Chapter 36: Enemies from left and right!

The weeks that followed were tumultuous for Rose and Blake. Despite Sam's resignation and the swift action taken, the rumors continued to spread like wildfire. The whispers in the office corridors grew louder, fueled by speculation and sensationalized versions of the events.

To compound matters, the media seized upon the controversy. Headlines painted a picture of a corporate scandal involving Rose and Blake, tarnishing the reputation of the once-thriving business. Reporters swarmed the headquarters, seeking statements and interviews from employees, attempting to extract every ounce of drama from the situation.

The narrative had shifted from a potential internal saboteur to a public relations nightmare. Rose found herself at the center of a storm, facing not only the challenge of corporate espionage but also a relentless onslaught from the media. The carefully constructed walls of her private life were crumbling, and she and Blake had to navigate the treacherous waters of public scrutiny.

In response to the media frenzy, Rose and Blake decided on a proactive approach. They scheduled a press conference to address the allegations directly.

Rose swept into the sunlit foyer in a flurry of clacking heels, game face on. She had beside her her Pr director dressed in a cooperate suit with dark glasses on besides her, holding an umbrella up for her.

Besides that, she had gloves on and practically every part of her body was covered in some form or the other.

The largest media turnout she'd ever faced craned and jostled outside Shelley Technologies' glass doors, a sea of hungry sharks awaiting their next meal. And Rose herself - stalwart head of a multi-billion dollar enterprise - was today's bait.

Squaring slim shoulders, she allowed herself exactly 5 seconds for a private pep talk. The contents of her recent conversation with Blake replayed, his steady faith bolstering her resolve.

"The rumors are completely fabricated, Rose. We have nothing to hide." He had grasped her hands tightly, love and conviction burning in his blue eyes. This man vowed to stand by her publicly even as both their reputations hung precipitously in the balance.

Drawing courage from that anchoring bond, Rose stepped forward to address the impatient media frenzy. Showtime.

Cameras flashed wildly at her emergence, reporters almost climbing over each other to fling aggressive questions. Rose maintained an unruffled composure behind the sleek metallic podium emblazoned with Shelley Technologies' signature cursive logo. One controversy at a time; control the narrative.

Raising a single halting hand, journalists instantly fell silent awaiting her statement. The air practically crackled with electricity.

"Recent personal attacks leveled against myself and employees are entirely baseless," Rose began coolly. "Shelley Technologies maintains the highest ethical standards from leadership down. I am fully prepared to disprove any fabricated allegations around inappropriate or unlawful conduct."

Then bracing internally, "I'm opening the floor to your questions."

Frenzied shouting erupted but Rose continued smiling thinly as she singled out a brunette woman in a trim navy suit.

"Ms. Shelley, what is your response to evidence suggesting you promoted your secretary in exchange for sexual favors?"

Well, they certainly weren't holding back today. Maintaining flawless poise despite her hammering pulse, Rose replied evenly.

"No such evidence exists beyond slanderous hearsay. All employee promotions at Shelley Tech reflect demonstrated merit and growth potential aligned with company values."

Another reporter shoved a stocky bald man aside, his comb-over bobbing angrily.

"But ma'am, multiple eyewitnesses report seeing this secretary entering and exiting your office at odd hours, even late nights! Isn't it true he lives with you now?"

Murmurs swept the crowd at this supposed bombshell revelation.

How dare some common secretary not only seduce the CEO but weaponize it for personal advancement?

Vitriol practically emanated from the salacious stares. Nobody enjoyed seeing the powerful fall more than resentful have-nots.

Betraying not a hint of her disgust at their hypocrisy, Rose maintained flawless composure.

"My secretary and I often work late finalizing international documents across various time zones. His contributions generate immense value for Shelley Technologies," She paused, inhaling slowly before continuing.

"As for my personal residence, I do not divulge such details publicly. Nor should anyone face interrogation over their legally protected right to privacy,"

Her subtle reminder of defamation consequences momentarily quieted the most unscrupulous attendees. But a tall blonde woman Rose recognized from the city paper quickly pressed again.

"Jessica Slate, Channel 6 News! Isn't it damaging for a female CEO to carry on with an employee behind closed doors? What message does it send to young women aspiring to break into the business world like you have done?"

Internally Rose seethed at this patronizing double standard women constantly faced. No such scrutiny emerged over powerful men's dalliances with pretty young staffers! Blake's encouraging voice echoed again, helping diffuse her anger. They had expected this transparent angle.

"I lead by example promoting STEM education for women and developing technologies enabling female empowerment globally," Rose countered smoothly. "My management values diversity and inclusion as I have demonstrated..."

"With all due respect Ms. Shelley," another woman interjected bitingly, "your actions undermine female progress! Men receive excuses and second chances for these behaviors. We must hold each other to higher standards as women!"

A chorus of agreeing murmurs bolstered this stance as righteous heads bobbed. Nothing like condemnation heaped upon one's own to distract from personal flaws. A wordless glance passed between Rose and her head counselor standing unobtrusively stage right. Their predictions were unfolding flawlessly so far.

"I understand your concerns given pervasive double standards that persist," Rose acknowledged candidly. "However the alleged details around my private affairs remain completely fabricated." She straightened, gathering her forces for a finishing flourish.

"Shelley Technologies will pursue legal action for defamation against parties responsible for initiating these false claims. Their attempts at distraction will not compromise my dedication to this company."

Satisfied murmurs rippled outward through the horde though diehard literal bloodhounds still murmured dubiously about abuse of power. Hitting his mark perfectly, the company's PR director stepped forward announcing no further questions. As Rose retreated back inside utter bedlam resumed behind them.

Slumping slightly once out of sight, she wasted no time striding for her top floor office. That went about as smoothly as one could hope given rabid interest in her downfall. But closing the door to Blake's waiting arms, his steady strength reminding her of their unbreakable bond, Rose acknowledged another battle lay ahead.

Rose clung tighter to Blake. In her stood a formidable conqueress, securely partnered with the man she loved more than life itself, atop a self-made empire. If they imagined she would crumble under their petty schemes, they had utterly underestimated her.

Yet a grim chill slithered up Rose's spine nonetheless. Clearly someone is out to devastate Rose by exploiting her deepest insecurities: trust and intimacy.

Well, Rose had assets of her own to retaliate full force. Blake represented more than her heart's shelter now - he was her fiercest champion against all who sought to tear them down. Together they had constructed an impenetrable fortress of devotion. Let doubt and jealousy hammer futility at its unbreakable walls!

If that meant waging outright war against those trying to dredge up the past though, so be it. Gripping Blake's solid shoulders, Rose lifted her chin determinedly to meet his burning gaze.

No more hiding in shameful silence this time. With her company and personal life under attack, she must take swift action. As the sun set blood-red through Shelley Tech's glittering corridors, Rose acknowledged that the real fight stretched before them. And failure carried unthinkably steep costs that would haunt her forever.

But there was more on the horizon than just cooperate attacks and lazy journalism. She could sense it, no, she could smell it. There was blood in the water and she wasn't worried about the sharks that would come play. She was worried about her own kind. When was her sister, Elena going to strike? What game was she playing at?

Rose felt uneasy with the silence.

Not to mention, there was one more she hated to admit but scared her, Damien.

"I'll remain here, awaiting you all!"

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