My Servant System

Chapter 1102: Chapter 1101: Swapping Information

Chapter 1102: Chapter 1101: Swapping Information

"That's... about as good as I think I'll get it before we have the ability to actually test it out with the right materials and some other variables; it's pretty good isn't it~?"

Anput gave me a nod as she shook her hand vigorously, trying to get some feeling back into it as she gradually heated her skin up and melted away the frost that was trying to creep its way up her arm and deal even more damage than it had, though as I got closer and began to redirect it she had a better time healing herself.

"It's an interesting spell, that's for certain. It doesn't exactly deal that much damage, but like you said... this explosion of compressed, 'frozen' air in a small space nearby someone's limbs would most definitely make it harder to accurately and properly cast a spell or make use of an enchanted item."

The spell itself was a simple one, like Anput had said; it was just a blast of extremely cold air in a small area that would go off after the mana inside of it overloaded the circuit, which was however long you wanted it to be.

Using it as a landmine of sorts was entirely possible, but the main idea for it was to toss it like a shuriken and have it activate beside someone's hand, or at the very least near their arm so that the frost might find its way down towards the extremities to begin doing its job; either way, I had managed to quickly create that spell and had it ready to be ingrained into a physical medium for future use.

"Good, that means it did its job well. Now, the other idea had been to try and amplify it with something else, be it elemental metals or gemstones right? I think that would make a noticeable difference, don't you?"

"Probably, thought I think you would need to find the right materials for it to be worth a damn. The small amount of power you can extract from those elemental metals wouldn't be enough to really warrant the effort, and the gemstones is definitely a frivolous endeavor. Maybe if you amplified the effects with another enchantment it would work better..?"

Swinging my legs forwards and gently smacking them against the bed frame when they came back to me, I ignored how Anput oriented herself in a way that my feet glided just past her face as she found herself a 'comfortable' spot to sit and watch the 'show', instead spending my time mulling over her suggestion.

"Perhaps a priming disc of some kind to make that blast of cold air all the more 'damaging'? It could be pretty simple too, like an explosion of water that soaks the target and makes the chill all the more noticeable, especially if they aren't cloaked entirely in mana? But that's still-"

When my leg swung out again Anput reached for it and grabbed ahold of my calf, forcing me to look down at her as she pressed her cheek to the bare skin and stare into those heated obsidian orbs as she asked "How about we focus on something else for right now, Kat~? Particularly..."

Kissing my calf, Anput stared at me hungrily before pausing as my other leg swung out too, though its target was her chest as I gently held her in place, not allowing her to get any closer; the denial made her pout, though when she heard my low whisper as I smirked at her from above she was more than willing to play along with me.

"Is that how you ask for your mate for her body, An- put~? Surely you know a better way to make me willing, hm-?"

The spark of all too familiar lust ignited between us and enshrouded us in a wonderful warmth as we joined Jahi and Leone in their 'unwinding', and since we had some more time to kill I had no problem trying a few things out for Anput as we explored a few different things she wanted from me, and admittedly...

I had a lot of fun with it, so even though I would have preferred to do some more work for the battles to come, this was also something I wanted to do, so I had no issue at all playing with my mate until her Mom came home.

We even had time to clean ourselves up in the luxurious pool that was Anput's bath as we got ready for her parents to return, and before we could lose ourselves to our never ending lust we decided ourselves to head on out and make our way to the main hall to have something to eat.

All of the pups were there, but as soon as they saw us enter - and they took in the lack of their parents - they joined Yasmin and left the main hall to do something else, with Aisha glaring at us all as she 'protected' her siblings from... well, her other sibling.

Anput didn't seem to mind that at all, and honestly I was more interested in sitting down and playing a game of chess as we waited instead of dealing with children at the moment, since I could now bounce ideas off of Leone again now that she wasn't stuck beneath a certain blue skinned Demoness...

By the time that the two Caninekin returned, the sun had long since set and the moons were shining brilliantly overhead, illuminating the desert somewhat and painting a beautiful picture over the city as we sat beside the giant windows and played a game whilst chatting.

When they strode into the room, Lady Kio was wearing a very irritated expression as she plopped down onto the couch beside us, while the Sultana crossed her arms and said "Honestly I must admit that I am surprised you all are still up and sightly... I had guessed you all would be in bed already, 'sleeping' the night away..."

Before any of us could respond, Lady Kio snorted and reached forwards to move my piece, taking my move for me and doing almost exactly what I was about to do as she added "It's a good thing you weren't, because I would have come in and force all of you to get dressed and come outside."

I raised a brow and looked at the petite woman beside me, but she just curled her lip in slight distaste as she tried to look down at me over her nose, only to fail to do so since I was just a bit taller; either way I waited for her to continue, and she did just that with another snort as she said "We got some news to deliver to you younglings, and the matter is rather pressing. And I imagine you have news for us if you were waiting out here..."

"Does it have anything to do with the Fingers, perchance? Specifically some kind of plan to do something drastic with the help of Fiends?"

The Sultana nodded and waved over a Death Jackal as she began to whisper something to them, letting Lady Kio speak for her as the petite Dogkin answered "Right on the money there, brat. What started as just a visit to cleanse the world of some Nua Fiend filth turned into something much more vexing when a bunch of those pricks showed up."

"Yes indeed, and we'll be seeing more of them from now on Mother. Over in Bascra we discovered their plot; the reason they targeted the scholarly city was to find the research books on mana swapping, specifically on a large scale."

Anput didn't even need to continue for Lady Kio to let out a growl and rub her temples, the older Dogkin baring her fangs as she stared at the board closely and alleviated the headache that was beginning to form as she growled "I should've had those damn books burnt or locked inside a high security vault beneath the sands... Gods be damned!"

Flicking her finger forwards, she pushed a piece forwards with her mana and barked "Hera! Go get the others and bring them here. We need to start combing over the desert and locating the rest of these Fiends one by one; they're walking batteries waiting to power these dumbasses


"Tell everyone this is of the utmost importance; everything else is to be halted for now."Nôv(el)B\\jnn

The Sultana's added remark made the Death Jackal nod and disappear as soon as she was able to, emptying the room again and making the deep growl coming from beside me all the more


"Well, this is one of the things I really didn't think was going to happen when I heard the Fiends were back. Pricks... They can't leave well enough alone. That Nua Fiend we burnt to a crisp was in the process of being convinced to join the Fingers, so it would seem they plan on gathering an unprecedented amount of Fiends for this idea of theirs..."

Moving another piece, Lady Kio glanced at her wife before letting out a sigh as she leaned back into the couch, not saying anything else as she instead roped one of the opposing pieces and crushed it, venting some of her frustrations on the board... and achieving little in the


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