Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 1107

Necromancer Academy’S Genius Summoner Chapter 1107

Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Episode 1107

According to history, the first Ghost Princess appeared five years after the Ghost Palace incident occurred.

At that time, the area near the Ghost Palace was extremely devastated, people were crazy, possessed by ghosts, and the undead were infested. This phenomenon showed signs of spreading throughout the continent, centering around the Ghost Palace, and all rulers at the time were watching closely.

However, there was a time when the momentum of the Ghost Palace, which was expanding as if to cover the continent, was somewhat weakened. For mankind, this was an opportunity to fight back, and a young female necromancer, who would become the first ghost princess in the future, left with her colleagues to eliminate the dungeon owner of the ghost palace.

She contracted with the Ancient Undead and was powerful, and after many difficulties, she succeeded in reaching the dungeon master’s room on the 5th floor. But it wasn’t the dungeon owner who was there.

-Ugh! Oh my gosh!

He was a very skinny man.

The woman, wearing the same old, tattered clothes that can be found anywhere on the continent, had her arms tied with chains. When I looked, to my surprise, I found that I had tied my arms myself.

Looking around, there was no one who looked like a dungeon owner other than this person. The first ghost princess murdered that person while harboring doubts.

At that moment, I realized.

He said he had become the new dungeon owner of the Ghost Palace.

It was the same feeling that every ghost princess in the past said she felt the moment she ascended to the throne.

Then, the first ghost princess realized the whole truth. From the beginning, the Ghost Palace was a ‘dungeon without a dungeon lord’, and pouring out ghosts from the palace was an act of the dungeon in order to have a dungeon lord.

There were also strong rules here.

First, when the dungeon owner goes out, the ghost palace sends out ghosts to search for the dungeon owner.

If the second dungeon lord dies, the strongest woman in the ghost palace is chosen as the next dungeon lord.

Third, if there is no one in the ghost palace, the ghost palace goes on a rampage and sends out ghosts to find a new owner.

In the end, someone had to remain here.

And she came across a diary written by this man who was dying with his arms tied while he was still sane. Originally, he came to the Ghost Palace because he was possessed by a ghost, but he chained himself and stayed here to prevent more victims like him.

The first Ghost Princess, who was greatly impressed by a sentence in the last diary, declared that she had chosen the last name in this person’s diary, ‘Echeveria’, as her own.

-I will carry on this person’s will and remain in the Ghost Palace to oppress this place.

Once the proper Ghost Princess sat in the palace, the Ghost Palace quickly began to stabilize.

However, he could not completely control this ghost palace on his own. The ghost palace felt like a part of one’s own body, but ghosts were constantly being created, like cancer cells growing against one’s intention.

So, we gathered people of interest, organized a separate team, and together with them, we suppressed the ghosts of the Ghost Palace.

Afterwards, the kingdom was informed of the situation. However, if he reveals that he is a dungeon owner, public opinion will be bad and people who want to kill him may be attracted, so he spoke a little differently.

-The girl is devoting her life to suppress the Ghost Palace, so your Majesty, please do not worry.

The king was impressed by those words and promised enormous financial support to the Ghost Palace, granted her nearby territories, and even gave her the power to collect taxes.

Until such a long time, the continent was stabilized.

The first ghost princess died with a happy smile on her face, surrounded by many people from all over the continent.

However, it was not only the second generation but also the third generation that considered such duties as honorable.

The 4th and 5th generations questioned their duties.

From the 6th generation onwards, some people began to feel that this obligation was a bondage. They couldn’t escape the Ghost Palace, but they wanted to roam the world, so they created a homunculus, filled it with their souls, and roamed around the world. I wanted to gain freedom no matter what.

Then I reached my teens.

-Why do I have to be locked in a palace and rot for the rest of my life? What did I do wrong?

Tenerife Echeverria, a princess who extremely denies duty, was born.

The palace loyalists and necromancers advised her well.

-As the princess of Tenerife, guarding the Ghost Palace is an honorable and noble task that has continued since the first time.

-Is it an honor to live in captivity? gibberish! This is a curse! If you’re going to be born into a family like this, it’s better not to have been born! It might have been an honor for the first princess! I am not! Where is my opinion? I hate my fate!

As for Tenerife, I always read books and dreamed of traveling to the outside world. He worked hard to escape his fate of being trapped in a terrible palace and having to catch ghosts.

Then a good idea occurred to me.

At that time, for the sake of the public image and because of security concerns, the ghost princess would search for and bring in children from all over the continent to use as ‘princess doubles’ who looked exactly like the princess candidate.

Her name is Laura.

Laura, who was from a slum, entered the Ghost Palace because she resembled Tenerife and received training in etiquette and learned how to behave like a nobleman.

Laura became completely fascinated by life in the Ghost Palace. She considered her duty as a ghost princess for humanity to be honorable and great, and felt great pride in the fact that even though she was a double, she could also contribute to her strength as a member of the ghost palace.

Tenerife began secretly making plans with Laura.

-Isn’t that a good idea? There is a succession ceremony in two years! You will become a real ghost princess, and I will live as your double and quietly leave the palace! how is it?

-Ha, but how dare I…!

-You want to do this! You’re even better at studying necromantics than me! Don’t worry about your identity being discovered! Do you remember the few times we went to a meeting with different people and no one recognized us?

Laura at first refused, saying it was nonsense.

But when I got home and lay in bed, I couldn’t help but think deeply.

What if I really become a ghost princess? He was ready to sacrifice as much as he could for the continent. Even those who looked down on me because I was born as a commoner will bow before me, and the entire continent will respect and look up to me.

The more Laura expanded her imagination, the more greed and desire she developed.

In the end, Laura agreed to Tenerife’s plan, and the two worked together to avoid being discovered until the succession ceremony, playing each other carefully.

Two years later, the Ghost Princess succession ceremony began.

-Everyone except Tenerife, please leave the palace.

Tenerife’s grandmother, who was the ghost princess at the time, gave that instruction. People left the palace and prepared to welcome the new ghost princess, and Tenerife entered the ghost palace holding her grandmother’s hand.

The key to the plan was after entering the main hall of the Ghost Palace. Tenerife was so nervous that she ran to the bathroom under the pretext of going to the bathroom and touched the baton with Laura, who was hiding in a ghost state in the bathroom.

Laura went out instead of Tenerife and the grandmother did not recognize her at all. I held Laura’s hand and moved to the 5th floor with a smile.

The 5th floor is the dungeon master’s room.

The old woman lay down with a knowing smile and took out a glass filled with poison.

-Tenerife Now I can trust you and go comfortably. When I was young, I wondered what I could do because I hated the Ghost Palace so much, but in the end, I was thankful that I came to my senses again and swore that I would live for my duty.

Laura felt a prick of conscience, but the water had already been spilled.

-Leave it to me, Grandma. I will sacrifice my body to fulfill the noble duty of the Ghost Palace.

So the grandmother took poison and committed suicide.

Laura waited, blinking, not knowing if what her grandmother had ingested was poison or if she was dead.

And Tenerife remained in the main hall on the first floor of the Ghost Palace, flirting and laughing with Laura while touching the baton.

I’ve packed my bags, prepared travel expenses, and have no problem planning my trip.

Where should I start when I leave here? When she is caught up in happy thoughts about what dessert to eat.


Suddenly, the power of the Ghost Palace was concentrated on Tenerife, who was sitting on the first floor, rather than Laura on the fifth floor.

I thought something was wrong, but it was already too late.

Her body began to fundamentally change.


This is the exact moment that all ghost princesses of all time have felt.

I felt like I was becoming a ‘dungeon owner.’

And then I realized everything. After becoming the Ghost Princess, I naturally realized the secret of the Ghost Palace that no one had ever told me about.


The current ghost princess took her own life. And the Ghost Palace chose Tenerife, not Laura, among the humans in the palace.

But this was neither an honorable task nor a noble duty.

It was just a matter of becoming a hostage in a dungeon.

It was a biological barrier.

Everything ends when you die. Even if you run outside, the Ghost Palace will run riot, and the Dark Alliance will send someone to drag you back to the Ghost Palace and throw you in.

All plans were ruined. At that thought, Tenerife despaired, as if the world had collapsed.


Laura came to mind belatedly. Even if he died and Laura became princess, it would not have been possible for Laura. I couldn’t pass this misfortune on to an unrelated third party. I’d rather take it all on myself.

So, when I met Laura, who was dumbfounded and asked what happened, I spoke coldly.

-Get out of my palace.

Because Tenerife valued Laura, he treated her coldly to prevent her from having any regrets about the Ghost Palace.

The idea was that I would overturn this terrible curse and you could be free.

Tenerife took Laura out of the Ghost Palace, declared her a ‘traitor’ in front of everyone, and had her kicked out of the place. He didn’t even look at Laura, who was crying and asking why.

And I declared it with the feeling of swallowing poison.

-Starting today, I am… the princess of this place.

Tenerife closed her eyes tightly as she received the cheers and encouragement of a cloud of people from all over the continent at the news of the appearance of a new ghost princess.

Hell has begun.

* * *

“I understand the story well.”

Simon closed his eyes and opened them.

When I turn my head, I see the Homunculus of Tenerife lying on the ground.

“Then that is….”

“My struggle.”

Tenerife, who returned to her small body, spoke bitterly.

“I want to go outside somehow, I want to travel, I want to escape this fate even just a little bit…! “I spent more time in the homunculus than in the main body.”

Until now, previous ghost princesses had used the homunculus only in certain situations, but Tenerife, pessimistic about her situation, went so far as to deny her original body and thought that the life of the homunculus was her own real life.

During her period of activity, an overwhelming number of people believed that the homunculus was the real Ghost Princess.

“I feel guilty. “If I had just submitted to my given fate and been content with my trapped life, there would have been no need for molting, and no one would have died trying to help me during the molting season as a princess candidate.”

She tilted her head back and looked at the ceiling.

Simon opened his mouth again.

“Then, Laura’s return…”

“I think the goal is to become the Ghost Princess. The misunderstanding would have been resolved. You probably understand all cause and effect by now. But I think the resentment and anger towards me will be the same. She is completely corrupted and is in a syndicate. “Her purpose is one.”

“No way…”

“That’s right. “Becoming a ghost princess and escaping from the ghost palace.”

Tenerife’s expression became serious.

“Then the Ghost Palace will go on a rampage and send out ghosts until they find Laura, and the continent will now…”

She flinched and stopped speaking after saying that.

Soon, I began to tremble like an aspen tree.

“…I came, I came! “I feel it.”


Her pupils were shaking like crazy.

“Laura is on the 5th floor! She is a powerhouse on a different level than in the Ghost Palace! If I die like this, the Ghost Palace will definitely choose her!”

Merida, who was quietly listening to the story, opened her mouth.

“I’ll do my best to stop it.”

Merida walked forward and looked at the Great Sword of Destruction.

“Simon. I think that’s the only way.”


[I’ll go too.]

[I’ll go too.]

Mako in the maid outfit and the zombie butler also walked.

Simon stared at the Great Sword of Destruction in his hand for a moment, then looked at Tenerife.

“I have an idea.”

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