My Servant System

Chapter 271 270: Race Against Time

Kat PoV

My eyes widened in shock as I stared at the scene at the gate, the surprise at the scene halting my thoughts for a moment.

I watched on as Nirinia blocked a bright bolt of lightning from Julius, before the man used the attack as an opening to shout something.

With my ears ringing, and the distance between us being great, I couldn't make out what he said, but I could guess.

The two twin men that fought in Adelina's Command Squad finished their kills before pivoting, launching themselves at the Lioness with an incredible swiftness.

Lancing their blades through her armored torso, the twins betrayed their Commander in mere seconds, blood spraying over their helmeted heads as they committed their traitorous deed.

Nirinia stumbled, and I could only imagine what the Djinn was feeling; even with how she acted with Adelina, even with the lingering resentment, the Djinn still clearly cared for the Lioness a little, or else she wouldn't have agreed to be here.

The raw emotions that must be surging through her would make anyone falter, but the Djinn's hellish training righted her a a split second, and the Djinn charged Julius, her jade eyes now a sparkling green.

Before she could reach the man, two green fletched arrows slammed into her back, but the woman shrugged off the obvious pain and severed the Justiciar's head with a rapid slash, her golden Dadao not even getting bloodied as she killed the Westerners strongest fighter in one single strike.

Then she turned and charged at the twins, who were dispatched in a similar strike, bisecting them from the waist down and killing them instantly.

Seeing the strong Djinn kneel beside her childhood friend, Jahi let out a loud curse as she shouted "Kat, Leone! Save her! Go now!"

The Vampire and I turned back to the Demoness, who was glowing gold.

"I said fucking go! I can take care of myself! Save Adelina!"

Peering over her shoulder, the Demoness fixed us with her golden gaze, making us both shiver before we nodded.

Matilda's blue eyes were filled with despair, and she cried out in raw agony as Jahi began to overpower her slowly, their blades clanging against each others with sharp shrieks.

Anput still defended against the surge of enemy soldiers, and her ears twitched as she listened to Jahi's shout.

Cursing softly, I nodded to Leone as I shifted the ice sphere, layering the cold solidified mana over our bodies in the shape of armor.

Setting out in a run, we charged through the sea of soldiers, and we unsheathed our blades as we began to cut through them.

We needed to reach Adelina to have a chance to save her, and every moment wasted was precious time to heal her.

As the distance between Jahi and I grew, the enchantments I had placed on her fell, and the Demoness took over for me, unleashing her own magic.

The shouts, clattering of blades, stomping of boots, thuds of bodies, and cries of pain echoed around us, and when it was joined by the scent of blood, urine, sweat, burnt bodies, and the remnants of the sickly sweet ozone, our heads began to spin.

This bouquet of sensory overload that the war provided got to us easily, but we had been prepared for this, trained for this.

So, we pushed the discomfort and pains to the side and continued on, towards the woman that we needed to heal.

The journey wasn't easy, and the soldiers who stood in our way paid the price for it, their bodies cut to ribbons and either frozen or burnt as we made our way to Adelina, but...

As we reached the midway point, two Elves stopped us from continuing on.

Two Elves that we recognized instantly.


??? PoV

"Alright, that's the signal."

Watching as Julius unleashed a flashy bolt of lightning towards the Squire, I nodded to Quintus as we both nocked an arrow, prepared to aid the Justiciar from afar.

The Justiciar's mouth moved, and Quintus chuckled as the twins turned around and stabbed their Commander, dropping her instantly.

Nirinia froze, and her head turned to the Commander's body, her shoulders trembling slightly.

A moment passed, and she turned back towards Julius, that large golden Dadao of hers raised as she shot forwards, faster then an arrow from a bow.

"Shit! Hit her, now!"

Our longbows sang its deep thrum, and the wind enchantment laden on the shafts and barbed tips lurched forwards, slicing through the air and thunking into the Djinn's back.

However, she continued forwards, unfazed by two heavy, barbed arrows embedded into her broad shoulders.


Nocking another arrow, we shot another volley towards the Djinn, only for her to swat them out of the air with frightening ease.

"Agh... Forget it, continue on with the plan. Asmodia should be sending the Princess and the Dogkin to the Commander now. Let's move!"

The younger Elf nodded, slinging his bow back over his shoulders before descending the tower, his movements quiet and controlled.

I sighed slightly at the skill and talent laid before me, pitying the poor youngster who needed to die for internal politics.

He made the wrong decisions over and over again, pursuing his own personal gain instead of the Families, and now he had to pay for it.

A pity.

Holstering my bow as well, I followed behind Quintus as I rushed down to the ground, before running towards the field of combat.

We needed to intercept the two women before subduing the Princess and capturing the Dogkin, before using that...

I just hoped that the thing that Lady Ayla created worked properly...

Otherwise, trouble would befall us swiftly.

Checking my equipment as I ran, I spotted the Dogkin maid shrinking the ice sphere and encasing both her and the Princess in it, creating an armor for them.

Nodding at Quintus, we unsheathed our curved Rangers Daggers and jumped into the crowd, running perpendicular to them.

Thankfully our speed and experience allowed us to navigate the battlefield with ease, and we caught the two women before they reached the halfway point.

Standing opposite them, I stared the two in the eyes as Quintus swiftly grabbed his flare, shooting the green spark into the air.

Many soldiers around us turned to stare at it, and a few moved towards us, joining us quickly.

"So the Sariel Family decided to betray the Empire..."

Quintus and I held our tongues at the accusing tone of the Princess, and she simply smirked at us.

"Leone, go. I'll be fine here. Your magic is more potent than mine."

The Dogkin Katherine met my gaze, and I watched as her eyes flickered to a pale, glacial blue, sending a shiver up my spine.

Those eyes were void of emotion, and her two daggers were held loosely as she stared directly at me.

The Princess bit her cheek before nodding, understanding the importance of their precious time.

Currently, Adelina Leonisa was bleeding to death, and without real medical treatment, she would die a painful death.

Those blades the twins used were special, and they countered most magical treatment, mainly potions...

So right now, that Djinn was probably distraught as she tried to staunch the bleeding, watching as her friend slowly slipped away.

I disliked the underhandedness of the tactic, but it was necessary.

However, Adelina needed to die.

Nirinia Radhi needed to be taken out of this fight, so that the Asmodia House could fall.

Her once lover was the key to removing her, and that was something I came to accept.

Clenching my fingers around the hilts of my twin daggers, I shook my head as I said "I'm afraid I'll need to keep you here, Princess. My apologies."

Raising her brow, the Vampire smirked as she muttered something, making the maid smile slightly.

"Very well, Leone. On three then."

Seeing runes appear around the two spell casters, I cursed as I rushed forwards, joined by Quintus and our soldiers.

"Oh no you don't!"

Quintus shouted towards the Princess, who only smirked at the Elf.

"Sorry traitors, but I have more pressing matters~!"

The duo's runes flared, and I resisted the urge to cover my eyes as a bright flash of crimson flames erupted from beneath the Princess' feet.

Shooting into the air, a gale of wind whipped the flames into a frenzy, adding power to the launch, before a pair of wings made from fire let the Vampire glide towards the Commander.

"Shit! Quintus, go aft-"

Before I could finish shouting the order, I pivoted to the side as a sharp icicle flew past me, skewering the soldier behind me and killing him instantly.

Quintus and I raised our blades, guarding against another attack.

"No can do. Mistress' orders, you see."

Katherine's voice was cold and flat, and she spun the broad dagger in her hand expertly, runes fading away above the back of her palm.

Was that her magic or her daggers enchantment?

The other soldiers around us glanced amongst one another as they stared at the lone maid, before one got scared and shouted "It's just one woman! Let's get her!"

Hearing the shouts of affirmation, I tried to get them to stop, but they had rushed forwards without a care for her personal strength, their blades and shields raised.

However, their weapons wouldn't save them, as more runes appeared around the Dogkin.

Spinning slightly, she avoided a swords thrust before slicing the mans arm off, while a spear of ice impaled him from under his sternum.

When another soldier stabbed forwards, she ducked under the blade and pierced his heart, before shoving his body into two others and sending them rolling under the weight.

"Go from behind. Use them as distractions!"

Quintus nodded, and we both rushed forwards to join the fray, even as more and more soldiers dropped dead.

Though, for every two that dropped, another came from the surrounding Legion, whilst the Westerners joined in as well.

In short, the Dogkin maid was isolated in a sea of enemies.

We just needed to subdue her before extracting her, and this was step one of that plan.

Before I joined in the fray, I glanced over my shoulder, towards the Demoness and Jackalkin.

Both were still embroiled in their own fights, and Matilda was using each of her desperate tricks to keep herself alive, meaning we had some time still.

After all, if they leave their posts, the whole Legion falls...

All according to plan.

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