My Muscles Adapt 10,000 Times Faster

Chapter 90: Morgan's Full Strength! (Fixed)

Morgana's spell circle spun violtly as the ancit gods language flowed within the spell circle. Morgana's hands fluttered and she formed numerous hands seals as her lips moved as she completed her incantation.

Massive amount of arcane ergy erupted as the wind howled.


The air compressed and condsed as a massive wind blade two meters in emerged and sliced towards the Giant Sky-Piercer Eagle without the slightest noise.


The Giant Sky-Piercer Eagle screeched as it leaned sideways, it's left and right wings curling as it swerved to the side, narrowly avoiding the wind blade as it sliced directly into a massive mountain.

The side of the mountain slid off the as it tumbled towards the g like an avalanche!

The Giant Sky-Piercer Eagle eyes shone as flapped its wing and its velocity increased drastically, closing in on Morgana like a speeding Fighter jet.

Sonic boom blasted three times as the beast broke through several sound barriers, closing in on Morgana as its steel-like talons swiped directly towards Morgan's neck.

Morgana didn't show any signs of panic. She smirked and suddly increased the circulation of arcane ergy on her left leg, reducing the one on her right.

Her body abruptly leaned to the right as she flew sideways, narrowly avoiding the talons.

At the same time, her fingers fluttered like butterflies as she changed hand seals. The sky darked as Morgana's voice rang out like a clarion bell.

"Whirlwind Prison!"

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere changed as a gale veloped the radius of a hundred meters radius.

The Giant Sky-Piercer Eagle, eyes wided and its wings flickered as it tried to change directions but it was too late.

A massive swirling column of wind suddly spiraled up from the g as it veloped the Giant Sky-Piercer Eagle, creating a high-speed razor-sharp wind that rotated at an incredible speed, like a hurricane!

The Giant Sky-Piercer Eagle screeched loudly as the whirlwind trapped and imprisoned it.

Without hesitation, Morgana changed her hand seals once more and in the Blink of an eye, her six magical circle spun like gears as she let loose another incantation.

"Let the heavs cry out, let the earth tremble and let the wind scream—Wind Odessy: Stormcaller's Wrath!"

Her incantation echoed with the authority of an ancit sorceress, and the wind responded immediately, intsifying a the swirling column that had imprisoned the Sky-Piercer Eagle.

Her six magical circles shimmered, one overlapping the other, creating a mesmerizing, multi-layered matrix of magical ergy.


Lightning crackled ferociously within the storm, tiny arcs of electricity dancing along the perimeter of the whirlwind. Morgana's hair whipped a wildly as arcs of power coursed through her fingertips and into the spiraling wind prison.


The eagle's furious cry pierced the sky, but it was drowned out as a deafing thunderclap erupted, reverberating throughout the forest.

The whirlwind surged, pulling in the suring air with terrifying force, causing trees and rocks to be uprooted and dragged toward its core.

Th, in a blinding flash, lightning rained down from above.


A massive bolt of lightning struck the cter of the whirlwind, splitting into countless tdrils that wrapped a the trapped creature like serpts. The air sizzled as bolts of electricity seared through the eagle's feathers and flesh, each strike accompanied by a violt explosion.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The whirlwind transformed into a deadly vortex of wind and lightning, the sharp gusts shredding the eagle's feathers and skin while arcs of electricity burned its body from the inside out.

Each lightning strike left a charred, smoking wound, and the giant bird's screeches of agony and fury reverberated across the battlefield.

But Morgana didn't stop there.

"Stormcaller's Wrath: Second Manifestation—Thunder Collapse!"

She chanted, her voice rising above the roar of the wind and crackle of electricity. Her magical circles glowed blindingly, and th...


The tire column of wind collapsed inward, compressing into a singular point along with the trapped lightning. The Sky-Piercer Eagle was crushed within the vortex as it shrank violtly, its massive form being torn apart at the atomic level.

The eagle's cries abruptly stopped as its body was reduced to a small, pulsating orb of condsed wind and lightning ergy.


With a sharp flick of her wrist, Morgana unleashed the final command.

The orb exploded outward, sding out shockwaves of compressed air and lightning that blasted through the clearing.

Trees were flatted, boulders shattered, and the g itself cracked under the sheer force of the explosion.

Wh the dust settled, there was no trace of the Sky-Piercer Eagle left—only a smoldering crater in the cter of the forest, its surface scorched and blacked.

Morgana floated above the devastation, her breathing heavy as she surveyed her work. The power of her spell had drained a significant portion of her mana, but the thrill of victory coursed through her veins.

"A Rank 3 magical beast… defeated in less than t moves," she murmured, eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

She extded her hand, and a single, shimmering feather—burnished gold and tipped with crackling blue—floated up to her.

The essce of the once-proud Sky-Piercer Eagle.


In the sky above, the second Giant Sky-Piercer Eagle let out a shrill screech, its steel feathers shimmering under the sunlight, wings spread wide as it prepared to launch itself at him.

But before it could ev react—


—the g beath Tron caved in, leaving a t-meter wide crater. The sudd burst of force st chunks of earth and dust spiraling into the air. In the blink of an eye, his body blurred, transforming into a crimson streak tearing through the atmosphere, blasting forward like a meteor.

The eagle's predatory eyes wided in shock, only managing to flap its massive wings once before Tron's body collided with it head-on. The impact was so powerful that a deafing 'Bang' reverberated throughout the forest, sding shockwaves rippling through the air.

The sheer force flung the beast back like a ragdoll, as it was blasted backwards.

Tron wasn't left out either, he was st flying backwards like a kite with a brok strings.

However, he suddly tapped his feet against a nearby tree which exploded splinters. The force temporary stabilized Tron's body for a second.

At this momt, Space Rder blade had somehow appeared in his hands, its edge shimmering with a haunting silver glow. A dark smile crept across his lips as he raised the blade high.

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