Offer To The CEO

Chapter 178: The footage

178 The footage

Wednesday, continued.

While sitting with Office Mu, Hou Yi remembered that with his phone, that was still in his pocket as an adaptor for accessing USB devices on it.He figured that he had some time to sit and wait for more advice as to what was happening with his wife, so he decided to play the footage.He felt helpless around Anna to see her like this, and knew it was all because of him.

Before starting, he turned to Officer Mu, and said "I was wondering if you wanted to watch the footage of the interview with me.I need to understand why we are here, but I do not want to watch it in my own."

Officer Mu, did not know what to say.Here was the CEO of one of the largest companies in the country trusting him to provide hims with support."Not a problem sir."

Hou Yi, connected the adaptor to his phone, and plugged in the USB key, and started to watch the Footage.

As the interview progressed, he could not help but to be proud of his wife.She never strayed from the truth, and responded firmly but respectfully to the questioning.He saw how Inspector Gang reacted to her not giving the answers, and how she played him for information.

The hardest thing, was watching his wife thrown into the wall and kicked while she was on the ground.

As soon a they had finished watching the footage, Office Mu, immediately knew he had to say something.There was no way that any police officer should put there hands on a prisoner in that way.Yes, Inspector Gang had family in high places who had always protected him, but there was no way they would in this case.

He turned to Hou Yi, and said "I am so sorry.That should not have happened.Inspector Gang and Senior Officer Fang, will be dealt with through internal investigations, and given the information your wife had Inspector Gang admit, more than likely the civilians involved will be dealt with criminally."

"Thank you."With that Hou Yi went silent.

Watching it confirmed, not only the involvement of Lu Jihnu and Yang Lin, but surprisingly the involvement of CEO Lu.While he suspected that the involvement was about controlling the situation, he now was in Hou Yi's firing line.The courts could deal with Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, but forget them dealing with CEO Lu and Lu Corporation, that was for him to see to.Without Lu Corporation financial position Lu Jinhu would never have had the ability to do what he has done to Anna over the last two weeks, here, let alone in the past.

Hou Yi immediately turned his mind to what he could do to.He recalled seeing the publicly available financial information fro Lu Corporation.It showed when you looked at the information that their international expansion was always rushed, and relied heavily on the profits from their domestic activities to support it.That would change in about 5 to 7 years time, when some projects started to fully come in line.

This was Lu Corporation's vulnerability.Damage the domestic activities profitability, destabalise the international activities and everything would come crashing down.

He though Hou Enterprises's current projects and activities.There was, from his recollection only two where Lu Corporation were involved, and that was because they bullied other to demand their involvement, as the lead in them.Well, they could forget about Hou Enterprises involvement and they would be pulling their investment immediately.And if he recalled the contracts right, as the lead in the project is someone wanted to get out, Lu Corporation had to buy them out.

That would not be sufficient.It would be a hit to them financially, but it would not cause a downfall and that is what they deserved.He knew that the way to achieve their downfall would be to use the power of Hou Enterprises, and make it clear to other companies that they do business with that the your have to chose between Hou Enterprises and Lu Corporation to continue business with.

If they were questioning what was to happen, he could always show them the footage.In the end, they would choose Hou Enterprises, rather than Lu Corporation.He also knew that would, in a business sense isolate the Yang's as almost all their business activities were significantly tied to Lu Corporation, meaning that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin could not rely on her family to support them as well.

Anna might not be absolutely happy about using the company power this way, but he had no problems.This was his wife, his love that Lu Corporations money and power had been used to target, and they would go down.

He knew exactly who was the starting person to talk to, but the question was would they cooperate as there was more in it for them to loose, given much of their activities were in direct competition with Lu Corporation.

Hou Yi paused, and internally said, let the games begin Lu's.You will now see what I will do, and Lu Corporation will not survive, as I will make it my mission to see you destroyed.

Officer Mu, in watching CEO Hou, suddenly realised due to the expressions that had gone across his face since ending watching the footage, that he was planning something to support his wife.All he hoped was that it would not be illegal, as the last thing this whole mess needed was to have to deal with more matters.

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