Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 41: | 041 | Monster Brawl Climax

"Fire! Fire everything we got! Support Whiskey Dragon! If she gets defeated, this armada will be at the bottom of the sea!" Abraham yelled at his naval personnel while anxiously watching Laplace getting tortured by the electrostatic field.

Shards of her jet-black scales broke off bit by bit. If this continues, her flesh will get fried by the high-voltage electrostatic field brought about by the Elder Leviathan.

"All tomahawks are clear! Permission for weapons free!" One of the naval personnel relayed and requested the Fleet Admiral.

With no questions, hesitations, or delay, Abraham accepted the request as there was no need to feel bad about the millions of dollars spent if they were using it to stay alive.

"Get that fish!" Abraham ordered and the naval personnel surrounding him nodded at the same time. Their efficiency was rapid as their actions didn't waste a second.

"Unlatching 20 VLS Door Cells, Foxes are open!" They were throwing every anti-surface missile they had in stock within the vertical launching system toward the Elder Leviathan.

If that didn't work, then they'll use everything they got, from torpedoes, anti-submarine missiles, and anti-air missiles.

"Tomahawks ready! Launching in 3…2…1…" In mere seconds, the launch sequence was already initiated. Both the time of the United Navy Armada and the Elder Leviathan were running out.

The first one to die would be the loser.

With the missile launch, the UNS Light Bringer trembled from the power of 20 tomahawks launching themselves into the heavens one after another. It was as though they were met with an earthquake in the warship.

Thunderous echoes of the tomahawks' propellants resounded throughout the UNS Light Bringer. As if thousands of fireworks were exploding simultaneously around them.





Brilliant lights escaped the confines of the UNS Light Bringer as they pierced through the air and roared like savage dragons who were about to tear their prey apart.

UNS Zarya also fired half of its kalibr stockpiles which numbered about 24 missiles. It was quite a scene since twinkling stars emerged from the frigate and propelled themselves like awakening monsters.

The UNS Guardian of the High Seas wasn't planning to watch the situation without doing anything. It fired its bushmaster guns and ESSMs in large quantities.

Obviously, the United Navy wasn't holding back its firepower. All of these missiles were pointed at one location of the Elder Leviathan. And it was its head.

Dozens upon dozens of missiles pierced through the air like homing daggers. They glided above the seas and through the heavens like hypersonic birds.

In mere seconds, the missiles arrived before the electrostatic field created by the Elder Leviathan. Dozens of them exploded upon contact, but the shock waves brought by the explosions caused a hole to emerge in the electrostatic field.


It was the perfect opportunity.

As such, numerous tomahawks and kalibrs punctured through the hole of the electrostatic field and directly impacted the Elder Leviathan's head.

What followed was tens of gleaming lights rivaling that of the sun. They even outshone its sunlight as though they were falling stars sinking from the skies.

Abraham watched everything through the monitor screen with his heart rapidly beating. Anxiety grasped his mind as he saw a thick cloud of smoke covering the Elder Leviathan's head.

Along with the smoke was also the incoming shock wave brought about by the explosions.

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

The UNS Light Bringer shook with a magnitude stronger than before. Some devices and electrical circuits were affected by the blasts and the waves also caused the floating warship to tilt sideward.

It was at this moment that the Fleet Admiral realized the full scale of the United Navy's firepower. There was no need to use or even desire to acquire nuclear capabilities.

With such firepower akin to an exploding volcano, they had little to no rivals.

"Sir, the electrostatic field is causing the frontal explosion to compress. This might be the reason for the higher than usual yield of the missiles." An intelligence officer reported.

"Will the back be affected?" Abraham inquired as it would be problematic if they injured their allied eastern dragon.

"Well… Since the explosions were compressed in the front of the Elder Leviathan's head. There should be little to no burns to the eastern dragon. The only problem is…"

Once again, the intelligence officer hesitated, making Abraham furrow his eyebrows.

"The shock wave brought about by the explosions would turn organs into puddles." The words of the intelligence officer shocked the middle-aged man.

But before he could react to it, another report came in from his naval personnel.

"Fleet Admiral, electrostatic field is losing its high-voltage energy yield. We have won!" The announcement caused the naval personnel in the UNS Light Bringer to cheer.




Their reactions were interesting, but Abraham didn't have his mind or heart celebrating their victory.

The UNS Light Bringer quivered for a moment before slowly falling back to the rough waters of the high seas. When their landing was confirmed. Abraham didn't hesitate anymore.

"Is the Seahawk still on the flight deck?" He questioned a nearby intelligence officer.

"Yes, Sir. But the aviation personnel are trying to load it back to the hangar deck." The intelligence officer softly responded as the gaze of the Fleet Admiral was cold.

"Tell them to get the bird up in the air," Abraham ordered as he watched the fog of smoke clearing up on the monitor screen.

He squinted his gaze as he saw a shadowy figure falling into the vicious tides. He clenched his fist and looked at his naval personnel.

"Prepare a rescue team."

Hearing the stern words of their Fleet Admiral, the naval personnel in the Combat Information Center understood that this wasn't the time to be celebrating.

There were many things to be done, and one of them was rescuing their important ally.

"Affirmative, Sir! Sending orders to the aviation control." One of the communication operators immediately sent the orders to the aviation control.

Then, a reply was received from the aviation control.

"Sir, the aviation control has accepted your orders. According to their report, the Seahawk will be up in the air in less than a minute along with its rescue personnel."

This was a piece of good news as the less time the dragoness spent in the sea, the better. So, Abraham nodded in satisfaction and gave another order.

"Good, get Laplace to the UNS Guardian of the High Seas. The medical quarters there should be capable of handling severe injuries or life-threatening problems."

Meanwhile, in the rough waters of the high seas, large pieces of flesh left behind by the Elder Leviathan floated along the vicious tides. With them was a figure, who almost got hit by the firepower of the United Navy.

Laplace felt pain throughout her body as her consciousness was barely holding on to her senses. Time seemed fast yet slow in her mind. The radiant sun also appeared to blur her perception.

But soon, a shadow covered its entirety.

The burst of clapping sounds escaping the propellers echoed in her ears while she felt her body being carried up into the air.

And so, the monster brawl ended… Strangely and unexpectedly.

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