My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 119: The Ascension Well

"Why the Silent Hand? Why now?"

"Why now? Timing, dear Ezra, is everything. The right moment, the right place... it all aligns eventually," X said cryptically.

Ezra sighed, feeling the conversation slipping through his fingers. "You really enjoy this, don't you? The mystery, the mask, the games."

X's projection nodded. "I do. It's the spice of life. And you, Ezra, you're a worthy opponent in this little dance of ours."

"Opponent? Is that how you really see me?" Ezra asked, genuinely curious. "Then why would you help me?"

"Aren't we all opponents in the grand game of life?" X replied, his tone philosophical. "Survival of the fittest and all that shit, you know."

Ezra leaned back, considering his next move. "You know, for someone who enjoys games, you seem quite invested in avoiding certain topics."

"Some topics are best left untouched. They spoil the fun." X said, his body language somehow potraying a wink.

"Fun for you, maybe. But lives are at stake. This isn't a game for the rest of us." Ezra shot back.

"True. But perspective is everything. What's a tragedy to some is a comedy to others." X said with a theatrical sigh.

"Enough with the philosophical nonsense. Give me something real, something tangible," Ezra demanded. "You want something to laugh at? Set me on a path to the Silent Hand. I'll give you pure grade comedy."

X seemed to ponder this for a moment. "Very well. The Silent Hand... they're not what you think. They're... multifaceted."

"Multifaceted? What does that even mean?" Ezra asked, exasperated.

"It means they're more than just a shadowy organization. They have layers, complexities. They serve multiple purposes." X explained vaguely. "It's not just about coming under the new count. It's also about gaining access to the Ascension Well."

"The what now?"

"Don't worry about that." X waved flippantly. "I'll give you a clue. The Silent Hand contains three covens. However, they don't all have the same goal. One seeks to come out from under the boot of their current count. Another seeks power.

Plain and simple. And the last? They're the dangerous one of all. They seek control of the Ascension Well."

"What is the Ascension well?" Ezra leaned forward.

"It's First City's best kept secret. You're sitting on a piece of prime real estate, Ezra. You're the key in this game."

Ezra sighed. He still didn't know what the game was. But he did have a clue now.

The Ascension well. It had to be the reason everyone was so fixated on the Southside. It had to be the reason the City Lord wanted to share the land among the counts.

"And what about you? Whose side are you on? What purpose do you serve in all this?" Ezra asked.

"I serve my own purpose, Ezra Matten. I have my own goals, my own agenda." X said simply.

Ezra tilted his head in curiousity. "And what might those be?"

"Now, now. Can't give away all my secrets, can I?" X replied, wagging his finger as he chuckled.

Ezra stood up, pacing the room. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"I've been told that before. But I do try," X said, sounding almost pleased with himself.

"You enjoy pushing people to their limits, don't you?" Ezra observed.

"It's a talent. One of many." X said, his tone light.

Ezra stopped pacing and faced X directly. "This isn't over, X. I'll find out whatever it is you're hiding."

"I'm sure you will. Until then, Ezra, enjoy the journey. It's half the fun," X said, his projection starting to fade.

"Wait!" Ezra called out, but X was already gone, leaving Ezra alone with his thoughts and the ticking of the grandfather clock.

Ezra sank back into his chair, rubbing his temples. X had given him nothing concrete on the identity of the Silent Hand, but their conversation had been revealing in its own way.

There were layers to X, just as he had said about the Silent Hand. Unraveling those layers would be a challenge, but Ezra was determined.

He glanced out the window, the city lights twinkling in the distance. This was just another puzzle for him to solve, another obstacle to overcome.

With renewed determination, Ezra made a mental list of all the leads he had so far. He would dig deeper, investigate further. The Silent Hand and X were connected, and he was going to find out how, no matter what it took.

The sound of the grandfather clock continued its steady rhythm, a reminder that time was both his ally and his enemy. Ezra would need to use it wisely, for the game was far from over.

His phone dinged and he picked it up to view the message.

Gen's back. The message read.

It was time to go home.

With a sigh, he took his jacket from the back from the back of his chair. He wore it and glanced around his spacious office one last time.

The large windows, overlooking the cityscape, reflected the setting sun's orange glow. He straightened his tie and picked up his briefcase, feeling a mix of satisfaction and exhaustion. It had been a long day.

He snapped his fingers and the lights of the office went out. He nodded to himself and exited the office, closing the door softly behind him.

As he walked toward the elevator, his polished shoes clicked softly against the marble floor. The office was eerily quiet, a welcome difference to the usual buzz of activity. He pressed the down button, and the elevator doors slid open with a soft chime.

Stepping inside, Ezra leaned back against the cool metal wall and exhaled deeply. The elevator hummed softly as it descended, the floor numbers lighting up one by one. The elevator song emanated from the speakers, filling the silence.

He watched his reflection in the mirrored wall, noting the faint lines of fatigue around his eyes. He circled his vitality and the lines faded away.

The doors opened on the ground floor. There was a late night janitor waiting, dressed in blue overalls. A blue cart was in front of him, holding his cleaning supplies.

He nodded sharply to the janitor and stepped out into the lobby. The janitor wheeled his cart into the elevator.

Ezra took a step away and froze. What the hell was that?!

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