Offer To The CEO

Chapter 155: Wednesdays Session - Part 5

155 Wednesday's Session - Part 5

Wednesday, continued ...

Hou Yi looked at Phillipa and he realised that he was not going to be able to avoid the question that she wanted answered.He wanted to savour and keep his memories to himself of last night, just in case it was the only time that he would have the love of his life in his arms.

In his mind to Hou Yi, despite everything that happened last night, he was certain that when this current crisis was over Anna would regret what happened.All that he could hope for, he knew, was that she would not walk away from giving their marriage a chance.That is all he needed as he believed that she would eventually start to trust him and that they could have a relationship.

Hou Yi took a deep breath. "Given Anna's reluctance to be separated from me, in the car, I knew she would not want to be too far from me when we arrived home, so I carried her into the elevator and then into our suite.The closer we got to our suite, the more and more she made it known that she wanted to remain in my arms close to me.Let me just say, things simply went from there …"

"So you had s*x"

"Do not be so crude Pip, it was not just s*x, as you put it.I know, whether or not Anna will admit it at this time, we made love, pure and simple."

"Yi, I know how you feel about Anna, but you are deluding yourself, you and Anna had s*x, pure and simple.It might have felt as if you made love, given it is obvious to anyone that knows you well, that you love her to the exclusion of any other woman.Given what my Chen Grandparents have told me, you are no different to your father, uncle and grandfather in that respect."

Phillipa paused, took a breath and continued "However, you have to recognise that you are 6 months into this relationship, and in reality she is only two weeks.In that two weeks all she has been dealing with, emotionally, is the hurt that Lu Jinhu has caused her for years.Based on what you told me now, means that that relationship was worse than I actually thought.Physical, Verbal, Mental and Economic abuse, isolation, and god knows what else."

"She has to have control of what happens in your relationship at this time.She needs space to identify her issues, and start to work with them.While in most women, given what is coming out of a situation like Anna, will take years to process, analyse, adjust and accept the circumstances of her relationship.Anna is different, as her intelligence, background, and employment however will mean she will do most of this so much quicker than most."

"The only problem, is Lu Jinhu damaged her inbuilt willingness to trust in her relationships.That will mean that she will be fragile in some respects.You, in two short weeks have become her support, her rock and foundation of her recovery.For her you are the one person in the world who she needs to never let her down, never criticise her and never take her for granted.Any pushing will send her the other way and undo any good achieved."

"Pip …"

Phillipa ground out "It is Phillipa not Pip.Now details as to what happened, or the door is behind me and I will walk out of it.You can deal with the fallout."

"Fine.But you do not tell her I told you this.When I carried her to our bed, I sat her down, with the intention to help her undress and simply get ready and go to bed, while providing her with the comfort that she desired.However that was not what she wanted."

"While Anna instigated every s*xual encounter that we had, I was as you can guess not difficult to persuade.I let her control what happened, and she remained in control.Even, to the point of what happened when she called you and we had a shower.I am not going to give you any more details that is Anna's decision, not mine."

"Fine Yi, at least to a point you where honest with me.Now I have to ask you a question.If she walked through the door, came to you and told you she wanted an immediate divorce and wanted you completely out of her life what would you do?"

Phillipa, immediately observed the joy and happiness that had been in Hou Yi's eyes immediately drain."I would give her want she wanted, regardless of my feelings.All I want if for he to be happy and safe.If me being completely out of her life is what is necessary for that I would agree.I would, however, always keep an eye on her to ensure that she remains safe and never has a worry."

"If that means that I pay her an allowance for the rest of her life, and always ensures she has security, and I have to see her in the arms of someone else, that is what I will do.Her happiness is worth everything even it is means that I am miserable and sad for the rest of my life.At least I would have had my love in my life, my home, my bed, even if it was for a short time, it would always remain the most blessed time of my life."

Between her tears "Stuff if Yi, that makes me cry."

"Pip it is the truth, I will always be alright is she is happy, safe and living as she wants to."

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