No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 171: God vs Reincarnated

Chapter 171: God vs Reincarnated

I looked at the man in front of me. A Japanese man around 21 or 22 years old with black hair, a slightly handsome face, and a mobster-like appearance.

Looking at a person identical to Seiji is strange, especially since his presence, smell, and even his soul frequency are identical to mine when I'm Seiji.

With the help of Witch, System Goddess, and my knowledge of alchemy I made something called a homunculus, something like an artificial human.

Although System Goddess is untalented in cultivation and combat, she is even more talented than her teacher in alchemy, spirit formations, and pill refining.

According to her own words, she is a heaven-defying genius and that was why her teacher protected her even though she was totally useless when it came to cultivation.

It was also because of this tremendous innate talent that she was able to vivisection a system user as even the most powerful Higher Entities have trouble understanding the workings of a system.

With the help of both women, I made one of the most important artifacts of alchemy, a philosopher's stone.

A philosopher's stone is an accumulation of organic energy and spiritual energy drawn from human bodies and souls. Human souls are one of the most important resources in the multiverse as they have endless uses and so a world with a human population in the millions is a treasure that many entities desire.

The point is that the philosopher's stone is the culmination of alchemy since it allows to evade many restrictions of the Principle of Equivalence.

Unfortunately building a single Philosopher's Stone is very expensive and even with the massive amount of souls in Ortro's stomach, I was only able to create four high-level Philosopher's Stones and 8 low-level Philosopher's Stones.

"How do I look? I bet I'm handsome" – The Seiji-like homunculus smiled like a narcissistic idiot.

My lip trembled, seeing my face acting like an arrogant young master makes me want to punch my face.

I sighed. – "Do not make that expression with my face or I will return you to your worm form and I will lock you in a jar"

'Seiji' trembled and lowered his head. – "I'm sorry, master"

Even though I've treated this homunculus well, his survival instincts make him instinctively afraid of me.

I sighed. – "Envy, your mission will be important, but you must prioritize your life above anything else"

The homunculus trembled at my words, it seems that homunculi are not used to being treated like people.

"Master" – Another homunculus approached and bowed respectfully. – "Envy knows how important this mission is so the master should not worry"

With the high-level philosopher's stones and my black blood, Witch made 3 homunculi. She used the bases of the seven deadly sins for the existence of the homunculi since creating a living being without a base concept would only create a monster without a mind or personality so we had to improvise with concepts that were easy to understand in most worlds of the multiverse.

The three homunculi are Envy, Lust, and Sloth.

(Author's Note: Envy, Lust, and Sloth from Fullmetal Alchemist 2003)

Envy can mimic anyone's appearance and can even mimic someone's superficial personality just by seeing that person once.

The most important thing about her skill is that she can modify the appearance of her soul similar to my [Mythomania] skill so she is the perfect spy. The only weakness of her disguise is that she can't replicate special abilities or magic and so she can only pretend to be low-ranking pawns, but it's still a useful skill.

Lust can turn her fingers into sharp weapons capable of penetrating steel and causing emotional damage as well.

Her cuts don't only affect the physical body, if she hurts a person, that person will feel a decrease in her wishes, desires, and motivations causing the person to slowly lose the will to live. It's an interesting skill, but it takes a long time to take effect so she's weak in combat, but she makes up for it with great innate intelligence and cunning so I made her the leader of the homunculi.

Lastly, Sloth can turn her body into a water-like liquid allowing her to turn her arms into water whips or giving her the ability to turn her entire body into water allowing her to act as a spy and assassin.

Despite sounding like a powerful ability, she becomes vulnerable to heat in that form and her strength isn't very high so she's better as a spy than a fighter.

The absurd thing is that my skill [Lucky Pervert] influenced the creation of the three homunculi and so all three are women with their own attractions, especially Lust who embodies several of my personal tastes.

"Fine" - I sighed. – "Even if Envy ruins this, I have some plans, but regardless of the situation, you must prioritize your own lives"

Even if these three women are artificial lifeforms created by one of my wives, there's a high probability that I'll add them to my harem in the future so I'm not going to use them as disposable pawns.

"Go to the meeting and act as planned" - With my words the three women nodded and went to their jobs.

Envy will act as Seiji in the meeting with the Reincarnates while Lust and Sloth will stay hidden to activate an underground transmutation circle that covers the entire city which will cause the activation of the underground volcano that feeds the hot springs.

This is the emergency plan so I hope I don't have to use it or the Reincarnates will be more careful with my abilities to cause natural disasters.

One of the best qualities of homunculi is that they have a life counter based on the number of souls within the philosopher's stone in their bodies. This allows them to receive mortal wounds multiple times and will regenerate immediately as long as the amount of 'lives' accumulated in the Philosopher's Stone is not exhausted.

Envy's current body can only support a total of 1000 lives inside her so she can die 999 times and no irreparable problem will arise.

Then I want to use that method of stacking lives on my wives to make sure they don't get killed, but that's a topic for the future...

Once the homunculi left, I made my preparations.

I first used [Mythomania] to change my presence and give myself the same presence that a Divine Beast would have, so I will impersonate the God of Balance, Orthus.

The black blood covered me to form a black cloak that covered my entire body as a pair of black wings sprouted from my back.

Since my mind pollution abilities are strengthened when my enemy feels negative emotions such as fear, disgust, or rage, I chose a universally known appearance, the reaper of souls, the grim reaper.

Sometimes a simple appearance is more frightening than an ostentatious appearance and the simplicity of death is always intimidating.

My hands seem to be made of obsidian, my face is impossible to see inside the hood of my robe and it is only possible to see two blue lights as if they were my eyes and since the blue lights are the most striking thing about my appearance, people have the need to look me in the eye.

My eyes are flames of [Rasen] that emit the mental pollution effects of [Reader's Madness] so people without mental defense skills will start to be infected by despair, fear, resignation, boredom, and suicidal tendencies.

The most important thing about wearing this appearance is that I can produce weapons from any part of my body and even Ortro can materialize her dog fangs from any part of my robe.

Those fangs use Ortro's destructive abilities that devour souls and minds so that a simple injury to the hand can turn into spiritual and mental damage.

I waited to receive the confirmation message from Envy. With the help of Witch and System Goddess, I made a telepathic communication channel with the homunculi to carry out this scenario.

"Master, it's time" - Envy sent me a mental message with an expectant voice, she is the type of person who loves to see the world burn.

I took to the skies to begin the performance.

System Goddess showed me a basic method of flying by harnessing my Ki energy as a substitute for cultivation Qi, the wings are just a decoration that can be used as a shield or weapon.

Once I rose above the clouds, I began to circulate [Rasen] around my body, causing the clouds to start spinning at the same time as using vibrations to increase the friction within the clouds.

Black blood has the property of changing density and molecular structure so I made the black blood become equal to steam so that it mixes with the clouds making the clouds turn as black as ink making the sky darken even though it's 10 in the morning.

Thunder began to sound, black-colored rain began to fall and the winds were freaking out like this was an electrical storm.

When everything was ready, I turned on [Reader's Perspective] to avoid unpleasant surprises.



(3rd person perspective)

At the main inn of Onsen City, there was a tense atmosphere as a group of 10 people had different expressions.

The 9 Reincarnated had met the Transmigrated, Seiji Yamada......…


Originally only Flare, The Fallen Goddess, was curious about Seiji since he was not only a fellow Japanese, Seiji was able to give the Reincarnated ones something they have longed for, Japanese food….

The Reincarnated had explored many methods to replicate Japan's food in this fantasy world, but no matter how hard they tried, it was impossible to perfectly replicate the taste due to the difference in ingredients.

This changed thanks to Seiji.



Like the Reincarnated, Seiji displayed a special skill unlike anything seen in this world. Seiji had a cooking skill that allowed him to make the most delicious food in this world.

It might be a useless skill for combat and the Reincarnates saw him as someone unable to fight, but the fact that Seiji could make perfect Japanese food made the Reincarnates see the mafia man as a living treasure.

Even the Reincarnated had planned to make Imerda Piñata, 'The villain's daughter', use her emotional control skills on Seiji to turn him into a puppet that would feed them non-stop all day, but that idea had to be scrapped but that Seiji seemed to have a high resistance to seduction and emotional control skills which frustrated Imerda.



The Reincarnated decided to show kindness to make Seiji the group's chef, but there was one person who wasn't very happy.

Honda Yuuya, 'Looper', was angry since Flare was very close with Seiji. The only thing that gave Honda relief was that Flare was too narcissistic to love anyone other than herself, she was only interested in the food made by Seiji…..

As the group chatted about some of Japan's interesting topics such as culture and food that they can't find in this world, the sky outside the inn began to darken as the deafening noise of thunder made people cover their ears in pain.

What most caught the attention of all the people in the city was that this electrical storm was causing a rain of a black substance similar to ink...


Kilt, 'The dual-wielding black knight', frowned and stood up. – "A new enemy appeared"

"But we already eliminated the Dark Queen" – Imerda frowned. – "There shouldn't be another final boss… Unless this is something like a hidden boss"

Louis Crawford, 'God's mistake', shrugged dismissively. - "Does matters? Let's just kill the stupid hidden boss and see if he drops a good item"

"If it's a hidden boss I want the corpse"-Don Will Dead, 'The undead king', spoke with expectation as if he wanted to get a new toy.

Kilt pointed at Seiji and Imerda. – "You are not fighters so stay here, Honda will also stay here as a guard"

Honda nodded with a serious expression, even if he didn't like Seiji, Honda wouldn't disobey his leader's orders.....

The 7 Reincarnated with combat capabilities walked out of the inn and looked up at the sky.

Out of the dark clouds, a humanoid silhouette began to descend.

Large black wings, a robe that covers his entire body, his hands seemed to be made of a black mineral, the only thing visible on his face were two bright pale blue lights that gave a cold sensation similar to the whisper of the dead...

"You have upset the balance of the world…"

A gloomy voice filled the city, it was a voice similar to the cry of a beast in the depths of the abyss. Every word caused people a feeling of inexplicable discomfort as if thousands of snakes were crawling under the skin…..

The heads of the people in the city ached and a strange sound came from inside their skulls as if a rat was scratching the inside of their skulls in an attempt to escape....

"You who are not of this world, you who have upset the balance…"

The people in the city began to hold their heads with expressions of agony. Every human in the city had begun to tremble and cry.

The strangest thing was that the people who were touched by the black rain were scratching their eyes as if they wanted to pull out something writhing inside their skulls...


Kilt frowned as he felt his mind grow unsteady while his body felt limp.

Kilt noticed that the areas of his skin that were touched by the black rain had begun to turn a putrid color like decomposing meat......….

"Flare! Use large-scale purification!" - Kilt yelled furiously as he drew his two swords.

Flare noticed that the black rain had a strange putrefactive effect, but the most terrifying thing is that people didn't seem to notice it and if it hadn't been for Kilt's scream, the Reincarnated would have their bodies in a state of putrefaction without realizing it.

"Eliminate all evil on this land in my name, Ultimate Purification! Eliminate the suffering and pain of those who hear my voice, Ultimate Healing!" – Flare waved a priestess staff causing golden light to cover half of the city…..

The Reincarnated and the citizens who were touched by the light felt the rat inside their skulls and the snakes under their skins disappear.

The rotten skin on their bodies immediately healed and the skin regenerated on the people who had peeled off their skin to get out the imagined snakes crawling inside their bodies….


"You humans from another world will be judged by the one who destroys chaos, the God of Balance and Order, Orthus"

The angel of death flying in the heavens raised both hands as the strength of the storm grew causing thunder to start hitting the city, destroying houses and people alike.

Two black spears appeared in the angel's hands and he used them to point at Kilt.

"Human from another world, accept your punishment"

The two spears were thrown at such a speed that they broke the sound barrier creating a shock wave that only increased the pain in the citizens' ears.....

Kilt's pupils contracted and he quickly moved his swords to intercept the attack, but when his swords were about to intercept the two spears, his fighting instincts warned him not to touch those spears.

"Energy cut!" – Kilt yelled as he made a double horizontal cut forming two blades of magical energy that impacted the two spears.

When both spears hit the sword slashes, the spears changed from a solid state to a liquid state covering the area in front of Kilt....

Kilt jumped back to avoid the liquid, but before the black substance hit the ground, the substance turned into a monstrous dog with a body covered in red eyes.

The dog opened its jaws aiming to bite Kilt's leg, but a magic bullet hit the dog causing it to explode...




Kilt stepped back to where his companions stood and clenched the hilts of his swords tightly.

It was for an instant, but Kilt could feel it. If that dog had bitten him, Kilt would have lost something irreplaceable that couldn't be healed with Flare's magic...

Kilt quickly thought of a combat strategy. – "Let's use the Kiting 22 strategy!"

The Kiting 22 strategy was a simple but very useful concept that the Reincarnates used to eliminate the Dark Queen….

The undead king would summon an army of undead to attack the enemy with multiple medium-scale attacks causing the enemy to be distracted.

Anastasia Melokva, the young Demon would take advantage of the openings to shoot at the limbs of the enemy.

Roro Sendiger, 'The Named Slime', would help Kilt fight in the air to make the enemy lower their guard.

Shijou Yukiko, 'Restaurant from another world', will wait for the enemy to drop their guard and she will seize the opportune moment to open the space door of her skill and thus lock the enemy in her restaurant.

Within her skill 'Isekai Sushi', enemies cannot use combat skills and only Shijou's allies can fight so the angel of death will be helpless when captured...

Although this combat strategy can last for several days, with the support of Flare, the Reincarnates do not need to rest for what they will gain in a battle of attrition...

Roro hugged Kilt and a pair of dragon wings sprouted from his back.

Acting as a jet pack, Roro lifted Kilt into the sky as Anastasia began to fly behind them to provide covering fire.....

[System Notification: The skill 'Reader's Perspective' has been disabled]



(Luis perspective)

I resisted the urge to massage my forehead for the migraine and looked at the Reincarnates that were approaching to attack me.

These guys are not as idiotic as I imagined, the strategy they planned is interesting and to some extent, it would be effective against me since I specialize in fast battles while attrition combat is my weakness because of my energy consumption.

Fortunately, I put one of the four Philosopher's Stones inside my body to provide me with a constant supply of spiritual energy.

Thanks to this stone I can use the supply of souls in Ortro's stomach as a power source, though this has the negative effect of damaging my Karma so I can't go overboard using souls as batteries.

Anyway, I'm going to play along with these idiots for four hours and look for an opportunity to eliminate at least one of the Reincarnated.

Sadly I can't kill the Reincarnates right away as I first need to check that the Higher Entity that gave the Reincarnates abilities doesn't come looking for me for killing their lab rats.

My wings flapped causing the storm around me to get worse.

I increased the amount of [Rasen] in the atmosphere causing a tornado to hit this town at any time and then formed a scythe.

I can't use swords or there is a risk of Kilt stealing the control of my weapons in the same way that Shigure can influence Tsubaki thanks to her weapon control ability.

Talents and abilities mutate when interacting with otherworldly laws so it's best to be careful.

I focused on my kid show villain performance and attacked Kilt. – "Human from another world, I will destroy you to restore the balance of the world!"

"Hey Listen! You sound like an idiot hahahahaha!"

I know, shit.

I'm going to need a drink when I'm done with this...



Author's Note:

I think there's a misunderstanding. Flare is from Cheat Slayer, not Kaifuku. You can imagine that Flare is a more narcissistic, obnoxious, redheaded Aqua.

That's the problem with using multiple animes with characters with the same name... I'll be more careful in the future to avoid confusion.

Maybe later I'll add Kaifuku's Flare, the evil princess.

Finally, a hug ~

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