Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation

Chapter 53: I Won't be Holding Back, Okay?

Chapter 53: I Won't be Holding Back, Okay?

Now that I won, we immediately set off.

Please place any luggage that you wont be immediately using in the back. Ill be opening it up now. Ah, okay. Understood. Theres even space for luggage~

Both of them were holding bags in both hands. In addition, Lily was carrying a staff and Arisa had a slender-looking sword. The two of them placed everything but their weapons inside the storage space. Well, if they didnt have their weapons, they wouldnt be able to fight when they had to. I also had a sword on me. Although I never use it.

Alright, lets get inside the carriage then. .Right, in that case Pardon the intrusion~

Why were they all excited? There was nothing special inside. At least, from my viewpoint.

They opened the door and glanced inside. And became flabbergasted. It was improper to have your mouths gaping like that.

What is this. Its a carriage. Or rather, theres nothing wrong with it, so hurry up and get on. Um .Ill get on first then, so hurry up and get on. O-Okay. Excuse me then.

Theres nothing scary you know..

Since the two of them were hesitant in getting on, I decided to enter first.

There were two seats inside. The seat in the back could fit two or three people. There was also a single-person seat on the right side which faced towards it. And there was a door on the left side which led to the coachmans seat. I sat on the back seat and beckoned towards the two of them. The two people anxiously got on.

Lily sat next to me and Arisa sat in front of me. As soon as they sat in their chairs, both of them shouted in surprise.

What is this!? This chair!? Its so fluffy.what is this~ I did my best. No, no, I dont understand what you mean by that, Ren.

Well, it was just a normal, advanced product. But it was important to me.

Should we set off then? Ah, right. Please do. Alright, then.

? .. .Um.

What? Why havent we started moving yet? Eh? Were already moving though? Eh? Eh?

Lily, were already moving~ Look out the window~ Huh? Really? Eh, but I didnt feel anythingit felt like it wasnt even moving at all. Lily, its probably just because this carriage is weird~ Sheesh, I dont even know what to say anymore I did my best. Enough of that already.

How mean.

Or rather, what about the driver!? The golem is handling it. Didnt you say it was a dummy? I did say it was a dummy, but I didnt say it couldnt drive the carriage? .Enough already.

Ahh, Lily had a blank expression on her face.

Afterwards, the two accepted it and said nothing more. If anyone were able to travel this comfortably, they wouldnt complain.

Additionally, I had my hood down since I was inside the carriage.

I pulled out the folding table from the wall and placed cups into the holders attached to the wall, then poured the drink into the cups for everyone.

Yep, the orange juice was a success. 100% fruit juice would be a bit difficult to drink, so I diluted it with water to make it easier to drink. Of course, I also added ice to make it colder and taste better. I acquired ice magic when I had used Creation Magic to turn water into ice.

I handed everyone their cups. Lily was on the door side, but there werent any problems since the cup holders were attached to the wall. Additionally, the cup had a lid so it wouldnt spill even if there was shaking.

Drinking from a cup inside of a carriageand it is designed to prevent spilling too, such a simple thing If you wanted to drink something inside a carriage, it would usually be water inside of a smelly waterskin.

Hahaha. So I guess this would also be my win?

That aside, this is really delicious Its the first time I drank something like this~

The orange juice was getting favorable reviews. Even though it was diluted with water.

On a side note, Norn and Bell were to the right and left of the golem in the coach seat. The two of them were acting as lookouts. She was seriously a goddess.

Ah, thats right, I dont know the directions..which way should we head? Itll be fine as long as you head east along the road. Along the way well have to spend the night in the territory of Mubarro, then well head north along the roads to the royal capital. Understood. Then well just continue on like this.

It was easier to get there than I thought.

We progressed smoothly despite several rest breaks on the way, and arrived at the camping grounds before long. We would be camping here tonight.

So were camping here tonight. Right. Well then, lets start preparing the meal. Um, are you making it Ren? Yes. What about the ingredients Ive prepared some beforehand. The money.. Its fine as long as you appreciate the food later. Sorry about that. Dont mind it.

My goal was to tame them. But dont worry! Just seeing their cute faces will be enough to satisfy this old man! *Slurping up drool

Well, enough with the jokes, so what should I make for today? Although, I would actually just be cooking since I had already prepared various ingredients.

Hm, dumplings? Lets go with dumplings. Since I already prepared a lot beforehand, I just had to cook them. I also wanted to eat rice.

I brought out a stove and immediately began cooking. I already had cooked rice inside of Storage.

How much would I need to cook? Three people, so 30? No, those two would definitely be eating a lot. Lets go with 60. It might be a bit too much, but I was fine with leftovers.

Thus, I continued cooking. And then cooked even more. As soon as I finished cooking them, I would place them inside of Storage so that it didnt cool down. This way, I could just take them out right before we started eating and they would be all nice and fresh.

The two of them were staring beside me with their stomachs growling. I heard the stomachs of the two, but I gave them a hard look when I saw sudden movement. The cooking smell was probably unbearable.

I took out a folding table and chairs and then lined up the finished dishes. Rice, dumplings, and dumpling sauce made with soy sauce, chili oil, and vinegar. I also brought out the chicken soup I had made beforehand. It would be easier to eat with soup.

The two stared at the dishes lined up in front of them. Whats wrong?

Um, please enjoy?

When I called out to them, they began eating. With tremendous momentum. Ah, I see. They werent sure if they could begin eating

But if I left them alone even my portion would be gone. The two of them ate and ate.

Eventually, all 60 dumplings were gone. Werent the two of them eating a bit too much? Didnt they know they would get fat like this?

Additionally, I didnt prepare any dessert. The two of them were looking at me hungrily, but I pretended not to notice.

Uhh, Im so full.I cant move~ We havent even set up the tents yet. We also have to boil some water to wipe our body with.

Ah, right there was that too. But there was no need to.


I used Clean on the two of them. Their bodies glowed dimly for a few seconds. When the light faded, the bodies of the two were now clean and dirt-less. It would have been better to take a bath, but during the trip this was absolutely necessary. Since I wasnt planning on taking out my house.

You can use Clean too!? Basically. Lily, Im not even surprised anymore. Rather, I want to thank you instead~ Thank you very much~ Dont mention it, youre welcome. Uuh, in that case, I have to do my best to set up the tent. Ah, no need to do that.

I opened the door to the carriage, then lowered the chairs and pulled them out thus creating a simple bed.

We can just sleep here. It might be a bit cramped with three people, but I think that itll still be fairly comfortable. .Um, then the night watch. Norn will handle it. Thisit shouldnt have been like this.

Lily, what were you expecting it to be like?

Thank you very much for everything~ Not at all.

Apparently, Arisa has given up on even thinking about it. Well, it was convenient this way, so isnt it alright?

Additionally, it seems Lily was initially planning on displaying her expertise with long-distance traveling and had wanted to give me various lessons to show off her experience.

Well, I actually already traveled by myself all the way to the village in the south, right?

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