Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 172: | 172 | The UN Assembly

Hermona walked through the vast and grandiose hallway of the command center. Beside her were Leonidas and Tora, her important companions. And in front was the representative of the State of Minos, the War Minister. To think she would have a meeting with the bigwigs.

It made her already determined heart, somewhat nervous. Though, Leonidas stepped forward and gave her the needed boost of confidence. "Even though you're only the leader of the Liberation Front, you are also a representative of all the tribes in the archipelago."

"It's understandable why they would call for you. In their eyes, you are the voice of the tribes, the speaker of the archipelago." His words resounded inside her mind, sparking her courage. What he said was correct. She was the leader of the Liberation Front, thus the representative of the tribes.

While her authority weren't much in comparison to the other representatives, she still stands in the Assembly Hall with them as equals.

"Thank you for that, Leonidas. I appreciate it." Hermona beamed a cute smile to the chief of the Leon tribe, making him cough extensively. Tora merely chuckled at the reaction of Leonidas, though kept his attention forward.

The three continued walking through the impressive hallway and soon arrived to their destination. It was an incredibly vast circular room filled with seats along with seven supporting pillars. This was the one and only Assembly Hall of the United Navy.

The representatives followed one another and sat beside each other as to familiarize themselves with their respective allies. Determination the relationship of each islands was part of the politics that they needed to handle.

Sitting on her chair, Hermona curiously observed the Assembly Hall with interest. Leonidas and Tora merely stood behind her, acting as though they were her confidants and bodyguards, which wasn't that far from the truth.

In her right was the War Minister, also known as the Minister of Minos. He had a friendly smile on his face and introduced himself to the young lady. "Good morning, Lady Hermona. I have heard a lot about you. I am Escudo, the War Minister of the State of Minos."

"I believe you have met by older brother, Espada."

As he mentioned Espada, Hermona finally realized that the one in front of her was none other than the friendly giant Minokin's young brother. She smiled at the War Minister and shook his head. "Sir Espada was one of the many heroes that became the foundation of the Liberation Front."

"I respect him very much."

"I guess my older brother is working hard in the United Navy." Escudo lightly chuckled and continued. "I have heard about you liberating alongside the United Navy at the archipelagos in the west. Must have been a tough battle."

"Yes, I won't deny that it was a difficult battle in the capital of Eisenberg. Nonetheless, it was a battle that liberated us from the tyranny of the colony." Hermona responded while keeping her glowing-like smile. Escudo nodded and replied. "A battle for liberation is always worth it."

Before the two of them could continue their conversation, a voice resounded from the back, attracting their attention. He was a handsome middle-aged man with jet-black hair and coal-like eyes. He body was wide and firm, signifying that he was much stronger than a normal human.

"Hello." It was but one word.

However, it was as if it demanded for their attention. Escudo lightly nodded to the middle-aged man and introduced himself. "I am Escudo, please to meet you." Hermona swiftly followed suit, introducing herself to the handsome uncle. "I am Hermona of the Liberation Front, nice to see you."

"There's no need to be tense. I heard a lot about the two of you. The younger but more politically-inclined brother of the War Chief Espada, and the infamous leader of the Liberation Front. The stories of your lives echoes in the sea." The middle-aged man uttered with a smile.

Though, his gaze soon directly landed at Hermona alone. A smirk emerged on his face as he remarked. "A human of this world leading a revolution. It's as believable as the sun rising from the west. Nonetheless, it happened. After all, nothing in this world is impossible."

"You are the first, Hermona. But you wouldn't be the last. Though, I must say." The middle-aged man closed his eyelids, but then gave her a thumbs up. "You're as impressive as the rumors I have heard about you."

While he kept spouting nonsense, Hermona merely tilted her head in confusion, wondering who this man was and why he was so interested of her. However, before she could question why, the last two representatives have finally arrived in the Assembly Hall.

These representatives were the respective lieutenant commanders of the Port of Dawn and Vulcan. Ruman and Morgen walked through the hall, arriving near the seats of the two early representatives. Though, before they took their seat, the two saluted to the middle-aged man.

They straightened their back and uttered under their heavy breaths. ""Good morning, Fleet Admiral."" Hearing them, the middle-aged man merely nodded and calmly replied. "Good morning, thank you for working hard."

The reason why Abraham appeared so early in front of the representatives was the simple fact that he wanted to know them better. While various reports spoke of their personalities. Reality was often different from a few words written on a paper.

Abraham stood up and stretched his limbs upward. He looked at the shocked War Minister and Revolutionary Leader, feeling a bit of satisfaction from their reactions. However, he didn't have the time to continue conversing with them. Especially when the Assembly was about to start.

"While I'd like to continue talking with the two of you personally, the event for the day is about to begin. I'll take my leave for now, but I'll expect a word from the two of you after the Assembly." He smiled at the two representatives before walking away with satisfaction in his mind.

For the first time, he had met them. Individuals who made a name for themselves amidst the adversities that surrounded their lives. And he was satisfied.

On the other hand, Escudo and Hermona were still dumbfounded by their recent interaction with the supposedly highest authority of the United Navy. One wouldn't expect the seemingly talkative handsome middle-aged man to be the fleet admiral.

"Good day, Miss Hermona and Sir Escudo. I am Lieutenant Commander Morgen of the Port of Dawn. And this is Lieutenant Commander Ruman of the Construction Yard Vulcan." Morgen introduced himself to the two, bringing them out of their trance.

Escudo nodded in understanding, while Hermona kept nodding. She couldn't believe that the handsome uncle was the fleet admiral. The one who she had apparently talked to when she asked for help in the liberation of the archipelago.

He was the same as she had imagined. Especially with that tone of his, the causal and straightforward behavior that doesn't appear to care about anything.

"Hermona... Why is this place scary?" Tora was losing most of his color since his instincts were screaming at him when the handsome middle-aged man appeared behind them out of nowhere. Leonidas was also furiously sweating since it felt as though he got stared at by a bigger predator.

"As her confidants, you need to act calm even if you aren't." Escudo gazed at the two with a serious expression, though his limbs were still trembling. For the first time, he had felt the feeling of fear that his primal ancestors had gotten from being chased by predators.

Hearing his advice, Tora and Leonidas regained themselves, calming their hearts. The Minokin was right, they had to be brave for the sake of their leader. Otherwise, they would be nothing more but deadweight if they always had the leader take the lead.

"There's no need for all of you to fear the fleet admiral. Besides, aren't you our lives. Why are you acting as though were the same as the ones that enslave you." Lieutenant Commander Morgen uttered to the group of beastfolks.

Hermona gazed at the lieutenant commander and lightly bowed to him while also apologizing. "Sorry for the disrespect, Lieutenant Commander Morgen. We simply don't feel up to standard in a foreign place such as this. I hope you won't take offense."

"I guess that makes sense. I also apologize for what I had said." Morgen smiled at Hermona and sat beside all of them along with Ruman, who appeared to be curiously looking at the group of beastfolks and a lone human girl.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Assembly Hall, Laplace smirked at Abraham who had just returned from his first meeting with Hermona and Escudo. "So, how were the two of them? Are they interesting?"

Abraham glanced at Laplace and replied. "Well, they are interesting, to say the least. Especially that Hermona, she seems to dream like me. Though, you should have seen their faces when they realized who I was." He grinned at the dragoness, who lightly chuckled.

"Was the visit really necessary, Fleet Admiral?" His secretary, Mercedes, sighed at the shenanigans her superiors were partaking in. She couldn't help but feel sorry to those who unknowingly participated in what they ever had in mind. How saddening to be dragged along by the highest authorities of the United Navy.

"It was necessary, Mercedes. It makes me see who they really were, not who they present to me." Abraham calmly responded as an intelligence officer stepped forward and handed a stack of paper onto his arms. He could only hold it tightly despite disliking it to his bones.

After all, it was now his turn to the his job.

"Let's begin the UN Assembly."

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