My Muscles Adapt 10,000 Times Faster

Chapter 20: Blood Art: Blood Rage!

[Ding! Blood art [Blood Rage] Unlocked!]

[Blood Rage: Activated]

[This is the Blood Art, Blood Rage – a primal power surging through your veins.]

[Physiological Changes:

Adrenaline Surge: Your heart rate spikes, flooding your system with adrenaline. Expect enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes.]

[ Pain Suppression: Nerve receptors are dulled. Pain becomes a distant echo, allowing you to push your body past its normal limits.]

[Muscle Augmentation: Muscle fibers engorge with blood, increasing density and power. You may experience involuntary muscle spasms and tremors.]

[Sensory Enhancement: Sight, hearing, and smell are heightened. The world becomes a symphony of detail, aiding your combat instincts.]

[Mental State:]

[Focused Rage: Rational thought gives way to primal fury. Your mind fixates on the threat, driving you to relentless aggression.]

[Tunnel Vision: Peripheral awareness narrows, fixating on the immediate target. This enhances focus but limits your ability to perceive subtle threats.]

[Inhibited Self-Preservation: Fear and caution are suppressed. You may take risks and ignore injuries in pursuit of victory.]


[Blood Rage is a double-edged sword. While it amplifies your combat prowess, it also strains your body and mind. Prolonged use can lead to exhaustion, injury, or even mental instability. Use this power judiciously, and always be mindful of its consequences.]

[Stage: Level 1]

[The full extent of your Blood Rage is unknown. As you use this power, its true potential will reveal itself. Train diligently, master your rage, and become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. ]

[Activation: Rage.]


Sensing the distress, his brain sent distress signals to his nervous system, activating the adrenal gland.



Tron's heart suddenly pounded heavily as blood started flowing through him at an increasing pace.

Like the piston of a hand-wheeled generator, his heart thumped heavily against his chest.

His muscles started to tremble violently as his strength suddenly started to rise.

Veins, the size of a human's thumbs, buldged out from underneath his flesh, wriggling like pythons.

Muscles, hardened by countless hours of training, quivered and expand, each fiber pulsating with raw energy!

A wave of heat washed over his entire body, his skin immediately turned red as though a blazing heat had ignited within him.

It's as if his body was a spring, ready to unleash its full force.

Sweat, dripped down his brow and trickled down his sculpted form.

The world around him suddenly sharpened, colors intensifying, sounds becoming crisper.

His eyes, once calm, now blazed with flames, their pupils dilating as if to consume the world around him.

Each breath, a ragged gasp, filled his lungs with a burning air that fueled the inferno within. His teeth clenched, a silent snarl etching onto his face.

The world around him blurred, his vision tunneling as he locked his bloodshot eyes, entirely bloodshot with hundreds of small veins surroundings pupils like a demons'.

He was like a fully throttled car engine without wheels!

He gazed at the Vengeful Ghost Demon with a smirk and said,

"You're... Hideous."

Time suddenly slowed down and before his voice faded, he moved.


Shockwaves spread outwards and the ground beneath his feet shattered to dust.

Like a shooting star, his body turned drew a fiery line, shattering multiple air resistance, producing sonic booms as he moved.

Almost simultaneously, sparks flinted off in mid air like fireworks as the Vengeful Ghost Demon appeared before Tron like a ghost, its scissors, stabbing straight at Tron.

This time, Tron was actually able to react as he crossed his arms in response.


The scissors stabbed straight through both his arms, shattering his arm bones as the force pushed Tron's arms to his chest.

The scissor immediately pierced straight into Tron's chest, shattering his ribs in the process.


Blood splattered in the air as the sharp scissors was only a centimeter away from piercing his heart.


Tron bellowed in rage, the within him exploded like a volcano as his strength increased drastically!

He managed to push his pierced arms back, slowly pushing back the scissors from his heart.

However, at such a close distance, the demon's smell tickled his nose but it wasn't the horrifying sulfuric smell he was expecting but a strange calming scent, like that of a jasmine flower.

Tron lifted his head and his blood-shot eyes gazed closely at the Demon's face. However, the horrifying Vengeful face of the female demon suddenly changed. It was like a paint being wiped clean and the face of a devastatingly world-toppling beautiful woman appeared in its place.

At such close distance, she leaned towards Tron and whispered. "Am I truely hideous?"

Tron's berserk state was almost interrupted and he was immediately left stunned!

He wasn't able to react when his moving body suddenly collided into a boulder, making him stumble, falling, rolling and bouncing through the ground as he struggled to regain his footing.

Tron hurriedly flipped on his feet, the kinetic energy dragging him through the ground as he hurriedly looked around for where the vengeful demon was.

However, she had vanished along with the magical circle!

Tron growled slightly in confusion but shook his head. It might simply be an illusion. If it weren't for his intense will, his Blood Rage state would have been canceled.

He gazed around carefully and only when he was sure there wasn't any danger did he cancel the Blood Rage. The sudden loss in strength left his body weakened for a few seconds. The Vengeful Demon was simply too powerful. Luckily, he hadn't fought with her one on one.

Quickly, he wrapped his body with bandages, stopping the bleeding in his chest, arms and stomach.

Suddenly, his eyes locked in on Kane. A maliciously smile immediately graced his lips.

Kane was third on his kill list. And seeing him helpless, bleeding out from his orifices, made Tron's smile widen even more.

'What the hell is going on!?'

Currently Kane was in a state of panic and despair! Tron didn't even manage to die even after the third strike!?

Sudden urge to flee overwhelmed him but his mana had been depleted and he lacked the strength to even move.

Seeing Tron walking towards him, Kane managed to get up, wiping the blood off his face as he sneered, "You don't truly have the guts to kill me. I am the Head Servant and the Supervisor will spend all effort to track down my killer. Especially since both Jason and Gillard had dissappeared in the same forest!"

Tron's so feet paused and he stared strangely at Kane as though he was staring at a fool. "Is that so?"

Seeing Tron had truly paused in his steps, Kane eyes immediately lit up. "Yes, yes! If you kill me now, you will be the main suspect for the death of first-year Gillard and Jason and would be sentenced to death!"

"Hmm? So you mean I should let you go?" Tron stroked his chin in thought and asked.

Kane immediately nodded his bloodied head in glee. "Your only option now is to le- kwuck!"

Kane touched his neck in confusion then looked at his hands only to realize it was warm blood spilling through his fingers.

It was then he looked up and saw Tron's afterimage vanishing from the spot.

Tron had appeared behind him without a single sound.


Tron withdrew the blade from Kane's neck and wiped the rusty blood with Kane's servant shirt. "Your logic is sound, and I might have kept you to farm limit points. But I'm more curious about the reward the system offers me. And to be honest, you've wasted your potential, don't you think?"

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