My Servant System

Chapter 1114: Chapter 1113: Better And Better

Chapter 1114: Chapter 1113: Better And Better

Kat PoV

Jahi yanked me from my knees and smirked at me as she watched me lick my lips, the Demoness wearing a very content expression right now that contrasted her earlier distaste, and similarly I felt rather excellent about what had just happened.

Perhaps it was a byproduct of taming that decent amount of Lust Mana, maybe we were just far too horny for our own good, but either way we had decided that the best course of action after killing everyone inside this bank was - obviously - to have sex and release some of our pent up desires.

"That was exactly what I needed... and see? Why would I ever need some low quality, one time use rag when I have you~?"

Patting my cheek and brushing her thumb over my lips, Jahi smirked as she finished buckling her belt and reattaching her gear to herself, the Demoness raked her eyes over me once more and nodded before hoisting her new shield, which had been 'carelessly discarded' off to the side during our lovemaking.

"And uh... don't tell Anput I just dropped her shield so I could press myself down on you for a little while, alright? Do that for me and I'll keep quiet about you tempting me with some third rate Dogkin thug."n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"I wasn't going to actually let you use her, Jahi; if you had tried I would have killed her before you even got the chance to stick it into her, and then I would have stabbed you. In the shoulder most likely, but the risk of it being closer to the collarbone area was pretty high."

Her smirk only widened at the threat, and she nodded again as she finished strapping her shield to her left arm, the leather straps securing the bulky rectangle of metal and making it easier for her to walk around with it; again, at our strength the shield wasn't impossibly heavy - I could lift it and run with it - but it was still a straining task to use it for long periods of time since it was rather dense materials.

Perhaps we were beginning to enter that fantastical area where metals began to increase exponentially in weight thanks to mana or other factors, or maybe I had been wrong about our levels of physical strength, but either way that shield was damn heavy, at least in terms of war gear that I had had the opportunity to wield.

My blade wasn't subjected to that weight issue though, and I was thankful for that as I unsheathed it again and appraised its surface, inspecting it for any damage that it might have sustained... only to chuckle at the perfection I was gazing upon.

"Anput did a fine job on these, didn't she? I bet she's preening like a peacock over with Leone, constantly complimenting herself and flourishing her weapon. Speaking of, since we already hit the bank..."

Changing the topic of conversation just like that, Jahi looked towards the damaged doors and out towards the empty street she had been walking down, the fighting scaring away the civilians whilst the guards maintained a cordon around the perimeter we had asked them to set before we blitzed in to strike the bank.

"Where was the next point of interest? It was that trade house or something, right? Something about the Fingers bribing one of the merchants to house them and provide them with gear? You still have that map on you, right?"

I nodded and finished inspecting the blade before sheathing it once more, making use of this 'break' to heal myself back to my normal state as I gestured at the doors, saying "Down this street, onto the main one then head west until we reach the statue of that long dead warrior, and right behind it is that trade house."

"Alright, let's get going. I imagine it'll already be cleared out and that merchant is dead, but maybe we can catch them before they get too far. Wouldn't mind testing this shield some more... especially since we both know Anput's going to want some three paged essay on our experiences with them."

That made me chuckle as we began the journey to our next destination, and even though I was contemplating pocketing some of that gold that had been spilled about during the plundering of the bank and the 'fight' afterwards, I knew that wouldn't leave a good impression with these people...

And harming Anput's image in this city was a bad idea since this was a trading city, so if we ever needed her to wield her influence and help secure some funding or something, this was one of the many locations we could head to.

Also... I just didn't feel like carrying around ingots of gold at this point, not when I knew we were walking into an actual treasury waiting to be plundered; that trade house was going to be ours for the looting since the merchants were traitors, meaning everything we saw inside would be ours if we killed the traitors and the cultists.

The journey there was quick and uneventful, with the citizens giving us a wide berth whilst the guards and other fighters all watched us from afar; amongst them, I saw a few ducking away and leaving the main road behind, likely to go report that something had happened to either their comrades in the Fingers, or just the gang that they were running with.

As we entered the square that had that old statue though, it went from being a peaceful day to a chaotic one for the city as a swarm of armed and shouting cultists poured out onto the

streets, coming from various places as they made a beeline straight for us.

Mana fizzled around us as Jahi instantly set her feet and raised her shield, the ribcage of that Fiend absorbing the spells shot our way and giving us a swift jolt as we realized we were under attack.

It was a sudden shift, and it gave us no time to survey the battlefield as the ocean of bodies around us became riddled with foes; civilians were screaming as they rushed towards the exists, guards shouted for order as they tried to keep said civilians safe, other fighters either fled or aided the guards, and then there were the cultists.

The shouts they released were both curses and rallying cries as they began to descend on Jahi and I in waves, simply throwing their bodies at us in hopes of drowning us in steel and flesh, ensuring the ground around us was completely drenched in blood and caked in gore as we began to fight back.

My short sword flickered through the air as the twin helixes of Water and Wind Mana gave me the range I needed to fight on all fronts, severing the limbs of those that got too close whilst I impaled or eviscerated those too far away from me with various lashes of mana.

The worst of their ranged attacks crashed against the shield Jahi was wielding, the Demoness enveloping her body in golden Light Mana and hunkering down as she ignored the attackers around us and focused on blocking the arrows and bolts of mana, leaving them to me.

Each pocket of resistance against the cultists helped us immensely, and as I parried a heavy cleave from a towering meathead, I heard a few of the guards shouting for their comrades to get into formation as they worked their way towards us, hoping to gain some strength in numbers as even more cultists began to pour out of the side streets and trade house.

"There has to be... a damn portal open in there..! There's too many of these bastards..! And their gear!"

Jahi's voice was strained as she braced against the onslaught of magic being hurled at her, and I nodded as I sliced upwards, cutting the man in two and showering me in blood as I took that brief moment to look around at my opponents.

Many of them were wearing heavier armor and wielding larger, higher quality weapons that weren't in our reports, and the surplus of potent magics being thrown around willy nilly suggested that these cultists had some enchanted gear with them, which gave some credence

to her theory.

I couldn't reply to her directly though since another three cultists leapt from the sea of civilians around us and tried to chop me into pieces, their flaming blades swishing down towards me and roaring as they funneled their mana into their weaponry.

"[Warding Bubble]!"

The words were barely heard despite be speaking them clearly and normally, but their effects were felt as a sphere of water enveloped Jahi and I, catching those flaming blades and blocking them for a split second that allowed me to weave together another incantation, my ability to write runes with a single hand being matched with the ability to form the mana

using my voice as I went with a second spell.

"[Aquatic Barbs]!"

Spears of water pierced out of the bubble I had made and impaled the three cultists, stunning

them as I killed them with a precise spell that caused their heads to burst, showering the area around us in more gore as we were enveloped by even more enemies.

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