Chapter 35: Forces are thinning

Rose strode purposely into the office, her heels clicking sharply against the marble floors. As she passed by the front desks, she noticed a few furtive whispers hush suddenly, some gazes darting away nervously as she raked the room with a piercing stare.

Something was going on here and Rose intended to get to the bottom of it. Ever since she'd started seeing Blake, her usually no-nonsense demeanor had begun softening into something her staff had never seen before: vulnerability, compassion, and dare she admit it - happiness. While it unnerved them at first, most eventually welcomed this warmer leadership style. Lately though, the dynamic had shifted.

Settling into her sleek leather chair, Rose considered the observation Blake had shared last night and now, her corporate partners commenting on her "personal transformation". This went beyond standard office chatter into invasive territory.

Who would dare spread rumors about their formidable CEO's private affairs? And to external companies no less! The audacity grated Rose deeply, even as a tiny voice wondered if she herself was to blame. Had she crossed professional boundaries somewhere? No - she refused to shoulder responsibility for petty gossip.

Summoning Blake with a quick instant message, Rose requested they go through staffing records. One by one, they methodically ruled out recent hires along with employees whose longevity and loyalty excluded them from suspicion. As an upstanding man deeply committed to integrity, Blake was even more appalled by the notion of salacious rumors originating internally.

"This speculation serves no one and could seriously damage working relationships you've built!" He insisted, genuine concern crinkling his handsome features.

And he was right, Rose reflected. Who stood to gain from circulating rumors about her personal life? Damaging business partnerships only made competitors' lives easier. This reeked of corporate sabotage.

A knock interrupted her brooding, eyes flashing as Sam the accountant entered. As he nervously presented Rose with budget updates, she studied him intently. Sweat beaded his receding hairline despite the aggressive air conditioning and he kept shifting his watery blue eyes away from her probing gaze.

He was petrified, she realized with surprise. Sam had presented to her countless times but today something was different. The way he held himself - shoulders hunched inward, shuffling feet pointing toward the exit - screamed discomfort bordering on outright fear. What was he so afraid of? Unless...

Dismissing him abruptly mid-sentence, Rose's fingers clenched around the reports until they crinkled. Sam practically bolted from her office, not even bothering to excuse himself. Oh yes, something was very wrong here. Sam knew more than his timid demeanor suggested.

Bursting into Blake's adjoining office, door banging violently against the wall, she quickly recapped the tense interaction. Blake's warm eyes darkened with concern.

"We need IT to dig into his correspondence immediately," he stated. "Email exchanges with external partners, text messages, the whole digital footprint. We'll start there and expand the investigation as needed."

Rose nodded curtly, mind already analyzing additional next steps. Lie detector tests for high risk employees, nondisclosure agreements, even private investigators if critical. This ended now, regardless of where the proverbial breadcrumbs led. Her usually unflappable poise had morphed into cold, calculated determination.

Three hours later, Blake slipped quietly into her office, face grim. Wordlessly he passed a transcript across her pristine glass desk. Skimming the messages between Sam and an unknown recipient, Rose felt her vision blurring dangerously as red hot fury engulfed her.

Not only had he shared private details about her relationship with Blake, he'd grossly embellished them. Explicit descriptions of romantic encounters painted her as some desperate, fawning devotee when in reality she and Blake maintained utmost professionalism at the office. Mortified didn't even begin describing her reaction.

Bristling with rage, she met Blake's distressed hazel eyes. "Get him in here. Now!"

Moments later a trembling Sam was ushered inside. Practically cowering under Rose's blistering glare, any last vestiges of courage rapidly abandoned him. Lying outright only deepened the hole when directly confronted with evidence.

"Speak, spill everything!" Rose commanded. Sam could have sworn he saw his boss's eyes flash red but in the heated situation, he couldn't point that out.

Besides, something else had taken over him as he felt an immense pressure to admit his crimes. It was like he was under a spell or no longer in control of his own mouth.

"How dare you b-betray my t-trust like this?" Rose seethed, struggling to restrain the urge to leap across the desk and shake him violently.

"I never m-meant...they just asked about..." Sam stuttered helplessly before Blake intervened.

"You will write a formal letter of apology to both myself and Mr Shelton, resign effective immediately without references, and sign a binding nondisclosure agreement regarding these damaging falsehoods. Refusal results in legal action. Are we clear?"

Gulping audibly, Sam nodded, defeated and pale.

As he scurried away in disgrace, Rose attempted slowing her ragged breathing. She had never felt so violated and enraged in her life. This still wasn't over either. Sam was merely a puppet; they needed the puppet master.

Gazing grimly at Blake, she knew with chilling certainty that the worst was yet to come. Who was so determined to dismantle her power that they would sink to slanderous fabrications? They had viciously overplayed their hand with Sam; desperation dripping from each keystroke. Like a chess match, she must think several moves ahead.

When Blake quietly took her hand, gentle empathy grounding her churning emotions, Rose squeezed gratefully. No matter what this shadowy saboteur threw at her next or how torrential the coming storm, with Blake's steady strength beside her she would weather anything. Game on.

*Author's note!*

Big shout out to everyone who has supported me on this journey so far!

I recently just signed my contract for this book! Wouldn't be possible without your support, the power stones and encouraging comments!

I just wanted to say thank you all for helping me begin this journey. I'm excited for what's ahead in the future!

Thank you all so much once again!!

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