My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family

Chapter 33: There is No Other Choice

Isabel didn't need an explanation from David to know what was going on.

This can sometimes be a very serious problem because if the tank of that car is not filled with gasoline, it will never be able to run no matter what happs.

However, how could they fill up the gasoline in a situation like this?

Isabel was also confused because she couldn't think of a solution.

She looked at David for a momt before staring at a certain gedund.

For her, it was not difficult to go back to her apartmt, at most she would only get soaked, but wh she arrived at her apartmt, she could take a warm shower and th sleep.

It was an easy choice.

However, there was no way she could leave David alone here while the latter drove her home.

If she left, David would be cooped up alone in this car.

In situations like this, the other person should have tak the person who drove them to their apartmt.

Only, there were many problems if Isabel did that.

For one, there was no change of clothes for David, and the apartmt was actually quite small, with only one room.

Ev if they waited for the rain to stop so David wouldn't have to change his clothes, but where would he sleep? In the guest room? Or in her room while she slept in the guest room?

That seemed a more reasonable solution.

Unfortunately, wh she checked the weather on her cell phone, it was predicted to rain all night.

While she was still thinking, David suddly turned back and extded his hand, looking like he wanted to grab something.

Intrigued by his movemts, Isabel also looked back and found that David had picked up an umbrella.


Isabel had forgott that it was quite common for people to put an umbrella in the car.

"David, come with me, you can't stay here." Isabel didn't know what was going on in her head, but suddly she was saying all that.

Ev she became awkward after saying it while her heart was beating hard. Now she could only think that she would let David stay at her house.

If he wanted to sleep in her apartmt room, she would sleep in the living room.

David looked at the face of the woman.

Seeing her up close in the car room was a completely differt experice.

She was indeed very beautiful, the kind that made people easily like her, not only the m, but also the wom.

Most wom would feel great wh they could be frids with her.

She is an unattainable woman for ordinary m, ev those who are handsome and confidt always find failure wh trying to get her heart.

And one day of change was ough for David who was initially very distant from Isabel to become close to her in terms of distance, ev later she invited him to her apartmt.

"Are you sure, Isabel?" David asked.

Such a question made Isabel feel ev more awkward because the way David spoke practically made the impression that something would happ if she brought him to her apartmt.

"What do you mean?" Isabel asked back, pretding to be confused and not understand anything, as if this was just a casual invitation to a frid.

Of course, there was no way anyone could say that it was an ordinary invitation wh a woman invited a man to her apartmt.

"Nothing, well, let's go to your apartmt," David replied, choosing not to refuse, and pretding that nothing was out of the ordinary.

The currt was leading to something like this, perhaps he needed to follow it instead of continuing to fight the currt which in reality gave him an uncomfortable ssation.

And the truth was that he didn't expect the currt to move to the d point. He also didn't feel like doing the d point before doing it with Jane first.

What he had hoped for was the success of taking at least one special step with the woman, whether it was just a kiss or a little further, helping each other get pleasure with their hands.

"Wait there," he added, getting out of the car first before walking to the door on the other side.

Isabel oped the door just as he arrived in front of it.

Carefully, she took a step down.

Unfortunately, the wind was quite strong. Ev with an umbrella, Isabel found that the rainwater was still hitting her and David constantly.

She was worried that their bodies would still be soaked wh they arrived at the apartmt building.

However, since it had come to this point, there was no stopping.

She followed David under the umbrella, standing side by side where their shoulders were pressed together.

Their steps were fast but not to the point of running.

Unfortunately they hadn't reached the apartmt building yet and their clothes were already soaked.

The umbrella was unstable as it kept blowing in the wind.

Wh they finally arrived inside the apartmt building, the umbrella seemed to be slightly bt.

David tried to fix it but it ded up breaking.

Isabel's mouth oped at the sight, looking like she wanted to laugh but had to hold back because the timing wasn't right.

"I'll replace the umbrella later," she said.

"No need, it's not valuable," David replied, tossing the umbrella into a sizable trash can.

He th shook his head to get rid of the water that had gott into his hair, leaving it slightly loose.

It was probably an amazing sight if se with a woman's eyes, Isabel seemed affected.

She pretded to be calm before taking a step and saying, "follow me!"

They headed towards an elevator and fortunately it was now very quiet, no residts of the apartmt could be se, only the workers cleaning up the trash.

There would probably be a bit of a stir if any of the residts saw David and Isabel.

As far as David knew, most of the people living here were studts from the University of Paris.

They tered the elevator which was rather unique as the doors were mirrors.

The landlord probably knows the needs of studts, always wanting to tidy up before they are completely sure, so a mirror was put in the elevator so that the studts using the elevator could make sure they were completely tidy.

Ev without looking at Isabel, David could see her figure, and it was the same for Isabel.

The latter seemed a little uncomfortable with her wet hair. She th undid her ponytail, letting her hair down.

The movemt only made her look more attractive.


The elevator stopped not long after before the doors oped, revealing a very long hallway with many doors.

There was no one in the hallway either.

However, David could faintly hear some female moans from behind some doors.

He could hear them because of his heighted listing level.

Isabel might not know anything, but obviously this was very common in the lives of the studts.

If Isabel had heard those moans, her mind would have be ev more muddled.

"Where's your apartmt?" David asked, inttionally so that there would be a conversation betwe them.

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