Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 24: | 024 | Naval Theatre Finale

Combat Information Center(CIC), UNS Light Bringer.

"Sir, Operation Bestowing Freedom was a success. The Alpha Task Force has gained control over the entirety of the merchant slave-trading vessel." In the communication sector of the CIC, a comm operator reported to the high command.

"They wrapped up the mission faster than I thought. I was expecting them to take their time handling the mage." Abraham slightly grinned as this was a piece of good news for him and the United Navy.

"According to their reports, Sir. The mage actually escaped after being injured by a Barrett M82. It seems that our rifles are ineffective against individual barriers of mages."

An intelligence officer commented after reading the written report of Operation Bestowing Freedom.

The Alpha Task Force did well with their limited support, so the intelligence officer had no complaints about the magus escaping the merchant vessel.

Although information about them might spread across the sea, no vital intelligence had been revealed to the mage. It was also the best advertisement of their naval force, which they appreciated.

"These mages really are dangerous, huh… It looks like we need to develop an efficient tactic against them after completing the maritime security mission." Abraham seriously remarked.

His grin had long disappeared and was replaced by a scrutinizing frown. In his opinion, mages were dangerous enemies to have. Especially when they had no idea about the extent the mages' spells go.

The United Navy also had no direct counter against magic.

While they had great and seemingly unrivaled firepower, magic still had its untapped limitless potential. It would be utterly disappointing if they couldn't utilize such potential.

"Our battles with the escort vessels and direct data from the Alpha Task Force might help us formulate a strategy against these so-called mages, Sir. But it will take time."

"We also need more information about them to iron out our foundation." The intelligence officer said with determination that made Abraham feel their unquestionable loyalty.

"I see… Thank you for your hard work, I'll be patiently waiting for your results." The Fleet Admiral smiled at the fleet officer.

A subordinate that's working hard for you should always be supported. Otherwise, one would feel bad since they might appear like exploiters in the eyes of others.

"Thank you, Fleet Admiral." The intelligence officer lightly bowed and continued. "Shall we continue with our topic regarding the escort vessels?"

After hearing the intelligence officer, Abraham glanced at the monitor and saw the devastation brought by the UNS Light Bringer's superior firepower.

The four escort vessels that were supposed to save the merchant ship sunk into the abyssal depths of the high seas. Only scraps of wood and other light materials could be seen floating throughout the area.

Though… Alongside the scraps of the bygone escort vessels, there were the surviving sailors who were barely keeping themselves alive from the cold and rough waters.

Abraham didn't feel like saving them, but he understood that he must set an example.

There was no need to stoop lower than they currently were, so it was better to act with grace instead of hostility. As such, he concluded his decision to the surviving sailors.

"Take the surviving sailors out of the cold waters, but be sure to cuff their arms and guard them properly. We might have some use for them later." Abraham ordered, which the intelligence officer accepted with a nod.

Prisoners of war had a lot of uses, and the intelligence officer understood it greatly.

From ransom, free workers, and finally, intelligence expansion, there were several the intelligence officer immediately thought of.

"It will be done, Fleet Admiral." The intelligence officer glanced at the comm operator who merely nodded. The officer smiled and left to manage others with their current orders.

While the intelligence officer left, the captain of UNS Light Bringer entered the Combat Information Center. The white-bearded old man seemed to be merry after their victory.

"Our captain is in a good mood," Abraham remarked, to which the captain responded with a straight salute.

"It was because of the Fleet Admiral's guidance." Captain Lux didn't hesitate to give Abraham the honor of their victory.

If Abraham was a normal fleet admiral, he would have made Captain Lux get closer to him and continue to curry favor while slowly advancing the captain's rank.

How easy would it be?

Abraham rapidly shook his head and threw the thoughts of corruption away. He mustn't get corrupted by such things, especially when he was the highest of command of a naval organization.

"It was all because of our hard work, Captain Lux. From the bottom to the top, our naval personnel worked hard for this victory." Contrary to Captain Lux, the Fleet Admiral was much more skilled in such pleasantries.

"The Fleet Admiral is correct." Captain Lux lightly chuckled and agreed with the Fleet Admiral's words.

"So what happened to the mages in the escort vessels?" Abraham decided to change the subject and observed the circumstances outside through a monitor screen.

With the loss of the escort vessels, one would expect to find a mage in the cold waters of the high seas. But sadly, there appeared to be no mages trapped in the rough tide.

"Unfortunately, the mages seemed adamant and ended their lives before their ship sank into the ocean." Captain Lux uttered with a complicated expression.

A live mage would have been good for the United Navy. Through a live one, they could understand more about the concept of magic and perhaps develop counters against it.

But since they couldn't capture a mage, they would have to find other sources to understand the concept of magic in this world.

"That is disappointing, Captain Lux. I was curious about how magic worked and whether or not we could utilize it for ourselves. Though, I guess the United Navy must grow before we ponder such things."

Abraham shook his head in disappointment and stopped watching the monitor screen.

At the moment, the UNS Light Bringer was busy rescuing the prisoners of war, so he didn't need to do much other than manage the entire rescue operation of the prisoners.

"It is disappointing, Fleet Admiral. However… I do wonder if they had personal property left behind in their respective ships." Captain Lux muttered while Abraham's eyebrow rose.

A realization struck the middle-aged man. There should be objects left behind by the mages, but since the escort vessels were sunk with their mages presumed dead.

There was only one direction he could be pointed at.

It was the mage of the merchant vessel.

"Thank you for the idea you have given me, Captain Lux." Abraham smiled and walked towards the comm operators. Standing beside them, he calmly ordered the naval personnel.

"Open a communication line with Alpha 1-6 of the Alpha Task Force."

His orders resounded and the comm operators responded with a nod. The operators swiftly opened a communication line while Abraham patiently waited.

Soon, the voice of the 2nd Lieutenant escaped from the machine's confines.

*This is Alpha 1-6, 2nd Lieutenant Campbell.*

"2nd Lieutenant, this is Overwatch Actual." Abraham responded to the introduction of the platoon leader.

"Have you secured the entirety of the merchant vessel? Are there no hostiles left on the ship?" The Fleet Admiral asked an obvious question.

*Overwatch Actual, hostiles in the ship have been cleared. Rescued hostages are currently being given medical assistance and we have captured the Tango.*

Abraham already knew most of the information revealed by the radio. He only wanted the confirmation of his subordinate.

"Good job, 2nd Lieutenant. I will be boarding the merchant vessel soon to conduct my own investigations. I hope you don't mind."

While he could have ordered his men to do the investigation, Abraham felt like he needed to be in the field to truly understand the reality and discover what was hidden behind the veil of action.

*Alpha Task Force is honored, Overwatch Actual. Shall we clean the bloodied decks before your arrival?*

From the words of 2nd Lieutenant Campbell, Abraham already imagined the nasty sight he was about to see with his very own eyes.

"No need to clean it, 2nd Lieutenant. I want them preserved until I finish conducting my investigation." Abraham forced himself to utter such words.

He wasn't a psychopath who wanted to see the blood of his enemies. But he felt that it would be fair to adopt from its horrific sight and smell.

After all, he was the Fleet Admiral of the United Navy. He must understand the price he would pay if he decided to fight a battle against another adversary.

*Affirmative, Overwatch Actual.* The 2nd Lieutenant felt a deep respect for his Fleet Admiral. He was a brave man of action who would be willing to step into a terrifying scene along with his subordinates.

This kind of quality was respectable in the eyes of Campbell.

"Good, I'll be arriving there in about 10 minutes." Abraham announced before closing the communication line between the UNS Light Bringer and Alpha Task Force.

Afterward, he glanced at Captain Lux and stated.

"I'll be taking my leave, Captain Lux. Manage the rescue operation of war prisoners in my stead." Abraham ordered the captain of the UNS Light Bringer.

"Understood, Fleet Admiral. I will be arranging a zodiac for your transportation." Captain Lux nodded and saluted to the highest command.

Abraham appreciated the assistance of Captain Lux and stepped out of the Combat Information Center. As he walked through the narrow metallic hallway, a familiar mechanical ring echoed in his mind.


He stopped moving for a second and raised an eyebrow.

●| Naval Action(Sea Surveillance Sub-Mission) |

➤| Naval Action Completion Requirements(Sinking of Hostile Vessels) |

➤| Four Hostile Escort Vessels Sunk(Calculating Rewards…) |

➤| Sub-Mission Status(Completed) |

●| Hostage Rescue(Sea Surveillance Sub-Mission) |

➤| Hostage Rescue Completion Requirements(Slave Hostages Rescued) |

➤| 127 Hostages Rescued(Calculating Rewards…) |

➤| Sub-Mission Status(Completed) |

It seemed that he had completed the recently given sub-missions of the Naval Gacha System. With this realization, the middle-aged man was a bit excited.

After all, it was his first reward.

| Congratulations, Fleet Admiral Abraham Shepherd! You have completed two Sub-Missions declared by the Naval Gacha System Apparatus, Systema! |

| Rewards will be given promptly in 3…2…1… |

| You have obtained 1,000 Naval Points(Naval Action Rewards) and 1,270 Naval Points(Hostage Rescue Rewards) |

| Total Current Accumulated Naval Points: 2,270 Naval Points! |

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