My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family

Chapter 15: Drink The Blood

He was probably a college studt a year or two older than David and Jane, studying while working part-time.

His eyes were instantly drawn to the man and woman.

Perhaps he was a little surprised because seeing them immediately made him conclude that they were a couple.

However, he didn't think too much of it.

He approached them with his eyes fixed on David and occasionally glanced at Jane's figure.

"Are you David?" he asked David.

"Yes!" David nodded.

After that, the man finally took out a key, and handed it to David.

"Let me take a photo as proof," he said.

He prepared his cell phone camera and took a step back.

David certainly didn't mind.

It was very short. The man left immediately after finishing, looking like he didn't want to be there any longer. After all, it's not a pleasant thing for a man to see a couple who seems to have every inttion of making out.

Wh the man disappeared from sight, David smiled at Jane while showing her the key in his hand. He th inserted it into the keyhole.

With one turn, the lock popped op and the door could finally be oped.

"Jane, our apartmt is very simple, please don't be surprised," David said as he pushed the door op, revealing what was behind it, a simple living room with a couple of sofas without much stuff.

If anything was striking it was its neatness.

In the corner, there was a closet full of scice books.

"This is a nice place," Jane said, taking a step into the apartmt.

She doesn't look uncomfortable or anything despite being born with a gold spoon.

She ev looked a wh she arrived at the apartmt.

On the other hand, David closed the door but did not lock it.

He looked at Jane afterward, thinking that she was also very attractive wh se from behind.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to hug her as Jane suddly turned a.

She said, "let's start now, you just need to sit on the sofa and drink the liquid in the bottle."

Jane's eyes stared at David's shirt pocket because the bottle was in it.

"Does it have to be now?" asked David.

"It's more important than your desire," Jane replied. She had obviously guessed David's thoughts. The man still wanted to do something with her.

David pretded not to understand Jane's point.

He sat on the sofa and ev put his feet up on it.

"By the way Jane, this won't cause explosions and such, right?" asked David.

From all the stories he had read, the awaking of superpowers like this almost always caused aura explosions that could ev destroy houses.

David certainly needed to be prepared if it was going to make a mess of his apartmt.

"Nothing will happ while I'm here. Not ev the dust will move from its place," Jane replied.

"I can rest easy th," said David.

He looked at the bottle in his hand again.

To drink the blood, he didn't really hesitate ev though it was the blood of another person.

He was also not worried about the consequces as he was one hundred perct confidt in Jane.

The concept of Jane scheming with him was too impossible.

There was no reason for that.

After a few momts of staring at the bottle, David began to op it, which was surprisingly easy, just like oping a normal bottle.

There was no phomon after the bottle was oped. David didn't smell any special sct either.

The liquid inside the bottle looked calm. It didn't ev look like blood despite its red color.

In David's eyes it was similar to the famous soda drink which was also red in color.

He looked at Jane who was currtly also looking at him, looking calm and focused.

David no longer delayed, he aimed the bottle at his mouth, dropping the liquid inside onto his skull.

Due to the position he arranged, all the liquid inside the bottle fell directly into his mouth, but he didn't find any flavor in the liquid. He ev felt like he had slept drinking anything.

However, wh the liquid reached his stomach, he immediately felt a shocking change.

His consciousness seemed to be brought into an illusion.

He saw a vast sky and countless lightning bolts suring him.

Some of the lightning bolts were truly ferocious as they were in the shape of dragons or tigers.

They all seemed to be alive, watching David.

Wh David thought that everything had appeared, he found a huge faint face far above the sky.

The face had eyes full of lightning, looking down at him coldly.

His heart trembled from receiving that gaze.

In a short time, he felt like he was bathing in sweat.

Fortunately, right after that, his consciousness returned to reality.

However, he couldn't see anything as his eyes were tightly closed. Ev he was unable to op them. His eyelids were too heavy to op.

Ev so, he could sse his surings clearly.

All the objects in the living room of his apartmt seemed to be in his mind. Ev without seeing them, he knew where they were.

This was not because he was familiar with this apartmt. He was sure that ev if he was somewhere else, he would feel the same way.

All this was due to his sharply improved perception.

In his body, he felt a differt power, seemingly trying to merge with the cells of his body.

Although it was something unfamiliar, he strangely understood immediately.

That power was completely a part of him.

If he wanted to use it, it was no differt from moving his limbs.

It was just that it took a long time before he could op his eyes.

Perhaps after about two hours, his body finally calmed down, and he was finally able to op his eyes, which felt many times lighter.

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