the founder, who controls even the drop of vampire blood, is absolute. Finlay won’t open his mouth until the founder gives permission.

‘You’re a fun kid. How long has it been since I’ve seen someone who doesn’t tremble in fear and responds bluntly even in front of me?’

Shijo chuckled and laughed in the coffin.

[Whoops. It’s not fair. It can’t be sincere.]

“If you’re serious, will you accept it? Then I am always sincere. It’s not a lie this time.”

[There’s no way I can accept your heart. Let’s see. Blood clots in the stomach are of your interest. Is that correct?]

“If you would accept my heart, I was going to be the first to ask you that.”

[Whoops. It’s shiny as if oil was applied to the tongue.]

‘I don’t get involved in the fights of unrelated humans. Especially if the king of beasts was added to the fight. But… if only to stop fighting. Depending on the story, I might listen.’

The founder, Tirkanjaka, has no beating heart. It doesn’t get offended easily, and it doesn’t get similarly pleasant. It is not without emotion, but there is a huge gap between emotion and action.

That’s why it’s better to be slightly irritating when dealing with Tyrkanjaka. The more I behave, the more different I am from the ordinary, the more likely I am to be saved.

[Didn’t you let the celestial believer die a little while ago to treat your colleagues so seriously?]

But you shouldn’t do the act of holding a cross in your hand. There is a line even in jokes.

“I have no interest in anyone who owns it. It doesn’t matter how much you’re not interested in life or death. It won’t connect with me anyway, so what does it matter?”

[Whoa. Are you ignorant or are you pretending? OK. If so, I will also suggest two options to you.]

“I’m sorry, but either option is meaningless. I only have you.”

[Your skill is the best in the world!]

‘You’re quite a pleasant kid. If you keep it by your side, it won’t be hostile. However, one thing. What it takes is…’

It succeeded in planting a good impression on Sijo. Now you just have to harvest. I calmly waited for Shijo’s words.

[If you want to live alone, I will protect your life. If you wish to save your comrades, I will act as a mediator and propose a truce. However, even if you are in danger in the process of stopping the fight, I will not save you. ruler. Which one will you choose?]

Is it my safety or everyone’s safety? No need to worry. Of course…

It was the time when I was about to recite the set answer as it was.


Delta charged at the founder’s coffin with a gun in hand.

I am not a prophet It reads people’s thoughts, but cannot predict how they will behave in the future.

But I really didn’t know

“Set Lee!”

A few months into the bottomless pit. In the darkness without a single light, we can survive only by relying on each other. Since they often come into contact in an isolated space, it is natural that they even feel affection for each other.

In addition, love is an emotion that adds a step to the preservation of the species, so it grows even more when there is not much choice between a man and a woman. Beta and Delta were exactly the case.

Well, I explained it grandiosely, but.


In conclusion, Delta loved Beta.

“Why is it!”

taaang. Sparks spiral from the muzzle that was ignited with magical power. It’s not a magic bullet… it’s just a bullet with magical fire. The intent of the attack was made clearer than meets the eye.

Delta shouted amidst the gunfire.

“You cursed vampire! Why did he have to kill him in such a gruesome way? Cindy is, from your point of view, less than a bug! You can just ignore whether or not the bug cries. Aaaa!”

Of course, the only thing that reached me was the intention to attack and shouts. If the progenitor had suffered a blow from the attack of Delta, who was not even an officer, he would not have become a symbol of fear for over a thousand years.

As the bullets were meaninglessly swallowed up in the darkness, Shijo recognized Delta and replied.

[Cindy? Ah.]

The coffin opened slightly, and a white hand came out through the gap. A bloody cross stood upside down at the tips of his lithe, colorless fingers.

It’s Cindy’s. The founder, holding the cross upside down, spoke coldly.

[Are you talking about the bloody lump that dared to play with the heavenly toy in front of me?]


Bang bang bang. As soon as you load a bullet, you don’t even aim and shoot again. It doesn’t even fit the coffin in the first place before discussing meaningful damage.

But Delta didn’t care. Because he knew from the start that this act was suicide.

I just couldn’t stand it without doing it.

[As you said. No matter what you say, it is a meaningless cry, and no matter what you do, it is a meaningless gesture. I neither evaluate nor pay attention to it.]

“Yes! If so strong! You can show mercy!”

[However, belief in the heavenly gods is different. It is an insult and an insult to me. I have made that belief pay a price, and I will continue to do so. If your faith is that strong, you will have no regrets even if you die to me to put that faith into practice.]

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