Offer To The CEO

Chapter 196: Firing Back - Part 2

196 Firing Back - Part 2

Wednesday, continued …

"I need you to prepare a press release.I hate the use of press releases without an accompanying press conference and firing shots via them as well, but I have no choice.Get a hold of the press releases handed to the media at Lu Corporation, and based on that and what they said, start preparing a detailed response."

"Firstly, within the next 20 minutes a short release needs to go out to confirm my wife and I are married and tell Assistant Wang to give you the footage from the issuing of our marriage certificate to release with it.In it confirm that a more detailed press release will be forthcoming, and I need you to work on that."

"You need to confirm that there will not be a press conference, as my wife is in hospital due to a serious assault that occurred while she was talking to the police.You need to work through the various claims made against my wife, and you should work through and come up with responses to each one, as well as adding the information from Vice-CEO Ji."

"If you cannot work out how to respond to various allegations made, contact Assistant Wang and see if he can assist you.If at that time you have no answer, have him contact me, and I will provide you with the information."

"Yes sir, I will contact Assistant Wang for that footage."

"I will message him, and I am going to suggest presently you will move to work directly through my office.I would also like you to think about whether you would like to remain at Hou Enterprises, or come and work personally for my wife and I?"

With that Hou Yi ended the call, and sent a text message to Assistant Wang, about Wu Hai.

He turned to Anna, who was hanging up her call.

Meanwhile, while Hou Yi was dealing with the press release issues, Anna's return call was answered "Amanda Mei here."

"Amanda, apologise I did not answer when you called."

"Miss Anna, you do not need to apologise.I read about what happened last night, and was worried that you were hurt seriously, as no one had seen you of CEO Hou today."

"Amanda, I am OK …"

"No, you are not" snapped and yelled Amanda Mei.She immediately realised that she had snapped and yelled at the Lady Boss.She knew that it would mean her job, however she knew enough to know that the Lady Boss was lying, and she wanted to know the truth.The Lady Boss was a lovely forgiving person, who she felt that in another situation would become a friend.She knew that that was impossible in the situation, however she would not do her a service if she let her lie about things.

"Amanda …"

"Apologise Miss Anna, I did not mean to do that."

"No apologise necessary.Unlike everyone else in the legal department, since my identity became known you have not tried to influence me.You apologised for your honest mistake on the day that we met and have tried to maintain a good relationship with me."

"Miss Anna, I do not know what to say," responded Amanda Mei in an apologetic tone.

"Amanda, stop apologising.I can guess that you are concerned.I am going to talk to Yi and see if he can arrange for a friendly face to at least visit.I can tell you then what is going on.Are you OK with that?"

"I do not know what to say."

"Amanda, Sorry I need to end the call as Yi needs to talk to me."With that Anna ended the call and turned to Hou Yi.

"Anna, what do you need?"

"Can you arrange for Amanda Mei of the Legal department to visit me.While I do not fully trust her, she is the only one that has tried to treat me normally after her reporting me to immigration."

"I can do that.You do not need to worry about her.Amanda's mother is a close friend of Aunt Xi, and her father if Vice-CEO of XF International.I trust him and his boss CEO Yao implicitly.They are honest and open."

"Amanda has wanted to create a career separate from her father's identity and influence.I made sure she obtained a job at Hou Enterprises, and she has done nothing but excel since she started.I have never regretted the decision, despite everyone telling me that I would regret it."

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