Offer To The CEO

Chapter 153: Wednesdays Session - Part 3

153 Wednesday's Session - Part 3

Wednesday, continue …

Anna, and Hou Yi reached over at the same time and took one of the newspapers each.Phillipa then also took a newspaper.

Anna, found on the front page of the paper she had picked up a story about the events last night.

"Listen to this. 'Last night at the charity theatre event, the heir of the Lu Corporation Lu Jinhu and his new wife, the Yang Heiress Yang Lin verbally and then physically attacked the new wife of Hou Corporation's CEO Hou Yi."

"Lu Jinhu was heard calling the new Madam Hou, the former Ms Anna Jones from Australia, a liar and a manipulator.He stated that she lied during the announcement of the new charitable initiative to be spearheaded by CEO and Madam Hou regarding domestic violence, and was trying to harm him as he had dumped her to marry Yang Lin."

"Further allegations came from Lu Jinhu that Hou Anna had not only manipulated her husband, but had manipulated the Australia Legal System to cheat him out of his entitlements when their relationship ended.Such allegations if true, could speak volumes about Hou Anna.Additionally, Lu Jinhu implied that she was stalking him and Yang Lin."

"The situation dramatically changed when Hou Yi and Hou Anna spoke.Hou Anna stated that Vice-CEO and Madam Lu, assaulted her a yesterday fortnight ago at the Key Plaza Hotel, and then proceeded to warn him that is he continued to talk about Australian Court proceedings, she would be informing the court, and he could possibly face charges."

"Lu Jinhu became quite angry about being threatened to be dealt with by Australian courts for breaching court orders.Hou Yi then stepped in warning both Vice-CEO and Madam Lu to back off our they would be suing them for slander, as well as confirming the existence footage of the assault."

"Hou Yi then dropped a bombshell to all present, that Yang Lin was two months pregnant.This coincided with, where at least publicly Lu Jinhu was engaged to the now Hou Anna in Australia, and Yang Lin was involved with Hou Yi.Hou Yi, questioned whose child she was carrying, denying it could be his as the only time they had been intimate was 12 months earlier when he was drunk.This provoked a display of foul language from Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin."

"After a retort about Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin lacking class and blaming others for their problems, Yang Lin pulled Hou Anna towards her.Yang Lin proceeded to slap Hou Anna with an open hand to the face and Lu JInhu then proceeded to punch her in the stomach."

"These actions shocked all who were present.Hou Anna was escorted away by her mother-in-law Du AnLing and Aunt-in-law Leng Xi to be comforted, and then was provided additional supported by a close personal friend of Hou Yi Dr Chen Phillipa, a world renown expert in dealing with matters of domestic violence and the sole Chen Heiress as well as second in line to a British Marquessate behind her mother Lady Amelia."

"Eventually Hou Yi escorted his wife from the theatre and soon afterwards, all members of the Hou family, Dr Chen, and Lady Amelia, along with a number of senior members of Hou Enterprises who were present all left the building."

"This paper, however, has been able to undertake some preliminary investigations as to the allegations.We have been able to locate photographs that show Lu Jinhu accompanying the then Jones Anna to a Legal Function in Melbourne, Victoria some 7 weeks ago.At that time he was clearly described as her fiance.We have also been able to confirm that there are legal proceedings on foot in Australia involving Hou Anna and Lu Jinhu.These proceedings are in what is called the family court, and so far, we have not been able to determine what is the exact nature of these proceedings."

"Our police sources have confirmed the existence of the CCTV footage of the assault in the Key Plaza Hotel.However little more information was provided due to there being an ongoing investigation."

"As a responsible member of the press, we are charged with providing information about events to the public.We find any assault on a woman by a partner, former partner, family member or stranger.In terms of Yang Lin, given the existence of her pregnancy we can understand a mother-to-be wants to protect her family, in the immediacy of the argument reacted as she did, however we believe in the fullness of time she will regret what she did last night."

"For this organisation our concern is that the person who publicly punched a woman 6 times in the stomach if the Vice-CEO of on of this town and countries most powerful company's Lu Corporation.No person who is willing to do this to a woman, should be allowed to be in a position of power where he can victimise anyone."

"We call for CEO Lu to immediately fire his son from the family company, and for the police to charge him over his actions.If the police cannot protect the wife of CEO Hou, how can any woman feel safe about being protected from violence in any form from a current of former partner."

"While the editorial staff of this organisation usually do not endorse any charitable organisation or initiative, we would urge citizens who are concerned about these events to donate to the initiative founded by CEO and Madam Hou.Details are below, or on our website on how to donate."

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