My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 511: Lin Yuan’s death (please subscribe)

Chapter 511 Lin Yuan’s death (please subscribe)

An incarnation of Lin Yuan is stationed in the Chaos Continent of the Ancient Ming Dynasty, where strong men of the twelfth level gather, and they have a precise classification of the peak strength of the Dao Dao Realm.

The inner world at the peak of the Dao Realm is between 1.5 million and 2 million light years away.

Although the current world within Lin Yuan's body is only 500,000 light years away, his understanding of rules is much higher than that of the peak of the Dao Realm, especially the rules of chaos, which is the understanding that even the peak of the Domination Realm longs for.

Taken together, Lin Yuan's current combat power has already exceeded the peak of the Dao Realm.

"The next step is the ultimate leap." Lin Yuan looked slightly solemn.

Impact Ultimate is divided into two stages.

The first is to receive the infusion from the source of Chaos Void. This is a benefit and a gift from Chaos Void.

The second is the ultimate leap. At that time, you will have to face the backlash of the long river of time and the universe itself. This is the real difficulty.

Many eleventh-level perfectionists are extremely afraid of the ultimate impact because of the ultimate jump.

"The ultimate leap!"

Lin Yuan did not hesitate. Within ten breaths after the infusion of the chaotic void source ended, he had to make the final leap.


next moment.

Lin Yuan's breath suddenly disappeared.

This complete disappearance, complete disappearance from anywhere in this universe.

Even the cause and effect disappeared.

"The Galaxy Star Lord has begun his ultimate leap."

The moment Lin Yuan's aura completely disappeared, the nine strongest men of human civilization reacted immediately.

The ultimate leap is to leap everything about yourself out of the long river of time and pursue the transformation of the essence of life. During this period, any breath and cause and effect will follow the leap out of the long river of time.

"Lin Yuan, we must succeed."

The most powerful Xia Qin thought silently in his heart. He was very emotional after watching Lin Yuan grow from the eighth level to the present. No matter from what aspect, even if the influence of human civilization is ignored, the most powerful Xia Qin Everyone hopes that Lin Yuan's impact will be successful.

"The Galaxy Star Lord will definitely reach the twelfth level."

The most powerful Xuanyuan looked at the other eight most powerful men and said solemnly: "With the background of Galaxy Star Lord, if he can't step into the twelfth level, I can't think of anyone else who can step into the twelfth level, and we are waiting for him." How to enter the twelfth level?"


"The Galaxy Star Lord will definitely be able to reach the twelfth level."

One by one, the most powerful people in human civilization nodded and said, they all have great confidence in Lin Yuan.

"Good Disciple" Red Kun Star Lord, Red Kun Star Lord also faintly felt the fluctuations in time and space, and deduced that Lin Yuan was attacking the ultimate.

"Don't let anything happen." Star Master Chikun was very nervous. Although he was only at the ninth level, he also knew that there was no guarantee of success in the final attack.

No matter how powerful the eleventh level is, there is still a possibility of failure.

Star Master Chikun values ​​Lin Yuan's young disciple very highly. Compared to the most powerful Xia Qin, Star Master Chikun has watched Lin Yuan grow up step by step when he was at the fifth level.

Although it has not been long since he accepted Lin Yuan, Star Master Chikun treats Lin Yuan no differently than his relatives.

In human civilization, disciples are relatives, and teachers are also relatives, and the relationship is even closer than that of relatives.

"Galaxy Star Lord, you must not achieve ultimate success. If you achieve ultimate success, what will we do?" The twelfth-level ultimates from many peak groups have different thoughts, but they have a common idea.

That is, I definitely don’t want Galaxy Star Master to successfully enter the ultimate stage.

"Galaxy Star Lord, you must die and die under the backlash of the long river of time."

Tian Yuchen's eyes were gloomy. Because Lin Yuan fell into the river of time for a short time, and two pairs of wings collapsed, his hope of surviving the great destruction of the universe was greatly reduced.

At this moment, he most hoped that Lin Yuan's attack would ultimately fail.

Because if Lin Yuan successfully reaches the twelfth level, then Tian Yuchen will never have any hope of revenge.

How to take revenge? There is nothing he can do if he is not a Galaxy Star Lord of the twelfth level, let alone a Galaxy Star Lord who has already entered the twelfth level?

By then, if he didn't hide from the Galaxy Star Lord, he might become the first twelfth-level ultimate to fall in this universe.

In a daze.

Lin Yuan looked around.

"This is above the river of time?"

Lin Yuan looked around. Below him was a mighty river, with towering figures standing on the bank.

"Is that me there?"

Lin Yuan looked down. Below his position, under the river of time, a huge creature was curled up below. It was exactly where he was reflected in the river of time.

During the final leap, his most core imprint of life essence and spiritual will will jump out of the river of time and face the backlash of the river of time and the universe.

"Those Twelve Levels can't detect me."

Lin Yuan looked thoughtful.

Although he is above the long river of time at this moment, he has been on another level. This is also the reason why the eleventh-level life cannot be stopped during the final leap.

"The backlash is coming."

Lin Yuan's heart moved, and a series of backlash came in an instant.

These backlashes come from the long river of time, and are not even limited to this branch. The endless backlashes all press on Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan was surprised.

It's not because I can't resist the backlash.

But the backlash was too weak, let alone affecting Lin Yuan, even if it was slightly shaken, it couldn't be done.

The backlash from the long river of time is mighty, like a long river running towards the sea, and Lin Yuan is like a majestic and immovable sacred stone.

No matter how the backlash washed away, Lin Yuan remained calm.

"That's right, my background is tens of millions of times stronger than those with eleventh-level perfections? Even they have the possibility of success in the ultimate leap. If I face these backlashes, if I am affected, how can those eleventh-level perfections succeed? Directly. It was crushed."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Directly stemming from the backlash of time and the universe, Lin Yuan can easily resist the past.

But in addition to direct backlash, the ultimate leap also requires indirect backlash, similar to the inner demon tribulation of the seventh to eighth levels.

One of the requirements for the eleventh level to successfully impact the ultimate is that the spiritual will index reaches tens of millions of points.

The reason why there is this requirement is that only a spiritual will index of more than 10 million points can survive the ultimate catastrophe of inner demons.


A mysterious power comes, this power comes from the main vein of the distant time river, which is the time river that runs through the chaotic void.

"here it is?"

Lin Yuan only felt an unprecedented cold coming. At his level, he should not feel hot or cold, but at this moment, he was extremely shaken, and all his bones were trembling. "Is this the ultimate leap into the world of inner demons?"

Lin Yuan looked around and saw a world of ice and snow.

"There are no rules, I can't even feel the rules of chaos, and my innate magical powers are all gone?" Lin Yuan thought silently in his heart.

If his memory hadn't still existed, he would have felt like he was just an ordinary person. As for everything he experienced in the main universe, it was just a dream.

"Just gotta get through it."

"Just get through it."

Lin Yuan has collected a lot of intelligence information about the ultimate leap, and knows how to survive after being trapped in the world of inner demons.

That’s getting through it.

As for how long to stay up?

There is no explanation.

Time in the world of inner demons is not consistent with the outside world.

Maybe hundreds of thousands of universes have passed in the world of inner demons, and the outside world has only passed by for a moment.

"Go in this direction."

Lin Yuan randomly chose a direction and walked.

In the world of inner demons, he is just like an ordinary person without any magical powers.

Don't know how long it has been.

A vague sound reached Lin Yuan's ears across time and space.

"Martial Ancestor."

"Martial Ancestor?"

"Martial Ancestor!"

"Martial Ancestor!"

"Yes, I am the Martial Ancestor, the ancestor of all martial arts in the world."

Lin Yuan stopped and listened carefully, "These sounds should be those made by the creatures who practice the evolutionary path of martial arts."

"It turns out that this is the meaning of spreading the evolutionary path of martial arts."

Lin Yuan looked thoughtful.

Use all martial arts practitioners as ‘anchors’ to prevent yourself from getting lost and falling.

The greater the number of martial arts practitioners, the heavier the 'anchor' is and the more capable it is of maintaining oneself.

"Continue to go."

Lin Yuan no longer knows how long he has been walking, but he knows that he must keep walking until the world of inner demons collapses and reaches the end of the world of inner demons.


Lin Yuan crossed the world of ice and snow and came to an endless wilderness.

Lin Yuan continued walking without any pause.

The biggest danger in the ultimate leap to the world of inner demons is getting lost and falling. After all, you need to spend a lot of time here, and without any magical powers, eleventh-level beings can easily have doubts about themselves, and then stop.

And once it stops, it means the ultimate jump fails.

"Ice and snow, wasteland, volcanoes. If there are any other disasters, come as soon as possible." The calls of countless martial arts practitioners are ringing in Lin Yuan's ears all the time. Coupled with 40 million points of spiritual will, he has no tendency to fall and get lost.

Lin Yuan dealt with the many hardships in the world of inner demons calmly without making any waves.

"How long have I been living in this world of inner demons? It should be far more than one universe, right?"

Lin Yuan's thinking speed is extremely slow. Here he is ordinary, and the speed of his thinking is also the same. It is impossible to determine the speed of time.

time flies.

Ten universes? Hundreds of universes? Thousands of universes?

Lin Yuan had no idea how much time had passed until he came to a scorching desert again.

He could no longer remember how many deserts he had passed through. All the deserts were the same, with yellow sand filling the sky and stretching as far as the eye could see.


Lin Yuan's expression changed. At the end of the desert, a faint door of light stood there.

"That's the end there? The end of the world of inner demons!"

Lin Yuan was extremely sure in his heart and strode towards the light door.

Yellow sand was flying, trying to stop Lin Yuan, but it had no effect.

Until Lin Yuan arrived ten meters away from the light gate.

Standing here, he could already faintly feel the fluctuations in the rules.

"it's over."

Lin Yuan's mind felt calmer than ever before. He turned his head slightly and looked behind him.

The desert filled with yellow sand seemed to be ripples, the river was surging, and a long river of time flowing from the distant past to the future emerged.

And at this moment.

Behind Lin Yuan, figures appeared one after another from far to near.

There is a young Buddhist disciple wearing cloth shoes and monk's robes. He enters the world and is born immediately.

There was a young heavenly master in Taoist robes who came down from the mountain to seduce the demons.

There are emperors who cook the rivers and refine the Five Mountains, and the sky is majestic.

There is a demon king who comes out of the Yang God and walks into the Yin God, and returns to the five realms.

There is a thin man hiding in the clouds and mist, sitting and watching the middle earth.

There is a towering demon tree standing high in the sky.

There is a martial ancestor who ascends to heaven.

Someone steps into the ocean of light, and stars fall like rain to the world.

There is a figure who is enlightened in the void, and his thoughts are everywhere.

There is a stalwart man traveling around billions of worlds, and the rules of the avenue all originate from chaos.

One after another, figures approached from far away and stopped quietly behind Lin Yuan.

"So this is the twelfth level?"

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face, he turned around and strode into the light door.

(End of chapter)

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