My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 149 Summer Break!

Ironically, the start of the summer season was a rainy day. As soon as Satoshi woke up, he felt a slight heaviness on his body which prompted him to close the windows. His gaze slowly drifted towards his alarm clock which read five in the morning. 'It's raining, huh,' Satoshi said to himself as he got up so he can train with his dad.

On his way out, Emma also got out of the guest room and proceeded downstairs. She decided not to participate in the training today but after seeing Satoshi in sportswear, she changed her mind. She didn't want to be left behind in training especially when Satoshi was giving it her all. In haste, she turned around and headed back to the guest room so she could change from her pajamas.

"Good morning, Satoshi," Ayumu greeted with a light smile on her face. Satoshi could never understand why her mom would be more energetic on a rainy day since he himself slightly dislike the cold weather. "Your dad's already downstairs, waiting."

Satoshi nodded, sniffing in the aroma of the hamburg steak that her mom was cooking for breakfast. 'Hamburg steak for breakfast? Do we have a visitor?' Satoshi wondered. 'Or maybe it's just because Emma is staying here. That's probably the case.'

When Satoshi got to the far side of the living room to access the secret doorway there, Emma came running right behind him. "Let me join the training too." She said.


A few hours ago,

A plane flew right above the troposphere and started descending down to Haneda Airport. The plane was a private jet and most of the time, these types of planes are put on hold since there were will be more passenger planes landing. Fortunately, the private jet arrived at just the right time when one of the runways are clear.

When the clearance was finally taken care of, the private jet smoothly landed on one of the runways and proceeded to go to a hangar. This hangar was rented out by the only passenger of the plane, not counting the pilot and the co-pilot of course.

Once everything was settled, the passenger of the plane came down, wearing a brown trenchcoat. His striking blue hair and cerulean eyes couldn't be more obvious under his hat though, but then again, it's not like he announced his arrival to anyone.

"So this is Tokyo huh, it's brighter than I had expected." The man said, popping a piece of gum in his mouth.

This wasn't his first time in Tokyo, in fact, he had been to Tokyo more than the count of his fingers. Still, every time he goes here, he would always comment on how bright it was, even though the brightness of the city has toned down a bit over the years.

"Sir, your limousine is waiting by the airport entrance." A woman in her twenties spoke. Apparently, she was assigned by the SAO to look after the man as a temporary secretary during his visit to the country.

"Thanks, you can go ahead and wait for me there. I feel a bit light-headed so I wanted to take some time to walk around the airport. You know, to clear my head a bit."

"As you wish, Schwartz-san." The lady bowed her head and went away without saying another word. When she had reached a considerable distance from the man, she started biting her lips. This was her first time welcoming a superhero to the country and it made her feel nervous. No, nervous was an understatement.

'Did I do something wrong? What if I said something wrong and he just didn't want to bring it up? Argh~ I should have reviewed the culture of his country before I welcomed him. But what can I do, it's not like I was told about this ahead of time! I was only told about this a few hours ago. I didn't even have time to prepare. Also, I don't even know what his superpower is. The only thing I know about him is his name.' The woman said to herself.

A few minutes later, she found herself in front of the limousine and she quickly got inside. She heaved a sigh of relief, but she couldn't stop feeling anxious since Schwartz was acting weird.

Well, to anyone who had met him, how he acted was actually pretty weird. However, Schwartz is not a normal person. That's why the norm doesn't apply to him. While other people prefer peace and quiet as their comfort zone, Schwartz prefers the noise, drowning everything in his head and giving him the distraction he needed to relax. And that's why he decided to stay at the airport for a little while longer.

At least, until his head clears up a bit, or at least until the sky clears up a bit.

"This is getting quite troublesome. And also... wouldn't people find it weird that it's raining heavily today?" Schwartz asked himself. "No, thinking about it wouldn't do anything. For now, I should relax."

It took at least an hour before Schwartz finally got to the airport entrance and he went inside the limousine without as much as a single word. The woman who was supposed to be his temporary secretary for the day immediately cleared her throat and nodded at the driver. Of course, they already knew Schwartz's schedule so there was no need for them t inform him. And also, Schwartz was actually looking forward to the first thing on his schedule.

"I wonder how they're doing," Schwartz muttered with a smile.


"Emma!" Satoshi screamed, prompting Emma to put up a portal right in front of Tatsuki's fist before it landed on Satoshi. However, Tatsuki knew what was going to happen all along since he had already activated his foresight skill— one of the recent skills he acquired from Plunder. In an instant, he pulled his fist back and navigated around the portal, landing a hit on Satoshi's face.

But Satoshi wasn't going to fall for the same trick twice. In an instant, he summoned the Ice Empress to block the punch. Since Ice Empress is really confident in terms of speed, she blocked the attack with ease.

p "Fire Burst," Tatsuki exclaimed as explosions came forth from his fist, knocking the Ice Empress away. Satoshi took it as his chance to duck, summoning Sain, his chainsaw familiar. He then told it to run amok, producing countless blades so they could gain distance from Tatsuki.

"Not bad," Tatsuki muttered right behind Satoshi, pointing his finger at his neck. "But as I told you before, never ever panic in a fight. Panicking causes you to stumble and those stumbles would cause you to make wrong moves... and further down the line, it would indefinitely cost you a win. You must always remain calm all throughout the fight. You never know what your opponent has up his or her sleeves." Tatsuki continued. "Still, you're improving on your control with all your familiars. If you can use all of them at once, then you'd probably be able to surpass me."

"But dad, you can hold twenty or so abilities all at once. How can I surpass you? And you even got teleportation this time around." Satoshi continued.

"Well, I hate to break it up to you but... even I, as the number one superhero of Japan, have few superheroes I can't beat— not because they're more powerful than me, but the matchup is disadvantageous for me. If you used all your power, with that Integration Skill of yours and summoning everyone, you'd be able to defeat me. I'm sure of it."

"What do you mean? There are superheroes much stronger than the number one?" Emma asked.

"Of course, I'm only number one in this country. How many countries are there across the globe? There's bound to be someone better than me." Tatsuki continued. "Come to think of it, there's this guy I cannot really defeat no matter what."

"Who is he?" Satoshi's curiosity was piqued.

"You're bound to meet him soon."


"Oh," Tatsuki smiled, as he signaled for Satoshi and Emma to go with him upstairs. The training was already done after all. "There's someone at the door," He continued.

Satoshi and Emma took a peek by the windows as soon as they got to the living room. From afar, they could see a limousine parked in front of their house. A man walked out of it. Meanwhile, a girl dressed in a black suit was standing in front of the gate, she was the one who rang the doorbell.

The man had blue hair and eyes, and he was wearing a brown trenchcoat. For a moment, he glanced up and waved his hand. In an instant, the rainy weather disappeared as if it wasn't there in the first place. One moment, it was heavily raining, the next moment the sun was already beaming in a cloudless sky.

"What the—" Satoshi gulped in amazement.

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