No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 163: Reunion with a Violent Person

Chapter 163: Reunion with a Violent Person

When I got to the living room where my wife and fiancée were, I internally sighed seeing the situation.

Xiao Bai was quietly in a corner not wanting to get into this silly fight.

Lin Ruoxi coldly looked at Chitoge while the blonde girl kept a hostile expression.

The two proud women were glaring at each other in hostile silence as if they both instinctively felt that they were something of a rival which only made me want to sigh at how absurd the female intuition was.

I wanted to say something, but I realized that Chitoge was not alone, next to her was a girl dressed as a boy...

…This will be a problem…

"Why does that boy look like a girl?" – System Goddess asked curiously.

"She is a woman, her name is Seishirou Tsugumi, even though she is only a teenager, she is one of the best agents of Bee Hive Gang having the necessary strength to eliminate a squad of special forces without help" - I answered tiredly.

"Why does it sound like you know her and had a difficult experience with her?" – Tsubaki asked curiously.

"She and a girl named Paula McCoy chased me for six months" - I sighed internally, my life is a cheap action movie. – "The worst thing is that I couldn't fight back and if it wasn't because I blew up a building to escape, they would have captured me"

"That's not all, is it?" – Tsubaki sighed ironically.

"…" – I sighed, I hate my stupidity.

Unfortunately, I entered the room not knowing that Tsugumi was here so when I opened the door I caught the attention of the four women in the room, and in a split second Tsugumi reached her right hand inside her jacket and pulled out a gun.

At the precise moment that she was about to shoot me, two knives were thrown at her eyes so Tsugumi had to crouch down so as not to be blinded.

Xiao Bai was about to attack again, but Mr. Ichijo raised his voice. – "Stop peeling!"

I could feel that some kind of Authority was used as Tsugumi and Xiao Bai froze as if their bodies were frozen.

"Luis..." - Tsubaki sighed. – "What did you do to that girl?"

"Why do you automatically assume I'm the bad guy here?" - I internally rolled my eyes.

"Because you are you" - Tsubaki answered with irony.

"... Good point" - I sighed. – "I met her before the whole mess exploded, and well…"

"She is your ex-girlfriend?" – Tsubaki asked with amusement.

"Yes" - I sighed more deeply. – "She thinks I approached her to get information from Bee Hive Gang, but the truth is that I just wanted to sleep with her, I did not know that she was the adopted daughter of the second in command of Bee Hive Gang, although I admit that sounds like something that I would do"

"I'm not even surprised" – Tsubaki was having fun. – "Luis, one day you are going to die for sleeping with random women"

"I know" - I sighed internally. – "That is why I no longer have casual sex with women, if I go to bed with a woman she will be part of my harem…"

Or Ortro's lunch, but it's best not to say the latter.

I used to be a lecherous jerk with self-destructive tendencies so I didn't consider the problems of sleeping with attractive women, and now that childish attitude got me in trouble.

Lin Ruoxi was frozen in shock at what just happened. She just got away from a murder situation so this scared her.

I sighed and looked at Tsugumi who was looking at me with boundless hatred. - "Long time no see"

She couldn't speak as her body didn't move, but the hateful look on her face spoke louder than words.

Chitoge looked at her friend in surprise since she must never have seen her with that expression, then she looked at me with a frown. – "Who are you and what did you do to Tsugumi?!"

She tried to shoot me and I'm the bad guy… Why is this woman so irrational?

I wish all blonde women were as cute as Shizuka or Yasuko...

Mr. Ichijo patted me on the shoulder a couple of times as if to say 'Fix your problems on your own'.

Chitoge doesn't know that I'm Seiji, which will become a problem later on, but I'll only tell her the truth when she's madly in love with me to reduce the possibility of a jealous attack, besides, if she knows that I'm Tsugumi's ex-boyfriend, the things will become difficult as the blonde girl is too impulsive.

I'll keep this a secret for now so I'll focus on Lin Ruoxi. – "For today you better stay here, Xiao Bai will be your personal bodyguard"

Lin Ruoxi didn't seem very happy that I was organizing her life, but she didn't complain out loud. Chitoge's puzzled look showed her that I'm not related to the blonde girl, and although it's obvious that I have a complicated relationship with Tsugumi, she must think it's a hostile relationship since Tsugumi looks like a man and wants to kill me.

"Hey Listen! Don't give me the bullshit that you're going to kill this woman! You must include this violent madwoman in your harem!" -Navi shouted happily.

When I was in America there were two women who I really grew fond of.

The first woman was my first friend who later betrayed me and gave my personal information to Bee Hive Gang which made me flee the country, although I am sure she was threatened and had no other choice.

The second woman was Tsugumi who I grew fond of because she treated me kindly even though I was a wanderer, but then my conflict with Bee Hive Gang came up causing her to chase me down to kill me.

Ah, who cares, I'm going to add them both to my harem, it's not like they're the only women who have tried to kill me.

I looked at Tsugumi and sighed. – "Can we talk like civilized people or are you going to shoot me?"

Tsugumi still looked furious, but I saw her insane killing intent calm down a bit so I nodded towards Mr. Ichijo.

Mr. Ichijo smiled wryly. – "Do not cause problems, it is expensive to repair bullet holes in the walls"

I looked at Lin Ruoxi with an apologetic expression. – "For now, wait a minute, I will talk about some things with an old friend and then I will talk to you about the situation"

Lin Ruoxi was upset with not being in control of the situation, but since I'm maintaining a polite attitude she can't act proud or it will damage her own prestige.

"Don't spit at the face that smiles at you~" – System Goddess spoke happily.

"A saying of cultivators?" – I answered ironically.

"Yes, and since the country called China shares much of the culture of the farming worlds then I can help you understand the mentality of this proud woman" – System Goddess spoke proudly.

This goddess is happy when she can be of use, she is like a child seeking approval so I responded with gratitude. – "Thank you, it is good to have you by my side"

"…" – System Goddess felt shy and stopped talking.

I walked out of the room and headed to a courtyard while Tsugumi walked behind me.

I don't even need to look at her to know that she is in a strong emotional conflict.

Previously she was furious with me because of a misunderstanding and it was her mission to kill me, but she still let me escape since her heart refused to kill me and it seems that her feelings haven't changed in the last three years since a moment ago she wasn't planning to kill me but to shoot me in the legs.

When we were in the backyard, I turned around and met Tsugumi's eyes.

Hate, happiness, sadness, disappointment, love, resentment, there were so many emotions in her eyes that it is surprising that she is not clinically insane.

"It's good to see that you're still as energetic as ever" - I smiled in a forced way.

"…" – Tsugumi looked at me in silence for several seconds and then sighed. – "When I heard that you became part of the yakuza I felt a little happy that you were alive, but when I remember that everything you told me just lay it makes me want to kill you…"

"I didn't know you were Claude's daughter" - I sighed. – "It was all a disappointing and problematic coincidence"

Tsugumi smiled with disdain towards my words and self-deprecation towards her own feelings. – "Was it also a coincidence that you used the information you got from me to assassinate two high-ranking officers of Bee Hive Gang?"

"Those assholes tried to prostitute my sister and my mother" - I raised an eyebrow. – "But you should already know that"

"…" – Tsugumi was silent for a couple of minutes. – "I recently learned that the people you killed were traitors who stole money from Bee Hive Gang and focused on the business of human trafficking, you were just defending yourself…"

Did this group of idiots finally realize that running an illegal organization breeds greedy people? They are maturing...

"Well, do you still want to kill me?" - I smiled ironically.

"…" – Tsugumi stared at me while her hand trembled as if she wanted to take the gun out.

"Technically you are also to blame for this, you didn't let me explain what happened and you shot me as soon as you saw me" - I shrugged.

The rancor of a woman who feels betrayed is irrational.

I sighed. – "Let's do this, you shoot me once, and in return, you will forget all the grudges between us"

Tsugumi raised an eyebrow and drew her gun, but she didn't point it at me. - "You're sure? The bullets of this weapon have been improved and can penetrate the armor of a tank"

The recoil from that thing is not something a normal human can handle…

"Did you get stronger?" - I smiled ironically.

This girl has always had a complex since her innate strength is abnormally great and it annoys her when I mention it, in fact, when we were a couple she used to be much stronger than me and she could kill me with a single blow.

I really have a fetish for dangerous women...

Tsugumi pouted angrily. – "I told you not to mention my strength!"

I couldn't help but laugh, this feels nostalgic.

Tsugumi continued to frown, but after a while, she relaxed her expression and started laughing.

After laughing for several minutes, we both regained our composure while maintaining subtle smiles.

"I'm glad to see you again" – Tsugumi smiled warmly.

"I'm glad you don't want to kill me anymore" - I smiled wryly. – "Seriously, you and the brat really made me run away like an animal"

Tsugumi rolled her eyes. – "You burned down a building with us inside"

"I knew that couldn't stop the brat, much less you" - I shrugged.

Tsugumi smiled wryly. – "Paula still hates you for burning her hair and calling her flat-chested"

"You called her flat-chested, I just laughed" - I sighed at how irrational that brat is.

We both walk to a small garden and sit down to chat about our lives, what we have done, and the kind of life we have led.

"By the way" – Tsugumi sighed sadly. – "A year ago I met Rebecca…"

"Luis, information" - Tsubaki sighed in my mind.

"Rebecca Lee, my childhood friend, and my first love" - ​​I sighed internally. – "She taught me to survive and I taught her to kill, we were both street rats that survived in between alleys, and since we met when we were children, it can be said that we grew up together, even she met Tsugumi and both developed a strange rivalry, but they still managed to get along since they both labeled me as a hopeless womanizing asshole…"

"The reason I left the United States was that my father accumulated such an overwhelming debt that that asshole offered my mother and Umaru as payment since they are attractive women even though Umaru was only thirteen at the time…"

"When a group from Bee Hive Gang tried to take my mother and sister, I killed them along with an arrogant idiot who led the group..."

"Unfortunately the arrogant idiot was the son of a high-ranking member of Bee Hive Gang which started a big conflict so I hid my family in a safe place that I built together with Rebecca..."

"I don't know the full story, but for some reason, Rebecca gave the information of the place where I hid my family which made me go crazy with the feeling of betrayal so I sneaked into a drug warehouse of Bee Hive Gang, I beheaded two top brass of this organization, I crucified the subordinates, and I burned down the warehouse… Yes, I got carried away a bit…"

"Anyway, then I was chased by an elite squad led by Tsugumi and Paula..."

"Fortunately, I managed to bribe a smuggler to escape to Japan, although that smuggler was probably sent by Mr. Ichijo…"

"In closing, Rebecca is the closest thing I've ever had to a childhood friend and a family" - I mentally shrugged.

"Are you going to kill her when you see her again?" – Tsugumi asked me with concern.

"No, at this point it's obvious that I'm going to include her in my harem, I don't want to have to kill her since I still have some affection for her" - I sighed internally, stupid feelings of attachment. – "Although I am going to punish her for causing me problems"

"That's good" – Tsubaki sighed with relief. – "It will be bad for your deranged heart if you start killing people you love…"

Tsubaki is the little sanity I have left...

I stopped talking to the woman who lives in my mind and sighed loudly. - "How is she?"

Tsugumi sighed more sadly. – "She became a mercenary and now she calls herself Revy, because of the recent actions she seems to be focused on destroying Bee Hive Gang even if she dies in the process"

That woman is causing trouble again...

Because Mr. Ichijo has restricted the information about my existence, Rebecca must not know that I am still alive so she must feel guilty for my supposed death, and since she is a woman who only knows violence as an answer to everything, she seeks to destroy everything in its path.

Tsugumi was getting depressed. – "When I saw her I could hardly recognize her, she seems to have gone crazy and now she is capable of killing anyone who stands in front of her even if they are innocent people, besides she became extremely sadistic"

Did the crazy woman get crazier?

That sounds troublesome, but I don't dislike it.

Tsugumi looked at me seriously. – "You need to talk to her because she is out of control, a couple of weeks ago she kidnapped a member of Bee Hive Gang and hung him with his own intestines to display him on social networks"

"I like that woman" – Ortro sounded happy.

"I know, I think the same" - I nodded mentally.

"There is a problem" - I smiled with concern. – "I cannot leave Japan and knowing Rebecca, it will be impossible to find her unless she shows herself"

Tsugumi didn't ask why I have to stay in Japan and nodded. When it comes to matters involving murder she becomes professional which I like.

"I think I know how to make her appear" – Tsugumi smiled, but then she looked at me with a complex expression. – "But before… What is your relationship with the beautiful woman who was drinking tea?"

I smiled and pinched her cheek. – "Since when did you stop being as dense as a stone?"

Tsugumi brushed my hand away with a cute angry expression. – "You taught me to read people's body language and I could see that she was guarding against my Ojou-sama, but she calmed down when she noticed that Ojou-sama doesn't know you which is normal since Ojou-sama already has a fiancé and will not fall for your ridiculous tricks"

…Ahem, this will be awkward.

It seems that Claude didn't tell Tsugumi my true identity which can only mean one thing...

"Are you on a mission to kill your friend's fiancé?" – I asked with an expression of irony.

Tsugumi panicked to which I smiled and patted her head. – "Don't worry, although I am part of the yakuza, my pretty Tsugumi is more important"

"Who is your Tsugumi?" – Tsugumi frowned trying to hide her happiness. – "And I have already told you to call me by my first name, not by my last name…"

"I like Tsugumi more than Seishirou" – I shrugged.

Tsugumi sighed. – "Okay, call me whatever you want…"

"Fine" - I nodded. – "I will call you wife"

"Wi-Wi-Wi-Wife?!" – Tsugumi panicked and almost fainted from embarrassment.

"What? You do not like?" - I showed a mock expression of sadness.

"I-I didn't say I dislike it!" – Tsugumi was still panicking. – "I-It's just that… W-Well…"

She looks scared and sad, something is happening...

Tsugumi looked down. – "My father wants me to seduce Ojou-sama's fiancé and then kill him..."

Claude son of a… Calm down, I have to calm down, I can kill him later.

Waiting. – "Isn't Claude supposed to think you're a man?"

Tsugumi rolled her eyes. – "With all the time I spent with you it is obvious that I am a woman"

"Or a homosexual boy" - I smiled wryly.

"Don't joke about this" – Tsugumi frowned. – "Do you have any idea how depressing it was to know that my father thought I was a man for most of my life?"

"You have to admit, your father is not the most intelligent creature" - I shrugged.

"…" – Tsugumi sighed. – "The point is that even if my greatest wish is to stay with you, things will become difficult… I'm sorry… I don't want to give my body to another man… But I need to protect Ojou-sama…"

I hugged Tsugumi allowing her to cry in my embrace.

"Hey Listen! Let's kill that son of a bitch muahahahaha!" – Navi shouted my inner thoughts.

I gently stroked Tsugumi's back. – "You should not worry, I will take care of everything"

"No!" – Tsugmi looked up in panic. – "I know how you handle things and I don't want to see you in a fight with Bee Hive Gang… I don't want you to kill my friends and I can't bear to see you die either… Please, don't get involved in this…"

I kept silent for a while and then patted this cute girl's face. – "I can assure you that I can solve this without causing deaths… Although I am going to beat your father until his face is disfigured"

Claude must have thought that Tsugumi would try to kill me as soon as she saw me and since I am unable to harm her since I am fond of her, she would manage to kill me since I cannot use my Authority against her since she is a human with no supernatural powers.

That also explains why Tsugumi's weapon is so powerful despite looking like a normal gun, it's a weapon that can even kill magical entities if the entity lowers its guard, but even if Tsugumi shoots me in the head I'll just have to regenerate my skull while ignoring the strong migraine that will give me.

No doubt that jerk Claude will die a tragic and heroic death, but it won't be my fault, it's just bad luck.

Tsugumi had an anxious expression. – "Please, do not lie to me, I know you do not know how to contain yourself and you will really cause a disaster"

I sighed and smiled softly. – "I will not kill your friends or your father, I can solve this peacefully, but you will have to help me"

Tsugumi looked me in the eye. - "Can you swear to me?"

She knows that I have an obsession with oaths which may be due to my previous life since the greatest weakness of a Higher Entity is that each promise becomes a soul contract, luckily [Silly Jack] allow me to ignore that weakness.

"I swear" - I smiled with sincerity in my expression and lies in my words.

Tsugumi calmed down and hugged me. – "I will help you in whatever you need as long as it does not harm Ojou-sama, even if I love you, she is my best friend"

I like Tsugumi's loyalty so I don't want to change that quality of hers.

"To begin with…" – I stroked her soft hair. – "I have a harem, the woman from a moment ago is called Lin Ruoxi and she is one of my wives"

Tsugumi sighed while still hugging me. – "Somehow I expected it, although I am surprised that you are finally willing to have a real relationship, you had even kept a certain distance with me when we were together…"

I sighed wryly. – "Rebecca changed, I changed, life is a constant change"

"I didn't change" – Tsugumi sighed sadly.

"Of course you did" - I let out a soft laugh. – "You became more beautiful"

"…" – Tsugumi blushed and hid her face in my chest. - "Moron…"

"Anyway, I no longer have casual nights with random women, now I really became a family man" - I smiled wryly. – "Although my new family is constantly growing so I am still the same irresponsible idiot as always"

"Okay, I've always known you're an idiot" – Tsugumi scoffed a bit. – "So now you are like an emperor with a large harem of concubines… Anything else I should know?"

"Yes, but you must promise me something" - I sighed. – "I will tell you the truth, but you must not make a drama and although you can shoot me, you cannot shoot me in the crotch, only in the abdomen or the extremities, the head is also fine"

"... Now I'm worried about what you will say..." - Tsugumi trembled a little.

I sighed deeply. – "I am the heir to the Ichijo Clan"

"What?" – Tsugumi sounded confused. – "But that is impossible, the heir to the Ichijo Clan is Ichijo Seiji, Ojou-sama's fiancé… Oh…. Ohh… Please tell me this is a joke…"

"You know I'm a bitter man and I don't know how to joke" - I smiled wryly.

Tsugumi stopped hugging me and looked at my face nervously to confirm her concerns. – "A-Are you Ichijo Seiji?"

"Look on the bright side, now you can seduce me without feeling guilty" - I shrugged. – "Moreover, you have already fulfilled your mission, you have already managed to make me fall in love~"

Tsugumi's face turned red from the embarrassment my words caused her, then turned white from the panic of knowing that I am her best friend's fiancé and her target to be killed, turned grim from the worry of the repercussions that this will have on his relationship with Chitoge, and finally turned red again realizing she can be with me without political problems or other obstacles, as for Claude, I have to make arrangements for his future funeral.

Tsugumi finally sighed after accepting the situation. – "What do you need me to do to resolve this peacefully?"

"I need Chitoge to fall in love with me in such a way that she can accept that I have a harem" - I was sincere, which shows the affection I have for this violent girl.

"…" – Tsugumi showed a bitter expression. – "Okay, but even if I love you, I will not allow you to hurt Ojou-sama's heart"

I smiled and kissed her cheek making her blush. – "I already told you, I changed and now I don't have one night stands"

Tsugumi hugged me again. – "I don't believe you at all, I know you're an idiot… But it's okay, I'll trust you"

"You are prettier than I remembered" - I hugged her with genuine affection.

"Is it my idea or have you gone soft?" – Tsugumi enjoyed my hug. – "Usually you are sarcastic and you see everything in life as a nuisance"

Lately, people say I've become soft...

I sighed and decided to be honest. – "I think I learned to enjoy life…"

"That's good, it hurt me to see you angry all the time as if you hated being alive" – Tsugumi sounded happy. – "If you can be happy now, I will not feel so angry knowing that you have many women"

Be happy…

I'm happy?

Who knows, I am not mentally capable of determining my own emotional condition.

At least I no longer do things that bring me to the brink of death and I enjoy spending time with my wives, I think that can be considered happiness.

For now, I just hugged Tsugumi and forgot about Lin Ruoxi or any other problems. Even if that woman is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Tsugumi is more important in my heart.

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