My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family

Chapter 46: A Fight

Luckily, there was no one outside wh David and Isabel came out of the toilet. They were safe and th they chose a differt path so that no one would see them together.

Isabel had no problem ev if people suspected she had a special relationship with David.

The problem was that David already had a girlfrid. If people were suspicious like that, Isabel would be considered David's mistress. That was what Isabel didn't want.

Wh David headed to his class, he met up with Alex.

The man wasn't alone this time, he was with a few other m.

David recognized some because they were from the same high school but most of them he didn't know. Maybe they were Alex's frids from outside.

Who knows what they were talking about, every now and th they would laugh loudly.

Their laughter stopped wh they saw David.

That's because before that Alex gave a sign for them to look at David. He was the first to find him.

Simultaneously, they all looked at David with various gazes.

Ordinary studts would have be intimidated by such a situation, but David continued to walk calmly. In fact, quite a few studts were worried since they saw the way they were staring at David.

David actually wondered if they dared to do anything here.

As it turned out, wh he started to pass them, one of them pointed a foot forward, seemingly wanting to block his foot.

He would have fall if he hadn't be aware of the foot's presce.

It was a bald man, quite short, standing right next to Alex.

Seeing David stop his steps, the bald man looked disappointed. He obviously expected David to fall down because he accidtally nudged his foot.

After that, he and the others would mock David.

If David got angry and retaliated, they would beat him up.

Scarios like this are all too common in movies.

Of course, it's also a frequt evt in the real world.

Perhaps the group did not dare to directly commit violce at this university, only if David started it first.

"What does this mean?" David asked the bald man.

He naturally wouldn't leave after the bald man disturbed him, his strgth wouldn't allow that. Other people would probably prefer to leave in a hurry.

In reality, David had the overwhelming urge to kick the man's ass.

That impulse came from his strgth that really didn't allow him to be bullied by a bunch of assholes.

Alex and the others were a little surprised, looking at each other strangely.

"Tsk! Tsk! David, it seems your courage has increased," Alex said with a grin.

At the same time, the bald man lifted his chin.

"What? Do you have a problem with me?" he asked David, full of arrogance.

At this point, David's desire to beat him up was ev stronger than his desire to fuck Isabel in that toilet.

It was an urge he had a hard time fighting. Dominating was the way Zeus lived, he as the heir to his power naturally had such characteristics too.


His already tightly clched fist moved swiftly towards the bald man's face, dazzling people as the movemt gave the illusion that time had become slower.


It slammed into the bald man's face so hard that his head slammed into the wall until the wall itself cracked.

David wasn't sure if he hit too hard.

The bald man staggered before falling down, he passed out while his mouth was wide op, showing that he was very shocked before he passed out.

"Damn, how dare you bastard!" The bald man's frids were naturally not silt.

They didn't think about the bald man's condition.

Since David started the violce, they would naturally start it too.

One by one, they jumped at David. Some st fists at him and others tried to kick him.

Alex was among the attackers, and he was actually carrying a baseball bat, who knows how he hid it.

He didn't seem to hold back at all as he tried to attack David because he had actually be offded by David's words in the elevator earlier.

This was a fight betwe many people and one person.

People watching could already imagine what David's fate would be after this.

However, unexpectedly, David managed to avoid all the attacks by simply jumping to the side.

Ev more amazingly, he ev managed to grab the baseball bat in Alex's hand.

His high flexibility made the movemt very easy for him.

After that, as if possessed by a demon, he started swinging the baseball bat at Alex and the others' heads.

They couldn't dodge because he was too fast plus they were still in a state of attacking the area where David had previously be.

Some of them ev bumped into each other since David was no longer there.


Loud banging sounds echoed as the baseball bat smashed head after head, much to the horror of those watching.

A sce like this is a bit too much for those who have never se a fight in person.

The problem is that it does seem too loud.

There is no one who does not scream in pain as their head is smashed by that baseball bat.

While not all of them fell, most of them chose to retreat backwards.

"Stop!" A loud voice suddly echoed as a thin middle-aged man wearing glasses came from behind a door.

He was a lecturer, though thin, his voice was very loud.

Of course, he didn't give off a frighting impression.

"What are you doing?" He th asked David.

Actually, wh he asked that, se was looking at David from head to toe, seemingly wondering if he was a martial arts expert.

He in fact managed to see the sce wh David dodged so many attacks and th fiercely counterattacked.

"They provoked me," David replied calmly, as if he was just doing something casual because he had be provoked.

The lecturer could not clearly understand what provocation David was referring to.

To be sure, he was quite worried wh he saw the bald man who was unconscious. His head seemed to have hit the wall too hard.

After a momt of thought, he said, "all of you, follow me to the lecturers' office!"

He waved to David and Alex's group.

Who is right and who is wrong cannot be decided now, it needs to be checked against the CCTV first. And ev if it is true that Alex's group provoked David first, his violt actions are still unjustified.

At the same time, the lecturer asked the other studts to take the unconscious bald man to the medical room for examination.

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